
Good thing I refused you service. I don't care to associate myself with a person like you. What do I mean by that? Well look at yourself. You used my thread as an opportunity to be critical of me. You hide behind a handle to speak your mind and you are hoping that your comment will discourage other men from seeing me.

A real man does not need your permission to see me.

No disrespect to the op, tried once to make an appointment with her, will never try again, there are way too many other options out there, to be put through that BS. Originally Posted by Pica Flor
When getting directions to a ladies incall please pay attention. If your appointment is at 12pm, do not wait until 12pm to tell her that you are just leaving the office. Then to top it off you keep her on the phone for 30 minutes making her repeat her directions (3 or 4 times) because your attention span is not there.

When a lady tells you to turn right please do not turn left. I have told guys that they will pass Street A. Pass by Street A means pass by Street A. That does not mean turn onto Street A.

If a lady tells you to drive down 1 block then drive down 1 block. Not 5 miles down the road.
When arriving at her incall call to tell her that you arrived so she can meet you at the door. Do not go up to her door like a caveman and bang on the door so the neighbors want to meet you too. If you see the door opening for you it is not necessary to knock on it.

The reason why the lady is opening the door is because she does not want you to knock on it.

It is the little details in life that can help you make a great impression on your first date. Originally Posted by mikkifine
this is why when I I book an appointment I ask what area of town, so I can plan ahead and be in that area with plenty of time. But when I call for final directions.. please answer the phone.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Nobody obligated you to read this thread. Originally Posted by mikkifine
Quite the contrary I like women who know how to read and speak. When reading you original post it seems as if you are relating a particular experience you had with someone maybe even venting a little. IMO it would be better handled directly with that someone unless of course this happens to you frequently in which case all I can say is there are a bunch of fucktards out there.
I am ashamed to admit it but this has happened too often. I do not text or email my address. I just do not feel comfortable doing that. Yes, I do screen but it is almost impossible to screen for bad behavior.

Quite the contrary I like women who know how to read and speak. When reading you original post it seems as if you are relating a particular experience you had with someone maybe even venting a little. IMO it would be better handled directly with that someone unless of course this happens to you frequently in which case all I can say is there are a bunch of fucktards out there. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
this is why when I I book an appointment I ask what area of town, so I can plan ahead and be in that area with plenty of time. But when I call for final directions.. please answer the phone. Originally Posted by Spirit13
That is great protocol to follow Spirit. Unfortunately, I am running across guys who want to wait till after the time of their appointment to say they are just leaving the office.
Dad is right! Mikki is a total cu*t!!! She is so rude. It is a wonder why men find her appealing. Off to the Men's Lounge!!!
Hey Casanova- It is not necessary to say ugly things about me. I don't see any derogatory statements made by Dad.

This why I screen so hard Casanova. To avoid people like you.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Nothing's more fun than trying to get live turn by turn directions over the phone as you juggle navigating through busy traffic while trying to read street signs appropriate to the route, all of which may not be visible or spelled the way they were pronounced...and this is just in the daylight, with GOOD weather.

All the above is even MORE fun at night, when it's raining.

Gotta love the ol' reliable GPS. Sure, you may not want to give guys up-to-the-door directions too early, but a nice, GPS-able location that's a couple turns away from where you're at is much better than the 'turn left, then right, then...' alternative.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Gotta love the ol' reliable GPS. Sure, you may not want to give guys up-to-the-door directions too early, but a nice, GPS-able location that's a couple turns away from where you're at is much better than the 'turn left, then right, then...' alternative. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
+1 and I hope the insults have ended!
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 08-21-2011, 01:24 AM
Yes every phone has gps today seeing as no cave men are allowed they all should have a just ok cell with gps at least. Give them an address ahead of time the could even mapquest it if no gps.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Well, we could always flip it and have the ladies come to us, and doing so with play by play turns, sometimes in bad weather, and bad traffic, etc, etc.

Just saying.
That is great protocol to follow Spirit. Unfortunately, I am running across guys who want to wait till after the time of their appointment to say they are just leaving the office. Originally Posted by mikkifine
Those are the guys that make it tougher for guys like me that plan to be on time or even 5 minutes early. way I see it if you have set up an appointment at HH:MM and you lose track of time and realize you cannot make it, the BEST thing to do is contact the lady and let her know....if you are running late SAME thing! sometimes a vmail, email, or yes even a TEXT message (even though most ladies do not like using them) can save a lot of negatives.

But if you have an appointment plan on traffic, this is Houston, Traffic is a WAY of life.. also if you are not familiar with the area, get there early so you can find the area. If the lady wants you to go to a certain place before final address.. do it.. or if you feel uncomfortable doing that... drive over to that place, but park across the street. she calls and tells you the final instructions, you can still follow em, but if its a set up, anyone watching the parking lot won't see you leave because you not there.
Nothing's more fun than trying to get live turn by turn directions over the phone as you juggle navigating through busy traffic while trying to read street signs appropriate to the route, all of which may not be visible or spelled the way they were pronounced...and this is just in the daylight, with GOOD weather.

All the above is even MORE fun at night, when it's raining.

Gotta love the ol' reliable GPS. Sure, you may not want to give guys up-to-the-door directions too early, but a nice, GPS-able location that's a couple turns away from where you're at is much better than the 'turn left, then right, then...' alternative. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
And GPS's are cheaper now.. got mine for 100.00 and seen others for 90.00

Plus... google maps... you can see the over all area so you can get that in your mind and if need be.. print it. have to remember, when men are coming to see you the big head is already disengaged and the little head has taken over. Once that happens a male's ability to follow any directions except those given in bed (and even sometimes not even those) is severely diminished. Your post serves as a good reminder.

As to your cleanliness, I saw you about 10 years ago and everything about you was clean.....especially you and I after you invited me to shower after. Too bad your incall is so far away.
Yerassman's Avatar
I got the whole caveman email about 3 or 4 years ago for inquiring if greek was on the menu? Then a few years ago I see it is on the menu? WTF?