Encounter: Orange don't handle black

veloztec's Avatar
I am no promoter of any Agency. If you follow my posts, I am always fair and square.

I don’t doubt the OP either, just sharing a bit here. Have not done review due to busy days.

So I went to see Orange 2 days ago, and let me say she made me 100% happy: Nice massage, BBBJ CIM and even TUMA (YMMV).

Orange is on the more quiet side - which suits my type. Soft sensual sexy GFE kisses, making-out Kisses, huge suckable Tits, soft smooth skin, lovely smile and a bit submissive. If you are gentle and courteous, she will serve you well.
BigBamboo's Avatar
You are. Originally Posted by Kumite
An obvious false accusation. So here’s a question or two for you to answer: Why do you accuse me of being a promoter for Lovely Angels? What proof do you have?

If you have no proof then you’re just causing trouble without merit. Come forth with valid evidence or cease with your false accusations. Your choice on how you uphold your credibility. Because as of now your credibility just went down the toilet.

Are you even able to read BCD and private tags? You missed some rather substantial information I posted here earlier that anyone who read it would know I am unbiased towards any one studio.

I am however very suspicious of your agenda... Just looking at your posts paints an obvious picture: https://www.eccie.net/search.php?searchid=447379 And by the aggressiveness of many of your posts I’m surprised you’re not banned yet.
I'm happy some of you find her worth your time, but like I stated before she was a waste of time for me.. I am overly nice with the woman, I even apologized to cherry a million times for handing her a stack of $1s after leaving the strip club.
An obvious false accusation. So here’s a question or two for you to answer: Why do you accuse me of being a promoter for Lovely Angels? What proof do you have?

If you have no proof then you’re just causing trouble without merit. Come forth with valid evidence or cease with your false accusations. Your choice on how you uphold your credibility. Because as of now your credibility just went down the toilet.

Are you even able to read BCD and private tags? You missed some rather substantial information I posted here earlier that anyone who read it would know I am unbiased towards any one studio.

I am however very suspicious of your agenda... Just looking at your posts paints an obvious picture: https://www.eccie.net/search.php?searchid=447379 And by the aggressiveness of many of your posts I’m surprised you’re not banned yet. Originally Posted by BigBamboo

No, I'm going off by the fact that when I first came here, you got so triggered by me calling you out,that you ran crying to the mods to ban me. Spare me your agenda bullshit, old man. I read your pathetic tussle with doom. It's so obvious you were the crybaby dunce in that argument.
Without the moderators backing you up, you're just a paper tiger. You can try to pad your shit all you want, but in the end, it's still just going to be shit.

Keep promoting LA, I don't care. But don't he a fucking hypocrite, bamboo.
BigBamboo's Avatar
No, I'm going off by the fact that when I first came here, you got so triggered by me calling you out,that you ran crying to the mods to ban me. Spare me your agenda bullshit, old man. I read your pathetic tussle with doom. It's so obvious you were the crybaby dunce in that argument.
Without the moderators backing you up, you're just a paper tiger. You can try to pad your shit all you want, but in the end, it's still just going to be shit.

Keep promoting LA, I don't care. But don't he a fucking hypocrite, bamboo. Originally Posted by Kumite
Well once again you offer no proof. More of a diversion tactic on your part as usual with the personal attacks. We saw this same behavior and aggressive argumentative pattern from recently departed Doom guy. Your tone, your attitude, your aggressive name calling and your allegiance all point back to that banned handle. Perhaps Kumite is another of many stockpiled KFest promoter handles.

We know Kumite is a part of Karate training against adversaries. Appears your handle name is appropriate. So not sure if you’re doing KFest a favor or a disservice with your continued attacks. You certainly treat anyone like an adversary who doesn’t place KFest on a pedestal.

And it’s apparently pointless to remind you I don’t have a horse in this race. Nor does your argument above hold water in proving I’m a promoter. I’m fairly certain your goal is to discredit my unbiased history on this board and paint me as a LA promoter so that when I share honest information about KFest - good, bad or indifferent - it is not taken seriously. But given your propensity for confrontation and promoting it’s obvious that your credibility is the one in question.
So not sure if you’re doing KFest a favor or a disservice with your continued attacks. You certainly treat anyone like an adversary who doesn’t place KFest on a pedestal. Originally Posted by BigBamboo
Do the promoters not realize that they are doing K-Fest and their girls a disservice by all of the recent activity? Any desire for me to go to K-Fest has completely disappeared because of all of this drama. None of the promoters will believe me that I was actually going to see Jessica a few weeks ago but ultimately decided against it. If this happened to me, it surely happened to others.

Not sure why the promoters can't grab a clue and realize that the way they act on here is really bad for business. And most us that bicker don't even have a dog in the fight, which is the crazy part. We're all just fed up with the promoting!! And as far as what I mean by the word promoting, I have mentioned it several times, but here is my definition (and is what we're all fed up with) -

1. bumping dormant threads;
2. embellishing a girl's physical attributes and/or services;
3. downplaying/discrediting honest reviews that say something negative about a girl (e.g. telling a guy he is too picky, trying to tell a guy a bad session is a result of him not making an appointment, or some other bogus reason); and
4. spinning negative comments into positive comments
BigBamboo's Avatar
@Jayhawk328 You nailed it! That’s exactly why I posted my poll in this forum: https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2782080

They just don’t get it and appear reluctant to learn. They’ve only themselves to blame for driving away business. I’ve certainly gone elsewhere besides KFest for eight of my last nine visits. That’s not chump change they’ve missed out on earning. And I’m certainly not the only one dissuaded by this promoter drama.

Totally agree with your assessment. And the numbers from the poll also prove it out. As of my post here, 33 of 39 respondents are less inclined to visit. Multiple 33 times either the 260 or 280 rate and you’ll see promoters like this one are driving away over 8500 in revenue. Expanding the math further, there are 1586 views of this post, as of now. If you apply the same principle of the poll and ratio to the views of this post (if each is a unique viewer) you will see that potential loss grows to over 348,000. Again, no one to blame but the promoters themselves.
@Jayhawk328 You nailed it! That’s exactly why I posted my poll in this forum: https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2782080

They just don’t get it and appear reluctant to learn. They’ve only themselves to blame for driving away business. I’ve certainly gone elsewhere besides KFest for eight of my last nine visits. That’s not chump change they’ve missed out on earning. And I’m certainly not the only one dissuaded by this promoter drama.

Totally agree with your assessment. And the numbers from the poll also prove it out. As of my post here, 33 of 39 respondents are less inclined to visit. Multiple 33 times either the 260 or 280 rate and you’ll see promoters like this one are driving away over 8500 in revenue. Expanding the math further, there are 1586 views of this post, as of now. If you apply the same principle of the poll and ratio to the views of this post (if each is a unique viewer) you will see that potential loss grows to over 348,000. Again, no one to blame but the promoters themselves. Originally Posted by BigBamboo
Well I doubt each is a unique viewer, but I do see what you mean. I would even say missing out on 1 or 2 potential K-Fest clients is lost revenue that the owner and/or MMS would not be happy about. But I'm sure I will be scolded for not knowing how studios work (kind of like I was scolded about not knowing about how police busts work). I don't claim to be an expert on AMP/studio economics, but you don't have to be an expert to know about what's good and bad for business......
Chung Tran's Avatar
'' half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half'' - John Wanamaker (original CEO, Macy's)
'' half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half'' - John Wanamaker (original CEO, Macy's) Originally Posted by Chung Tran
"I have faith in the market when we get the rules right" - Kenneth Lay (founder of Enron)

"We see ourselves as first helping to open up markets to competition" - Kenneth Lay (founder of Enron)

"I have never been told we are going to artificially create anything" - Jeffrey Skilling (former CEO of Enron)

"....because I always think it's a sign of victory when they move on to the ad hominem" - Christopher Hitchens

"If your aunt had balls, she would be your uncle" - Jayhawk328
Wow!!! What has this board come to? The original post just relayed his experience. I used to not care about an promoter/anti promoter infighting but this has really gotten out of control. Lol, for what it’s worth I don’t have a donkey dick so I’m looking forward to booking with orange soon.
On a side note it looks like kfest is investing in some serious talent. I can’t wait to see some of these ladies myself.
@Jayhawk328 You nailed it! That’s exactly why I posted my poll in this forum: https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2782080

They just don’t get it and appear reluctant to learn. They’ve only themselves to blame for driving away business. I’ve certainly gone elsewhere besides KFest for eight of my last nine visits. That’s not chump change they’ve missed out on earning. And I’m certainly not the only one dissuaded by this promoter drama.

Totally agree with your assessment. And the numbers from the poll also prove it out. As of my post here, 33 of 39 respondents are less inclined to visit. Multiple 33 times either the 260 or 280 rate and you’ll see promoters like this one are driving away over 8500 in revenue. Expanding the math further, there are 1586 views of this post, as of now. If you apply the same principle of the poll and ratio to the views of this post (if each is a unique viewer) you will see that potential loss grows to over 348,000. Again, no one to blame but the promoters themselves. Originally Posted by BigBamboo

One simple and plain flaw in your reasoning. This site is not the entire market share of their business. It maybe 50%, 25 or 10%. Using the judgement of your poll of 84.6% will be less likely to use KFest also is flawed because you do not know if the sample size is an accurate description of the 1500 or so that viewed the post. I will agree that 33 people are less inclined and you may can use that number for some math but there are still hundreds and possibly 1000s of people that do not use this website and may use others. That includes the ones that will not read anything and just click the link to the website.

I have read where some feel they each see 5 a day(guessing). And there are 6 of them so 30 people go daily. Times that by 30 days. 900 a month. 252000 in gross earnings if you use 280. 234000 gross earnings at 260.

So do you really think they bump the price because they are paying the promoters 18k a month? If so, I will send my resume in today.

Reality? Doubtful, Very doubtful.
One simple and plain flaw in your reasoning. This site is not the entire market share of their business. It maybe 50%, 25 or 10%. Using the judgement of your poll of 84.6% will be less likely to use KFest also is flawed because you do not know if the sample size is an accurate description of the 1500 or so that viewed the post. I will agree that 33 people are less inclined and you may can use that number for some math but there are still hundreds and possibly 1000s of people that do not use this website and may use others. That includes the ones that will not read anything and just click the link to the website.

I have read where some feel they each see 5 a day(guessing). And there are 6 of them so 30 people go daily. Times that by 30 days. 900 a month. 252000 in gross earnings if you use 280. 234000 gross earnings at 260.

So do you really think they bump the price because they are paying the promoters 18k a month? If so, I will send my resume in today.

Reality? Doubtful, Very doubtful. Originally Posted by Kittchat12
I think you could argue whether you think the Eccie poll is representative of the entire market... Hard to say.

But your statement that the flaw in his argument is that Eccie is not the entire market but a sample size is also flawed. That is how all sampling and polling works. The trick for sampling and polling is getting a "representative" sample of the population.

So one question is "Do we think Eccie members are representative of the market?" If not, then the poll is only relevant for Eccie. If it is, there are bigger implications.