So Do The Man get infraction or just me 🤷🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️

DallasRain's Avatar
i am slammed in KC this week--i have a waiting list....miss Stacey can I refer them to you??
Savannah Moon's Avatar
she enjoys the attention. Originally Posted by playa76
I've been sitting back for awhile ..watching you continuously bash people.
Can we find a Tranny to stuff your PIEHOLE so you will back OFF.
Get a flipping hobby..knitting or crushing aluminum cans..something.

No joke. Originally Posted by Spunk
And you..if you follow this guy & start throwing turds at women like he does & a few select others, I will be more than happy to redirect you ( with my tittie clamps)& I have so many other things that need my attention. Capiche.
Find some nice women & go get naughty.

Well honey you were a little hard on the beaver.
Lol Originally Posted by BigDeal
I need someone to be hard on (my) beaver..

That's was a good one BD. won't get infractions if you just kiss their blueberry asses.
Just kidding young lady.
Or am I?
I've been sitting back for awhile... Originally Posted by Savannah Moon
THREAD WINNER!... (Well, besides BD’s beaver comment...)

Close it up! Nice to see you back, Ms Moon! That deserves a few spanks!
malwoody's Avatar
we all get infractions once in awhile

just mind your "Ps and Qs" Originally Posted by DallasRain
I've gotten infractions, shrug it off & keep bouncing. Not worth stressing over. Are ya hurting in anyway from it? Just my thought process here. Originally Posted by yourdesire
What are y'all talking about?? WTF is an infraction?

WTF is an infraction? Originally Posted by malwoody
Sounds like a lesson on infractions is in order... Pay attention, there may be a quiz later in the week...

Additional Infractions: 1 1/4 + 3/6 = 21/12

Multiple Infractions: 3/2 x 7/6 = 21/12

Simplify Infractions: 21/12 = 7/4 = 1 3/4

Come back tomorrow and we’ll discuss graphs and pie charts... and what your favorite pie chart is for the holidays!
Get a flipping hobby..
BAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Savannah, my "hobby" is your "profession".

How does that make you feel??

Thanks for jumping in here, always good to hear you pip-squeaking about something again. Kind of like a runty little chihuahua, lots of pathetic bark but no bite.
Savannah Moon's Avatar
BAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Savannah, my "hobby" is your "profession".

How does that make you feel??

Thanks for jumping in here, always good to hear you pip-squeaking about something again. Kind of like a runty little chihuahua, lots of pathetic bark but no bite. Originally Posted by playa76

Well, your hobby consists of devaluing, insulting , badmouthing women.

I don't think I would be bragging about that. My
Profession is completely the opposite.
I ABSOLUTELY can brag about that.

You add nothing of substance to this board.. Nasty remarks, mostly about women & men you have never have met. That speaks volumes. But evidently you and your slew are entertaining on a level I will NEVER comprehend. I am perfectly fine with that. My native name for you shall be
"Le GRINCH" (since I am French as well.. )

Try being nice. Though at this point it may cause cardiac arrest.

Everyone ( Including you)have a wonderful rest of the week.
Savannah Moon
Savannah Moon's Avatar
THREAD WINNER!... (Well, besides BD’s beaver comment...)

Close it up! Nice to see you back, Ms Moon! That deserves a few spanks! Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
You are the SWEETEST!! Miss dropping in..just trying to wrap up some goals on the homefront.

I Do deserve a SPANKING though!!
winn dixie's Avatar
Threads about getting infractions is never a good idea.

Calling out a mod is even worse.

Just a psa to help.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Thanks but we're good.
I can drink one mod under the table, and the Texan that stops by doesn't understand good BBQ.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
.... My Profession is completely the opposite.
I ABSOLUTELY can brag about that. Originally Posted by Savannah Moon
And, she has a wicked backhand she can deliver spanks with.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Thanks but we're good.
I can drink one mod under the table, and the Texan that stops by doesn't understand good BBQ. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
BBQ is an aquired taste having to do with where you aquire it quite often. That said I've had a lot of KC BBQ and sorry, it's still 2nd to the average Texas BBQ.

And, you can't drink me under the table guaranteed!
winn dixie's Avatar
Thanks but we're good.
I can drink one mod under the table, and the Texan that stops by doesn't understand good BBQ. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
BBQ is an aquired taste having to do with where you aquire it quite often. That said I've had a lot of KC BBQ and sorry, it's still 2nd to the average Texas BBQ.

And, you can't drink me under the table guaranteed! Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Sounds like a challenge!

UC, you coming to the music fest in Austin in Oct.?
winn dixie's Avatar
And StaceyRenee you look hott!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Sounds like a challenge!
UC, you coming to the music fest in Austin in Oct.? Originally Posted by winn dixie
Well he wouldn't be the 3rd nor 4th to go under the table.

Every yr Winn, except last yr. One of the retired KC gals has been down there for several yrs now. My first time there was 08 when I started my Houston trips. I'll hit an okie horse show on my way back.