That shit was hilarious to listen to. Trumpys however will say “he is free to say what he wants” and to ask officials in Georgia to find him 11K votes so he’ll be the winner. Lol. We know Trump is terrible and will do or say anything but his Idiot Crew oughta by now just admit they they’ve been following a fool and that his behavior in pursuing this win is shameful and call it a loss.
But the my won’t. Because Trumpys are stupid, shameless, foolish and amoral.
The circular logic of the Trumpys is hilarious.
1. They believe there was election fraud
2. They want others to provide proof of election fraud.
3. They believe that if others don’t provide proof there’s a conspiracy to hide election fraud
4. They have no proof of election fraud.
5. They complain to the heavens that no one can find the election fraud.
6. They surround themselves with other fraud believers.
7. They believe there is election fraud.
Originally Posted by 1blackman1
i understand your anger and rage - DPST's - Voter Fraud is a DPST party preserve from tammany hall, to chicago Daly machine, to JFK?LBL. To Brenda Snipes - and that is the tip of the ice berg.
You certainly should feel enraged when accusing another party of voter Fraud. You are the experts- and certainly do not want your expertise imitated or used by anotehr party.
So why be so enraged and hateful towards those you define as "stupid, shameless, foolish and amoral."
Why be so insecure , angry , and hateful toward those you define as such???
Since I am" stupid, shameless, foolish and amoral." - What threat am i;, why hate so deeply, ????
Now, Now - trump leaves in 16 days - and you have the DPST senile Biden and radical marxist harris to guide you into comrade Xi's world of CCP paradise.
Settle down, relax with your hatred, and get some professional help.
16 days - but - most DPST's cannot see that their raison de existence hatred is gong away.
DPST's will just have to Hate each other - progressive radicals and Anti-fa v all other DPST;s.
and , of course, the street riots to be released by harris/biden are really a 'peaceful summer of love"!