MLK was dirty POS

Ob0 just called dilbert a whiney little biotch. Ob0 should know

Maybe I get another 20 points to add to my 80. Everybody has to move on sometime
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-19-2021, 01:44 PM

man I thought he was a saint.... not.

This holiday is another reminder that Organized Jewry is essentially Communist,

Organized Jewry (Communism) champions the underdog in order to undermine Western society. Cabalist Judaism is a corrosive acid that seeps into the fissures of society -- race, class, gender -- in order to erode it. They say so themselves. There is no genuine desire to uplift or empower the goyim. On the contrary, the agenda is to cripple & destroy Western society and rebuild it in their sad and loathsome image: The New World Order.

Open your eyes folks! Trump. Obama. Clinton. Sanders. Biden. They are all Communists. They are all Satanists.[/B]

. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Did you read this crap before posting?

You sound like a late 1930's Hitler.

You should rtm yourself.
I know Wtf that the dilbutt and ob0 are fun to fck with on occasion. It's just takes time an effort (not me) to read the spammers with no clue
the guy was flawed

so is everyone one way or another

but that doesn't mean good things can't come from flawed people

he was an inspiration and in opposition to others at the time, he used peaceful means to address real issues

the troubling thing to me is that today the basic message of MLK, the message people heard and remembered and clung to, the one that made a difference, has been tossed out by the left

yes he is at times given lip service but the only people calling for us to heed his message seem to be conservatives

the left is doing the opposite, judging everyone in groups and by skin color
Problem that Dilbert, OEB, and other zealots here share is that they don't know how to debate effectively. FOCUS. Don't expect anyone to devote the time to read a manifesto. Choose a point and make it, then be prepared to defend. Too much lays you open to be shot down. Personally think the above are full of s**t, but never hurts to try and educate the ignorant. As is, boring and not worth the bandwidth.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
i think DF might have good reason to rtm the above post. Originally Posted by oeb11
Of course you do.

Did you rtm DF for his racist, xenophobic and anti-semitic trope in this thread?


Well somebody's gotta!

  • oeb11
  • 01-19-2021, 04:30 PM
Ob0 just called dilbert a whiney little biotch. Ob0 should know

Maybe I get another 20 points to add to my 80. Everybody has to move on sometime Originally Posted by Tsmokies

oeb11-i reproduce my post accurately and in total"

DF - your post quotes mostly second hand hearsay , and is basically unsubstantiated, IMHO.
MLK , Jr. was not a saint, and was an unfaithful husband to his wife - that is documented..

Frankly - the rest of of teh post by Stang reminds me of teh typical unsubstantiated hysterical posts of teh LSM - all designed to instill fear and cause compliance with the marxist message and ideology.

It is typical of DPST/CCP propaganda.

'proof' is dependent on evidence 'squestered" - until 2027. I would be happy to see that 'evidence' if i live that long.

Regardless, - IMHO MLK Jr. espoused non-violent protest of racism, and respected the principles of representative democracy. he used those principles to effect constructive and needed change in racial equality in America.

I do respect teh approach MLK, Jr. took in advancing the cause of Equality for All Under the Law - a principle the modern DPST/CCP party has abandoned totally in favor of a regression to pre-MLK.Jr. days - a principle of Minority identity politics Uber Alles. It is a policy of divide and conquer - NOT UNITY of America.

Don Lemons' criticism of Republicans honoring the memory of MLK, Jr. - shows just how Controlling, arrogant, elitist, and mid-guided are the elite of teh DPST/CCP party - and how their hatred and zeal to marginalize, cancel, and destroy anyone who dares to disagree with their political narrative will be treated - Beginning tomorrow!

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4 hours ago — CNN's Don Lemon has criticized Republicans who quoted and praised ... Today we honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a giant of the Civil Rights ...

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POLITICO Playbook: An MLK Day challenge to the news media › newsletters › playbook › 2021/01/18

1 day ago — POLITICO Playbook: An MLK Day challenge to the news media ... at 10 p.m. EST on my CNN show, “CNN Tonight with Don Lemon.” And that is to give DON'S TAKE: My honest, unflinching, fact-based point of view on what's going on. ... a “white supremacist” and criticizing professional sports owners and ...Missing: honoring ‎| Must include: honoring

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5 hours ago — The duplicity of prominent Republicans who on Monday paid tribute to Dr. ... the 2020 election result did not go unnoticed by CNN's Don Lemon. ... for posting “empty tweets” in honor of the civil rights icon on MLK Day, the ... Trump's 1776 Commission Critiques Liberalism in Report Derided by Historians.
ts - please verify from my post your allegation and language.

I object to that mis-characterization - it is fraudulent, like most DPST/CCP posts.

Perhaps you do deserve an action from the mod.

Not my decision.
  • oeb11
  • 01-19-2021, 04:32 PM
Problem that Dilbert, OEB, and other zealots here share is that they don't know how to debate effectively. FOCUS. Don't expect anyone to devote the time to read a manifesto. Choose a point and make it, then be prepared to defend. Too much lays you open to be shot down. Personally think the above are full of s**t, but never hurts to try and educate the ignorant. As is, boring and not worth the bandwidth. Originally Posted by reddog1951

Thank you for your juvenile and dis-respectful post - rd
it seems to me that a course in 'debate" - say - from Ted Cruz, for example , would benefit your posting points.

Thank you.
  • oeb11
  • 01-19-2021, 04:33 PM
the guy was flawed

so is everyone one way or another

but that doesn't mean good things can't come from flawed people

he was an inspiration and in opposition to others at the time, he used peaceful means to address real issues

the troubling thing to me is that today the basic message of MLK, the message people heard and remembered and clung to, the one that made a difference, has been tossed out by the left

yes he is at times given lip service but the only people calling for us to heed his message seem to be conservatives

the left is doing the opposite, judging everyone in groups and by skin color Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Thank you - NGIT - well written!
nutwingers do what nutwingers do
winn dixie's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Dang dilbert. Is they any limit on how far you dig in the swamp of go fuck yourself???

It's still good in my hood. Maybe because I don't have issues...even with the ultra mucho ignorant Originally Posted by Tsmokies
check your p.m.s. under your hood. your dipstick is running a tad hot for your own good.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Did you read this crap before posting? yes

You sound like a late 1930's Hitler. no

You should rtm yourself. no Originally Posted by WTF

This holiday is another reminder that Organized Jewry is essentially Communist, and the real meaning of Communism is a monopoly over everything (incl. thought) by the Luciferian central banking cartel and its minions.

Organized Jewry (Communism) champions the underdog in order to undermine Western society. Cabalist Judaism is a corrosive acid that seeps into the fissures of society -- race, class, gender -- in order to erode it. They say so themselves. There is no genuine desire to uplift or empower the goyim. On the contrary, the agenda is to cripple & destroy Western society and rebuild it in their sad and loathsome image: The New World Order. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Organized Jewry?

Fuck. Do you have any sense of shame?

What next? Post some snippets from "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"?

  • Tiny
  • 01-19-2021, 11:53 PM
I like Jews. The only bad thing I can say about them is that JAP's (Jewish American Princesses) are hard to bang if you're a gentile. I've fingered two but getting them to do the deed is another matter entirely.