No it's not bullshit when I pay more for amp style girls from amp pay increase I expect higher quality like hotdreamselect.... But LA quality wise is just like another amp from over the years I saw Susan and she was hotter to independent .... Just to much overhype or standards I'm younger so maybe I'm just more physically picky Originally Posted by italian8527You asked a question about Sun girls VS Luxury girls. What exactly does LA have to do with either? That's like asking "hey guys, which is better, waffles or pancakes? I hate French toast" Then you repeated it again. And again. At some point, everyone realizes it isn't about you wanting to know more about pancakes or waffles, but that you just hate French toast.
Dream select hasn't been relevant since the pandemic started. They've been a part of the rotation at some point as well. Girls from AMPs/LA have traveled to and from there and also the Austin equivalent.
And you really shouldn't be talking about attraction. You probably already know this but I'll remind you anyways... they think you're ugly, too. Not only that, but you're the loser paying for their company. So who's really ugly in the situation? Haha. And the extra that a studio charges gives you the benefit of better facilities, cleaner room and better ambiance.