BBGs List of Twitter Ladies - Local & Touring

Both Mara and Anneke used to advertise around here fairly regularly. In fact, Tree reviewed Mara awhile back. He said she was 75 at the time!
It’s all about different strokes for different folks lol
TreeBark's Avatar
I did Mara and Annekke.
Mara is like 70, Annekke is not far behind.
Bucket list thing.

Dude, 70+ year old escort? Never seen one advertising (or sufficiently old pics) and imagine there are older somewhere else, but that should be a local record. Guess there is a kink/specialty for just about everything lol Originally Posted by Tomb8871
Is there a good hashtag to search for Albany-area ladies on twitter? The tag '#datealbany' appears to be VERY outdated.
Annekenordstrum she has to be at least mid 60's.... and if you google Katherine merlot she was in her 70's lol and even made porn... I forget her real name she used to advertise on back page...she got busted in danbury ct on prostution lol.....
Remove link The Dr

there is the link she has 71 busted 8 years ago lol.... she was advertising up to a year ago I think... maybe she still is somewhere lol...

this is off the subject I remember marah Careys sister was caught in Hudson valley whoring and she was HIV positive...
TreeBark's Avatar
Yes, I did a 76 year old!
Google her name for pictures.

Remove link The Dr

there is the link she has 71 busted 8 years ago lol.... she was advertising up to a year ago I think... maybe she still is somewhere lol...

this is off the subject I remember marah Careys sister was caught in Hudson valley whoring and she was HIV positive...[/QUOTE]
That’s a rough looking mugshot lol

Edit The Dr
I did Mara and Annekke.
Mara is like 70, Annekke is not far behind.
Bucket list thing. Originally Posted by TreeBark
My bucket list would include a foursome with 3 20 yo Playboy models. Yours is far more imaginative tho...
TreeBark's Avatar
I’v been told that before.
I just wanted to slam an old bag or two. Lol

My bucket list would include a foursome with 3 20 yo Playboy models. Yours is far more imaginative tho... Originally Posted by Tomb8871
I hope she paid you the $500 to bang her!! Lol
Victoriajolie's Avatar
two things .... first ever notice on that list that hardly no one is ever reviewed on here...its always skipthegame girls reviewed for 95 percent of the time...which I don't understand twitter girls have notch up on the skipthegames... second the rules on here suck I got an infraction just for speaking the truth about 70 something old can't say anything here... its like being in North Korea ... you better watch what you say and do...I doubt hobby will come back... he doesn't need this place.. he was nice to share his experiences...but his taste of escorts is beyond this place Originally Posted by Funtimes44
First let me enlight you : the list of BBg isn’t all cheap whores old whores like you want to call it
Second many of us have reviews here but new flash for your since the site change their guidelines is after sesta fosta which potentially target them...That you ex president that signed that ...Many mods admins step down to avoid legal issues
So Einstein they are less activity on this board than before as girls aren’t allow to advertise and it bring guys to other platforms.. why certain sites still allows ad no restrictions or more less not much and allow reviews
I have more than 500 on an other site and 20 an other ..let’s say that a lot for a Canadian visiting
As for the age well never claim to be in my 20 but late 30
You want a girl in her 20 with a lot of reviews ..It’s rare

As for Twitter well ask them I see porn not getting banshadow while a girl that post normal pic is .As for your fav he was too mouthy ...

You seem to bottle up from your frustration dude this the second tread you just jump in in not related subjects
Yoga~meditation~see a therapist ~meeting a companion~ having a beer
are You the only person walking in the dark alone that doesn’t understand the current situation ?

BBG did a shout of people that are on her Twitter she Is probably the most respect companion in the area coming from clients & companions so smf!
Smf = suck my foot?
That’s one passed off whore��
One pissed off whore sorry lol typo