Think the "vaccine" is safe? Watch this!

Trump had a number of people in his administration that should not have been there. Originally Posted by tuckahoe
Yeah like Trump himself. I understand people's trepidation and nervousness over a vaccine that was released so quickly. That's common sense. However science and logic tells you that the vaccine is safe, and the worst side effects of the vaccine are much better than the worse effects of COVID.

If you want to have opinions that overall hurt society, you are free to do so. But please keep it to yourself.

Moderator please for the love of all that is Holy, delete this thread.
bolera1's Avatar
I just want super powers. Figure this is my only way to achieve that.
  • MrGiz
  • 04-10-2021, 11:08 PM
I don't know nuthin.

But Kary Mullis, as odd as he may appear to some, shared a Nobel Prize in Chemistry by inventing the DNA Identification PCR Process being used to detect/identify the C-19 virus, and uncountable others!

Yeah... he's "out there", but deserves to be listened to!

Just like any other political discussion, the truth is mired in bullshit!
Yeah like Trump himself. I understand people's trepidation and nervousness over a vaccine that was released so quickly. That's common sense. However science and logic tells you that the vaccine is safe, and the worst side effects of the vaccine are much better than the worse effects of COVID.

If you want to have opinions that overall hurt society, you are free to do so. But please keep it to yourself.

Moderator please for the love of all that is Holy, delete this thread. Originally Posted by theasnmobster
To think opinions on a hooker board are detrimental to society gives me a good laugh. The cancel culture, the prelude to communism is the real threat.
Picksix's Avatar
If anything is proven here, it’s that private enterprise can do great work fast when the government gets out of the way. Look at the giant leaps Elon Musk is making in the space industry while the government can’t build a public park restroom for less than a million bucks.

Trump (troublemaker that he is) removed the barriers in using existing technologies to enable quick solutions.
You can’t make people believe what you want. Some listen to reason and trust science, some don’t.
To think opinions on a hooker board are detrimental to society gives me a good laugh. The cancel culture, the prelude to communism is the real threat. Originally Posted by Johnnytricks
To think putting opinions on a controversial subject not related to the board subject on a hooker board should give you a good laugh. You people cry about the lack of freedom of speech and yet are scared of cancel culture. That gives me a laugh.
People will believe what they believe no since getting worked up about it.
The solution is simple. If you don't want the vaccine, don't get it. If you do want the vaccine, get it. I look at it this way. When I went in the Navy years ago I was vaccinated for all kinds of stuff that I have no idea what it was. I was vaccinated TWICE for small pox (according to the USN, the first one didn't count). I get the flu vaccine every year because I don't want to get the flu. I got the Covid vaccine because I don't want to get Covid and I don't want the people I'm close to to get Covid if I prove to be just a carrier.

I guess I'm more of a Libratarian than most. To each their own. If you don't want to wear a mask, then don't. If you want to spend your money on a provider with GPS, then go ahead. The choice is yours.
biomed1's Avatar
If you want to have opinions that overall hurt society, you are free to do so. But please keep it to yourself.

Moderator please for the love of all that is Holy, delete this thread. Originally Posted by theasnmobster
The Sandbox is for topics not related to the Hobby.

This thread fits that category, and while the discussion has been "spirited" it has not violated the Guidelines.

Members should be aware that if the thread drifts into conspiracy theories or becomes wholly political, the thread will be moved to the National Political Forum .
BK's Avatar
  • BK
  • 04-11-2021, 12:59 PM

Members should be aware that if the thread drifts into conspiracy theories or becomes wholly political. Originally Posted by biomed1
Looks from my viewpoint it drifted into conspiracy right off the OP link. But I don't know anything since I took my tinfoil hat off and lost all critical thinking abilities years ago. Must find the new 8chan ASAP, anyone know where they moved it?
Looks from my viewpoint it drifted into conspiracy right off the OP link. But I don't know anything since I took my tinfoil hat off and lost all critical thinking abilities years ago. Must find the new 8chan ASAP, anyone know where they moved it? Originally Posted by BK
Agreed. It was a conspiracy post right from the get-go.
biomed1's Avatar
There was an attempt, but the thread migrated to a discussion centered on the vaccine and personal decisions.
Of course, had I shut the Thread down everyone would complain about stifling conversations in the forums.
techiedad36's Avatar
Of course, had I shut the Thread down everyone would complain about stifling conversations in the forums. Originally Posted by biomed1
There was an attempt, but the thread migrated to a discussion centered on the vaccine and personal decisions.
Of course, had I shut the Thread down everyone would complain about stifling conversations in the forums. Originally Posted by biomed1
True dat!!