Encounter: Anna Adams

One of the most well known providers in DSM many years ago would occasionally text me to come over for a freebie because she “needed it”. I was a pretty regular client plus we’d smoke a bowl together. Good times.

But I have not gotten that impression from Anna at all, despite being a relatively frequent client.
I stand by what I said, watch your wallet gentlemen.
[QUOTE=Allen63;1062624132]One of the most well known providers in DSM many years ago would occasionally text me to come over for a freebie because she “needed it”. I was a pretty regular client plus we’d smoke a bowl together. Good times.

That sounds Luke my experience with Jessica 🤣
A word to the wise acre -- that be you Justmee. If you are a real hobbyist...
There's only person connected to your involvement with Anna who knows who you really are. Tread carefully, sir. Declaring her love for you and phone blow-up or not...we don't need to know those details, whether or not it is presented in the form of a brag or a warning. What puts many off is when somebody states their financial condition to be without equal or is enviable. You describe Anna as a gold digger, but apparently that applies only to you. And why? The biggest problem for many is falling too deeply into the hobby, thinking they are bullet proof and bigger and better than they are. Get humble, stay discreet and enjoy reality.
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