Trump's trial is over before it begins

winn dixie's Avatar
fortune cookie says--- acquittal

rexdutchman's Avatar
ITS a SHOW bad sitcom at best
  • oeb11
  • 01-28-2021, 08:27 AM
I suspect that’s a terrible defense. I hope Trump uses it. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

The DPST/ccp Trump Hatred and TDS - on full display!
Not to mention the denial and delusions of the XiNN LSM.
So sad to have lives wasted in subservience to a failed socialist/totalitarian ideology!
HedonistForever's Avatar
67 actually but don't let the math get confusing.

It is crazy that you all are so "no impeachment". Why do you care. He will be acquitted. We know the party is so scared of what the base will do they would not convict him of anything, regardless. That doesnt mean that his actions aren't impeachable. As you said 1000 times with the fake election fraud claims, "let it play out" and the better yet "if he has nothing to hide why be afraid of an investigation and trial"

I am smelling alot of HYPOCRISY from you and everyone else that "please stop the impeachment and trial"

Never said that, so please leave me out of your assumption. And by way of explanation, I would have had to have argued for impeachment of Bill Clinton, which I didn't, to be called a hypocrite. You might want to check on the meaning of the word.

Calm down, let it play out, he will be acquitted and then he will be free to wreck the Republican Party. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I wasn't confused, I knew it was 67 since I often said it would take 17 Republican Senators to convict. I'm blaming it on my finger slipping.

I'm not calling for the trial to be stopped, merely voicing an opinion on it's outcome and a perfectly reasonable defense that it is un-Constitutional.

As a matter of fact, just like the last impeachment, I'll most likely watch every minute of it since I like debate
Ripmany's Avatar
It's because they're Democrats keep wasting all the f****** time and wait with their b******* impeachment thing.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
The Democrats are stupid AF for doing this.

Who cares if he runs in 2024?

Just follow Sara Palin's trajectory if you want to see Trumps future political influence. Originally Posted by WTF
I head my noise and voted for her rather than running turd ( thanks for service and RIP but he was a turd IMHO)
  • Tiny
  • 01-28-2021, 12:13 PM
The Democrats are stupid AF for doing this.

Who cares if he runs in 2024?

Just follow Sara Palin's trajectory if you want to see Trumps future political influence. Originally Posted by WTF
If I were a card carrying member of the Democratic Party, I'd love to see him run in 2024. If Trump is the nominee, Democrats will win the presidency and more seats in Congress.

Maybe that's the reason you see McConnell's flip flop. He appeared to favor impeachment for a brief period of time. He realized Trump is like a band aid that needs to be ripped off, instead of leaving it on an infected wound that's festering more every day.

When he realized that he and Schumer didn't have the votes to bar Trump from holding office again, maybe McConnell figured it's best to avoid a trial. Blackman described why more eloquently than I could:

He will be acquitted but it’ll look bad for republicans that somehow claim that it’s ok to incite an insurrection or that it’s not impeachable behavior (but lying about a blowjob is). Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I'd add that the Trump family and crazies like Lin Wood will be all over those Republicans who do vote to impeach. Like Jeff Flake, who was torpedoed by Trump, some may be replaced by pro-Trump Republicans who will lose in the general election.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I head my noise and voted for her rather than running turd ( thanks for service and RIP but he was a turd IMHO) Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
ops held
the actual riot inciters are the dimocrats who over the last 5 years lied cheated stole and attacked half of America as deplorable wal mart shoppers with no teeth and who are constant bill of rights attackers, all while never noticing American cities going up in flames from their own brown shirts
HedonistForever's Avatar
If you want an example of hypocrisy, how about Joe Biden explaining that he has to get the votes to move his plans, after all, we are a Democracy and that using Executive Orders would make him a dictator.

You are a hypocrite of the worst kind Joe Biden. He makes the remark at about the 3:20 mark at the very end of his answer.

"Former United States Vice President Joe Biden, who is running against President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, said that he would not use executive orders to implement his policies because "you can't use executive orders unless you are a dictator.""

There is your definition of a hypocrite, saying you are against something and then do that very thing.

Don’t like EOs pass legislation. That’s been my view for the last 3 presidents. If congress doesn’t like a president writing “law”, they can negotiate a compromise. But compromise in the house is a bad word so that’s why it doesn’t happen. It’s the most ill effect of gerrymandering. Protected party districts create a disincentive to negotiations
winn dixie's Avatar
Don’t like EOs pass legislation. That’s been my view for the last 3 presidents. If congress doesn’t like a president writing “law”, they can negotiate a compromise. But compromise in the house is a bad word so that’s why it doesn’t happen. It’s the most ill effect of gerrymandering. Protected party districts create a disincentive to negotiations Originally Posted by 1blackman1
HedonistForever's Avatar
If I were a card carrying member of the Democratic Party, I'd love to see him run in 2024. If Trump is the nominee, Democrats will win the presidency and more seats in Congress.

Maybe that's the reason you see McConnell's flip flop. He appeared to favor impeachment for a brief period of time. He realized Trump is like a band aid that needs to be ripped off, instead of leaving it on an infected wound that's festering more every day.

When he realized that he and Schumer didn't have the votes to bar Trump from holding office again, maybe McConnell figured it's best to avoid a trial. Blackman described why more eloquently than I could:

I'd add that the Trump family and crazies like Lin Wood will be all over those Republicans who do vote to impeach. Like Jeff Flake, who was torpedoed by Trump, some may be replaced by pro-Trump Republicans who will lose in the general election. Originally Posted by Tiny

Or Republicans with Trump policies that have a better bed side manner, could do quite well in the Republican party. If one believes that it was his character that was voted against and not his policies, it stands to reason his policies will survive, maybe not intact, they may require more delicate language than Trump used but they will continue to be different than what Democrats will be instituting and that will be the key to future elections, "what have Democrats done with their new power"?

When this last vote on Trump is taken, why would any Republican ever need to utter his name again? I wouldn't. Do you think Rubio and Cruz will be asking for Trump's support in their future? I doubt it. If I were them and asked about Trump, I would respond with "I will de discussing my ideas and policy plans for the future with the American people" and refuse to say anything else regarding private citizen Trump. "I have no comment on that" should be a big sign going off in their brain.