Russia pipeline into Germany

Maybe Biden will suggest Iran as an alternative fuel source

We should let the Germans reconstitute their military. Won't take them long to go get the fuel they want! Originally Posted by WTF
The germans have a military, the Bundeswehr. The only thing the German constitution forbids is that each german state cannot stand it's own army, and that is the sole right of the federal state.

I think you may be thinking of Japan, who can only have a self-defense force.

Either way, it's been a lifetime, let them have their army's back so we don't have to babysit them.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
germany's army and navy is in a poor state of readiness. they'd (german politicians) rather US take care of their defense.

It was long past time for America to leave NATO. we're spending alot of dollars in europe, something like 20 billion. thats money that could be used fund the navy which is the most capital intensive funding of any agency.

Even Gen. Eisenhower said U.S. should leave at some point. He said this in the early 1950s. I haven't found any later statements about what he said of Nato in the late 1960s.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
A gas pipeline is being built from Russia to Germany. According to NATO security alliance, this should not done. This is a real problem with no easy solution. Politicians have been kicking this can down the road for a long time. Now the pipeline is almost complete.

Russia is still the focus of evil in the modern world. China is a close second. Originally Posted by VitaMan

speaking of russia, they're really not that much of a threat.

talk about needless spanking the russian boogeyman where the real one is china.