Yssup Rider's Avatar
Price of oil is one thing.

Price of gasoline is what we all are concerned with.

And yes, she's a TOTAL IMBECILE.

I think her and Perry are going to trade shocking, "frank" comments until they both flame out.
she's a TOTAL IMBECILE. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Don't worry about it ..LOL, A GARDEN KNOMB with a teleprompter would be an improvment over our current situation!!
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Don't worry about it ..LOL, A GARDEN KNOMB with a teleprompter would be an improvment over our current situation!! Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Almost as much of an improvement that you as an apparent member of the "illiterati" (sic) would demonstrate by checking your dictionary and/or spellcheck for the correct spelling of GNOME.

Almost as much of an improvement that you as an apparent member of the "illiterati" (sic) would demonstrate by checking your dictionary and/or spellcheck for the correct spelling of GNOME.

c.a. Originally Posted by Chainsaw Anthropologist
we can compromise, replace Biden with my GNOMB and BAMALAMA with your GNOME.. now THATS some BIPARTISAN WHITE HOUSE !!
rodog44's Avatar
If we took advantage of all the natural resources of the US, we could tell the arabs and opec to go to hell. Vote for people who will take the strangle hold off our energy producers. Hint: No democrat.
waverunner234's Avatar
If we took advantage of all the natural resources of the US, we could tell the arabs and opec to go to hell. Vote for people who will take the strangle hold off our energy producers. Hint: No democrat. Originally Posted by rodog44
doesn't matter republican or democrat, as long as oil, banking and weapons industry own the Government it won't happen
gooose's Avatar
The only thing that scares me more than the lunatic Bachmann is the clueless Obama.
Hell if $870B didn't stimulate anything other than Chris Matthews' leg then lets try even more deficit spending and pray that it stimulates something other than his leg.

At this point in time I'm willing to vote for any other candidate other than those 2.
If we took advantage of all the natural resources of the US, we could tell the arabs and opec to go to hell. Vote for people who will take the strangle hold off our energy producers. Hint: No democrat. Originally Posted by rodog44
a great start then throw out the EPA, all the government employees and regulation, reduce the capitol gains tax to 0,the corporate tax to 0, throw out the welfare bums deport em all to some state like north dakota or something,well, its a start..then with all the leachs gone just get out the, money , money ,,MONEH!!
waverunner234's Avatar
a great start then throw out the EPA, all the government employees and regulation, reduce the capitol gains tax to 0,the corporate tax to 0, throw out the welfare bums deport em all to some state like TEXAS or something,well, its a start..then with all the leachs gone just get out the, money , money ,,MONEH!! Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Well, why not?
Well, why not? Originally Posted by waverunner234
Hell, why not just load them onto some cruise ships and point them out into the atlantic ocean..
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-19-2011, 07:12 PM
The only thing that scares me more than the lunatic Bachmann is the clueless Obama. Originally Posted by gooose
If Obama scares you more than Bachmann, then you just can't be taken seriously.
  • Laz
  • 08-19-2011, 09:25 PM
Most of the people that I know think that anyone supporting Obama still is nuts. Just because you do not see how dangerous Obama's policies are does not mean the rest of us are not serious.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Why would lower crude oil prices be a good thing? Miles driven would increase and global climate change would just accelerate. As it is, we are ignoring climate change possibly beyond the tipping point. If it's not too late, it makes not sense to shorten what little time we have left. Foolhardy, even if it could be done.
  • MrGiz
  • 08-20-2011, 12:48 AM
If gas prices are down to 2 dollars the world will have been in a depression.....
Any idiot knows we do not have the oil to drop the price of oil that low, if it dropped that low it wouldn't be worth drilling for.....
Do we need a long term energy plan? Yes.....Is drill baby drill the plan that will work? Fuc No Originally Posted by WTF
WTF.... you have finally found a subject which you are truly and completely ignorant of! Quit pretending, after reading your hero's manifestos, to be an expert about something which you have ZERO knowledge of.... it's actually quite embarrassing to see such an intelligent person go off on a limb created by such politically positioned idiots! Once you educate yourself on the subject.... even you will be ashamed of yourself!!

I don't read much of the blathering you people do in here but that has to be the single most ignorant statement I have ever seen typed out by you.

There are numerous way[s], some of which were previously mentioned in this thread, to drive down the commodity of gasoline while maintaining a profitable oil and gas industry. To say we would have to be in a depression is just simply grandstanding. BOTH sides have said that is acheivable. We just need some elected officials willing to leads on both sides as well. Originally Posted by Boltfan
WTF.... please post the earnings of all the major oil companies during the years when "barrel prices" (which they have no control of) were 1/4 of what they are now.... PLEASE DO IT!! Not very long ago... the oil & gas industry made obcene amounts of money when oil was priced @ $10/barrel.... in fact, for several years, all major project's funding were based upon that price.

What fuc'n part of this do you not understand? ....
I have no doubt that I am more informed on this subject than you. Originally Posted by WTF
If you are STUPID enough to think North America doesn't have the readily available resources to affect oil prices.... you have FINALLY found a subject to HIGHLIGHT your IGNORANCE!!

WTF.... I am not really meaning to imply stupid.... you are just plain ignorant!!
You have no place in this discussion!!

Why would lower crude oil prices be a good thing? Miles driven would increase and global climate change would just accelerate. As it is, we are ignoring climate change possibly beyond the tipping point. If it's not too late, it makes not sense to shorten what little time we have left. Foolhardy, even if it could be done. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
World Class Idiot!!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
If we took advantage of all the natural resources of the US, we could tell the arabs and opec to go to hell. Vote for people who will take the strangle hold off our energy producers. Hint: No democrat. Originally Posted by rodog44
Ted Nugent???