What happens after the destruction of the family? Is the plan to put everyone on welfare? Isn't that what a lot people already want?
And then what? What is the end goal here?
After every white person is deemed a racist, and everyone is on welfare, and there are no longer any genders ... then what? What is that supposed to accomplish?
Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
well, one of blm's ideas is to protect black men from the criticism of being an absent father. they want that criticism stopped
that is why they had in their "platform" concerning the destruction of the family the mention of a mother but not a father. their smoke screen is the father is not important to the raising of a child so you whities lay off the black men
but in true Marxist form, they still want the community to raise the child, including the attendant brainwashing
in Marxism, the idea is you belong to the state and your allegiance is to the state- you would be "raised" in a collective or by a collective controlled by the state- they will teach you what they want you to believe. there would be no family to look to or protect, or family to protect you and teach you, the family creates an alternate allegiance, which gets in the way of control and power over the individual
the end goal is Marxism and control of your mind and body