Dinner & Drinks at Gingers

Laurenspencer's Avatar
Thursday knowledge about Lauren Spencer

I did not vote for Trump
Vanilla is the most boring Ice cream
You can drag a hoarse to water but can not make it drink
I have never cyber stalked anyone but Trumps Twitter account
I don't like Garlic or dolls
I only want peace in the middle east
Im sure I will gets points for this , but when is ever enough, My friends are banned , everyone is getting points and it all circles around one thing in common . This community in Arkansas WE are all friends behind closed doors very good close friends . Theres only one common denominator that makes things miserable on here.
Heres some basic psychology for Thursday evening , only a miserable human would want to do these things to others they are not winning at anything .
So don't feel sad because you were banned or got points due to someone and there own misery ....
Oh one last thing Im looking for a puppy that's hypoallergenic that gets no larger than 50'lbs as I am not a very big person and dot want dragged around .
You are a good person, Lauren. I wish the world was fair but that is a pipe dream.
Laurenspencer's Avatar
Rockydoc something good always comes out of any situation , we just have to see the positive in everything in life , Like me and you meeting , xx
That is so sweet of you to say. I am afraid I am little compensation for what you have endured here recently.
tuckahoe's Avatar
I don't have to be inebriated to show you my cheeks Originally Posted by Laurenspencer

Laurenspencer's Avatar
Originally Posted by tuckahoe
Tuckahoe , Hope you are having a wonderful weekend
Laurenspencer's Avatar
That is so sweet of you to say. I am afraid I am little compensation for what you have endured here recently. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
Bless your heart Doc , The only thing I have endured is compassion and love , hope you are having a wonderful Saturday
austin88998833's Avatar
Rockydoc something good always comes out of any situation , we just have to see the positive in everything in life , Like me and you meeting , xx Originally Posted by Laurenspencer
Lauren, as long as you are talking about meeting, add my name to the list
Thursday knowledge about Lauren Spencer

I did not vote for Trump
Vanilla is the most boring Ice cream
You can drag a hoarse to water but can not make it drink
I have never cyber stalked anyone but Trumps Twitter account
I don't like Garlic or dolls
I only want peace in the middle east
Im sure I will gets points for this , but when is ever enough, My friends are banned , everyone is getting points and it all circles around one thing in common . This community in Arkansas WE are all friends behind closed doors very good close friends . Theres only one common denominator that makes things miserable on here.
Heres some basic psychology for Thursday evening , only a miserable human would want to do these things to others they are not winning at anything .
So don't feel sad because you were banned or got points due to someone and there own misery ....
Oh one last thing Im looking for a puppy that's hypoallergenic that gets no larger than 50'lbs as I am not a very big person and dot want dragged around . Originally Posted by Laurenspencer

Well stated, you are one fine Lady Ms. Lauren!
Jack Scheidt's Avatar
Well stated, you are one fine Lady Ms. Lauren! Originally Posted by bigdaddyar
Ditto Big Daddy!
Laurenspencer's Avatar
As I was only trying to calm the tension on the board , I thought by creating a false thread would have helped this matter . By living in the past we can not move on into the future .

I like to keep peace and positive vibes

Thank you guys for your kindness
As I was only trying to calm the tension on the board , I thought by creating a false thread would have helped this matter . By living in the past we can not move on into the future .

I like to keep peace and positive vibes

Thank you guys for your kindness Originally Posted by Laurenspencer
Hard to figger out which one is which!?
Thanks for clearing it up. I have a couple of sayings to help in the future in choosing people to be around. You can fly with eagles or pick with buzzards. And don't drink Koolaid with Jim Jones. Always helps me out to decide.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Thread is closed. OP openly admits that this is a false thread.