Senator Ted Cruz

HedonistForever's Avatar
Texas and Florida will have a much harder time holding corrupt elections in the future. That will take out the corrupt gop in those states
Originally Posted by Tsmokies

What just happened would make corrupt elections in the future more likely but I wouldn't expect you to understand that and as a side note, Florida counted it's ballots faster than any other state precisely because they did reform their election process prior to this election. What just happened was NOT holding states accountable for following their own election laws and a SC un-willing to interfere.

Your lack of intelligence never ceases to amaze me but you are the emoji champion so you have that going for you.
matchingmole's Avatar
Beto wins again
matchingmole's Avatar
H I M won Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong


Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Question is should he be worshiped as a God?
Maybe to his David karish/Jim Jones brainwashed believers that keep drinking the Clorox kool aid. They can kiss his fat orange ass of suck his big fat orange boobs lol.

Not sure how to spell David's last name but he was the killer of his followers in Waco. Aka We Ain't Coming Out

Only the really ignorant clueless can sacrifice their self and their family to a corrupt cult leader they blindly trust