The new grift is pick the craziest member of your family (one you probably want to get rid of) and call the cops on him/her. Get a nice payday out of it.
Originally Posted by bobmidnight
Darwinism can only go so far, it usually relies on people being monumentally stupid.
Sir, put down the gun!... *Officer backs up*
I said stop, put down the gun... *Officer backs up more*
Put down the gun now!... *Officer backs up again*
Stop or I shoot!... *Officer backs up yet again*
"Oh lawdy! Dey shots Leeroy! He wuz a gud boy! Where's mah reparation monies??"
Case in point. Leeroy was retarded, and now the gene-pool is slightly less murky.
PS - This applies to everyone. I don't care if you're White, Black, or a Rainbow. Stupid is universal.