the charge of racism was the last refuge of scoundrelsSo sad that they cant come up with something substantial!
but its become the first refuge of leftists Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
LeBron isn't liked for personal piggery and political viewsSo what was his political view that caused the lady to get kicked out. I didn’t realize they were having a political argument in the middle of his game.
has nothing to due with racism
clarence thomas is liked for his views
it WOULD be racist to not treat him with the same "equity" clinton or biden or for that matter trump is treated due to political views and where fault is found in many actions due to that
blather on Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
So what was his political view that caused the lady to get kicked out. I didn’t realize they were having a political argument in the middle of his game. Originally Posted by 1blackman1while I am fully aware that communicating fully is at times thwarted by the scope in here being limited to typing and reading that typing, as opposed to the use of language, inflection, facial expression and all the rest but your post above?
Yet you have put forth no action or view that was relevant to the event. I’ve not seen any threads on his scoring 40+ or having a triple double. Or their 10 game road win streak. Those would be equally comment-able by your definition. Instead it was something completely unrelated to either his views political positions or statements or sports that caused a certain poster (who has a certain set of beliefs whichI outlined clearly in my prior post and who is known to be a certain type of poster - rhymes with bassist). If he was attacking Lebron discussing politics then cool. He wasn’t. He just brought up Lebron because Lebron is a black man and that gets his goat I comment had nothing to do with the event only with your and another's claim
I’ve disagreed with you plenty. I am sure that I’ve not called you racist generally (you may find somewhere that I lumped you in with others for having a view I thought was racist - but I’m not sure). I have called you an idiot based on your views and I’m sure you’ve done the same. I didn’t in this case call you racist. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Yet you have put forth no action or view that was relevant to the event. I’ve not seen any threads on his scoring 40+ or having a triple double. Or their 10 game road win streak. Those would be equally comment-able by your definition. Instead it was something completely unrelated to either his views political positions or statements or sports that caused a certain poster (who has a certain set of beliefs whichI outlined clearly in my prior post and who is known to be a certain type of poster - rhymes with bassist). If he was attacking Lebron discussing politics then cool. He wasn’t. He just brought up Lebron because Lebron is a black man and that gets his goat I suppose.
I’ve disagreed with you plenty. I am sure that I’ve not called you racist generally (you may find somewhere that I lumped you in with others for having a view I thought was racist - but I’m not sure). I have called you an idiot based on your views and I’m sure you’ve done the same. I didn’t in this case call you racist. Originally Posted by 1blackman1