Encounter: Ms. Karen

offshoredrilling's Avatar
She sounds mad about this on twitter... better go check, OSD. Originally Posted by Rainbird4668
oh well mmmm I see only one tweet, and not so bad
Impressive record 75 Yes and 5 No reviews Oddly enough 3 of the No's had a second visit that was a Yes Originally Posted by NBruno
Some of them have been identified as likely fictional.
Oilrig's Avatar
[QUOTE I see only one tweet QUOTE]

She started a G rated second account ,a website and a blog
lilylivered's Avatar
I wonder if she has contacted retone yet...
lilylivered's Avatar
By the way
Great review!!!!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 01-26-2021, 02:33 PM
Who told you that? Not how it works....

Thanks Retone for the report Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
It isn't, but it is. Oh sure, someone can review her if they choose, but she can react in whatever way she may choose in return.

That said, since girls are no longer allowed to advertise here, i'm curious as to what moral argument the board would use to require the girls to allow themselves to be reviewed if they'd request otherwise. Basically, you can't refuse to be reviewed if you're a member, in spite of there being no real benefit to being a member, and you can't refuse to be reviewed if you're not a member because....you're not a member.

Hardly seems like a legitimate way to make money.
lilylivered's Avatar
Looks like an ad to me Dove
im sure interest is up
Everyone is happy right!!!
Looks like an ad to me Dove
im sure interest is up

Pimpin ain't easy...

Everyone is happy right!!! Originally Posted by lilylivered
Well, everyone but Dove...
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 01-26-2021, 03:37 PM
Looks like an ad to me Dove
im sure interest is up
Everyone is happy right!!! Originally Posted by lilylivered
Well, everyone but Dove... Originally Posted by Notuagain
Well, i get to see her.....so......
lilylivered's Avatar
Her choice who she sees
Others out there want money too
Our choice on who we review!!!
I know. But she says if you review her she will review you. Originally Posted by Rainbird4668
Afraid to be reviewed are you?
Or afraid your phone will blow up?
That said, since girls are no longer allowed to advertise here, i'm curious as to what moral argument the board would use to require the girls to allow themselves to be reviewed if they'd request otherwise. Basically, you can't refuse to be reviewed if you're a member, in spite of there being no real benefit to being a member, and you can't refuse to be reviewed if you're not a member because....you're not a member.
Originally Posted by Doove
Moral arguments on a SHMB?
What didja thinck ya signed up for?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Looks like an ad to me Dove
im sure interest is up
Everyone is happy right!!! Originally Posted by lilylivered
even the boyz in the bush's ???? just askin

BTW Doove, the boyz in the bush's say hi

in her pic's I love her eye's
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 01-26-2021, 05:39 PM
So Originally Posted by Notuagain
Her choice who she sees
Others out there want money too
Our choice on who we review!!! Originally Posted by lilylivered
LOL. Alright.

Moral arguments on a SHMB?
What didja thinck ya signed up for? Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Ok, let me rephrase:
That said, since girls are no longer allowed to advertise here, i'm curious as to what argument the board would use to require the girls to allow themselves to be reviewed if they'd request otherwise. Basically, you can't refuse to be reviewed if you're a member, in spite of there being no real benefit to being a member, and you can't refuse to be reviewed if you're not a member because....you're not a member.
Perhaps a mod can clarify.