A Year Later And The Feds Haven't Addressed The Root Cause Of The Wuhan Flu Issue

They already investigated themselves of neglect and found themselves not guilty.

Thankfully a lot of people in that branch of the scientific community are shooting holes in it and think more needs to be done.
  • oeb11
  • 03-16-2021, 03:12 PM
Comrade Xi and teh ccp will never take any responsibility for their actions agianst teh free world

It is part of tehir long tem plan for world domination.
and DPST's should remember fiden adn hunter are paid accompices of Xi.

resist Big Brother - or learn to speak mandarini ad kowtow.

Listen up - 'r' - 'a' - and the rest rest of teh marxist DPST's.

if U think xi won't treat you like Uighurs - because U are marxist - U are mistaken.
  • Tiny
  • 03-16-2021, 09:32 PM
How about the Spanish flu of 1918, which originated in Kansas? If we'd nuked Kansas back in March of 1918, we could have saved 50 million lives. And more importantly we would have set an example for those Chinese Commie Bastards in Wuhan so they never would have tried this shit.

No offense Unique_Carpenter. But I think sacrificing a couple of your grandparents would have been well worth it.
The root cause of the virus in USA was trump who severely downplayed the trump virus calling it a hoax, saying everything is under control, 15 cases will go down to zero in no time, virus will wash away by April 2020, asking people to inject bleach from the White House podium etc.

This incompetent buffoon said China and Xi were being transparent lmao.
The root cause of the virus in USA was trump who severely downplayed the trump virus calling it a hoax, saying everything is under control, 15 cases will go down to zero in no time, virus will wash away by April 2020, asking people to inject bleach from the White House podium etc.

This incompetent buffoon said China and Xi were being transparent lmao. Originally Posted by Back2HoustonHobby
I agree with you here - wasn't taken seriously enough at first, and then whiplashed into taking it too seriously. Also shook my head about China being "cooperative".

Pro tip - The easiest way to tell if the Chinese government is lying? They exist.
They already investigated themselves of neglect and found themselves not guilty.

Thankfully a lot of people in that branch of the scientific community are shooting holes in it and think more needs to be done. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Correct. However, until some of the labs are following protocols (and the protocols aren't the only issue) the planet will always be at risk. No country or scientific community seems to be addressing that problem.

The root cause of the virus in USA was trump who severely downplayed the trump virus calling it a hoax, saying everything is under control, 15 cases will go down to zero in no time, virus will wash away by April 2020, asking people to inject bleach from the White House podium etc.

This incompetent buffoon said China and Xi were being transparent lmao. Originally Posted by Back2HoustonHobby
The media backed the Chinese and the WHO also. There isn't a country on the planet save maybe S.Korea that hasn't been severely hurt by the virus. Was Trump running those countries too?
rexdutchman's Avatar
And NEVER will , At best makes china look bad at worst planed attack
pfunkdenver's Avatar
And NEVER will , At best makes china look bad at worst planed attack Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Nice plane!

HedonistForever's Avatar
The simple fact is, which many are incapable of understanding, is that if Trump had done everything within his power to do and I remember quite clearly Governor's Cuomo and Newsome saying exactly that, nothing and I mean nothing would have been any different.

It is true that Trump said a lot of dumb things, one of them was not suggesting Americans inject bleach. What he did was, stupidly ask the doctors if they would look into that idea. He never suggested doing it. Splitting hairs maybe but I happen to believe in quoting correctly or not at all.
  • oeb11
  • 03-18-2021, 09:10 PM
Reading the transcript of tht event - HF - You are correct.

splitting hairs or not - if a DPST nomenklatura ( read fiden) said teh precise words - the LSM and DPST would fawn all over the brilliance of teh comment.

DPST's and LSM are just showing teh hate, hatefullness, and vengefulness for 2016 - even with thier puppet fiden in office.

They will twist words, Lie, and ignore facts. - anything to further their propaganda - and have no guilt about any means to achieve their marxist dictatorial ends.

lm jr is also a poster child for DPST Gpebbels type propaganda.