Encounter: Mid-stroke interrupted by A-Hole with a Gun…

This is scary shit.

It's yet another reason to do research before going in.
lebrouge's Avatar
In my long illustrious career as a monger (not!) I've never heard of a provider who charges per position. Heck, I like to go through 4 or 5 variants in just mish, 3 in doggie, etc.. - would I get charged for each? smh... the "creative" ways a pimp's mind works to maximize income!
LexusLover's Avatar
.... the "creative" ways a pimp's mind works to maximize income! Originally Posted by lebrouge
This probably minimized it.
lebrouge's Avatar
Oh Yeah lol! That's why "creative" is in quotes!
I had a run in with a pimp up in Dallas recently. I was in town for work and met up with an Asian girl named Victoriaspice. She was so bad as a provider, and had a bunch of dont’s. After our session, her pimp (a skinny young black dude) followed me to my car to tell me to “treat her right” and introduced himself as her boyfriend. Then flashed a gun on his waist by lifting his shirt up. I’ve been mongering for 9 years and never had this happen until now. Shit had me thinking twice.
lebrouge's Avatar
Oh Man! is this Victoriaspice on eccie, OH2 or P411, or did you find her on one of the questionable websites (Bedpage, listcrawler, etc..)?
For me, that's the main value of eccie, OH2 or P411, but of course the fees are higher...
lebrouge's Avatar
Lebrouge, she’s on OH2.

https://home.ourhome2.net/member.php...-Victoriaspice Originally Posted by Kayakbass010
Thx! Wow, she's good looking! An Asian with a black pimp - that's a first for me!

She's verified on OH2 - I guess no system is foolproof...

Is there a way to un-verify her there ? This is a serious safety issue..
That’s not her on the pics either. She’s not a bad looking girl, but she’s skinnier than the girl on pics and her face is typical Korean woman face. If that makes any sense.
That’s not her on the pics either. She’s not a bad looking girl, but she’s skinnier than the girl on pics and her face is typical Korean woman face. If that makes any sense.
dogtown's Avatar
That’s not her on the pics either. She’s not a bad looking girl, but she’s skinnier than the girl on pics and her face is typical Korean woman face. If that makes any sense. Originally Posted by Kayakbass010

I ran into the pimp bf in the lobby of the hotel when I went to see VS, he passed me as he was coming off the elevator and I was about to board, he smelt like weed really bad, and as coincidence would have it so did her room.
I ran into the pimp bf in the lobby of the hotel when I went to see VS, he passed me as he was coming off the elevator and I was about to board, he smelt like weed really bad, and as coincidence would have it so did her room. Originally Posted by dogtown
Yup that’s them. She smells like weed even tho she made me wait for 15+min bc she was “in the shower” and received her text right after I saw a short Indian guy walk out the lobby and when she opened the door, she didn’t have damp hair or smell fresh. She smelled like weed instead. I think that pimp really is her bf because I caught a glimpse of the wallpaper on her phone and it was a pic of her and some black dude.

When he came up on me, he smelled like weed just like she did. And if you listen to her talk, you can hear a little hood in her Korean English accent.
Darkknight247's Avatar
Real Scary Sh*t!!!
Had something Like That Happen to Me...
And From That Day Forward I ONLY DO OUT CALLS!!!!
I get a Room And Be Packing just in-case..
Cause Now a days you never know what People are thinking!!!
I ran into the pimp bf in the lobby of the hotel when I went to see VS, he passed me as he was coming off the elevator and I was about to board, he smelt like weed really bad, and as coincidence would have it so did her room. Originally Posted by dogtown
Fortunately he didn’t try to threaten you. I’m Asian in my 30’s so I think he might’ve been threatened that I would try to steal his girl, so he made sure I knew she had a bf. he looked young, I’d say early 20’s just like Victoriaspice.