The World is Laughing

bambino's Avatar
How long before the 25th amendment?

But there’s more!!!

Joey Bribes needs index cards!!!!!
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden's puppet masters will do what they can to stave off the 25th amendment

“I’m going to get in trouble…” says Senile Biden

Of whom is he so terrified that he says this repeatedly during the few press conferences he’s allowed to hold?

Who is running the most powerful office in the world?
bambino's Avatar

I don’t think Biden or Harris will be around by 2022. Just sayin.
bambino's Avatar
This is off topic but had to share;
Biden is a senile corrupt ass clown and I question the intelligence, awareness, or bias of anyone who can't see that.
lustylad's Avatar
Let's hope he looks buff for his meeting with Pooty-Poot tomorrow!

bambino's Avatar
swamptech's Avatar
I would be less worried about an Executive that is full of gaffs and makes for easy parodies and more concerned about the very real issue of Foreign economic policy losing any semblance of dominance.
It certainly isn't Biden making the decisions, his role just facilitates them, to relinquish the power of being the Petro Dollar standard by subsidizing every other nation and willingly (re)joining NATO-bloc treaties with no position of superiority. This is occurring because ALL branches of government are colluding to do the same thing ('checks & balances', fucking lol). If not Biden, then some other schmuck. It isn't like this just started happening.

We take for granted just how stable the US economy has been. The cyclic recession ebb & flows are merely speed bumps. The real danger is losing footing as (what should've been) the only Global Super Power through over-extended foreign and domestic economic policies that drive down the dollar by way of weakening GDP. There is no way out of the abyss we're headed to, so enjoy your provider TODAY
You're not educating anyone, berry. You're preaching lies to the choir like Kenneth Copeland. This sandbox has become an echo chamber for far right wing lunacy.

I don’t think Biden or Harris will be around by 2022. Just sayin. Originally Posted by bambino
Well, that's probably gonna go the way of your prediction of the election being overturned. Did Q tell you this too?
chizzy's Avatar
I would be less worried about an Executive that is full of gaffs and makes for easy parodies and more concerned about the very real issue of Foreign economic policy losing any semblance of dominance.
It certainly isn't Biden making the decisions, his role just facilitates them, to relinquish the power of being the Petro Dollar standard by subsidizing every other nation and willingly (re)joining NATO-bloc treaties with no position of superiority. This is occurring because ALL branches of government are colluding to do the same thing ('checks & balances', fucking lol). If not Biden, then some other schmuck. It isn't like this just started happening.

We take for granted just how stable the US economy has been. The cyclic recession ebb & flows are merely speed bumps. The real danger is losing footing as (what should've been) the only Global Super Power through over-extended foreign and domestic economic policies that drive down the dollar by way of weakening GDP. There is no way out of the abyss we're headed to, so enjoy your provider TODAY Originally Posted by swamptech

Quality post and so true....
berryberry's Avatar
You're not educating anyone, berry. You're preaching lies to the choir like Kenneth Copeland. This sandbox has become an echo chamber for far right wing lunacy. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Not my fault if you and a few of your liberal brethren are too close minded to be educated.

But just because there are a small handful of you who can not accept reality - and have to live in the lies CNN / MSNBC and the DNC feed you daily doesn't mean others are not being educated.

You have to be willing to help yourself. You clearly are not

And now you are yet again trying to take the thread off topic. The topic is the World is Laughing at Senile Biden.

I mean White House reporters are covering up Biden’s bumbling.
Yet anyone can watch the videos with their own eyes.
This media propaganda should be called out by Americans.
We all see it.
Well all but a few like yourself.
swamptech's Avatar
you and a few of your liberal brethren are too close minded . Originally Posted by berryberry
don't care about either side, but aren't you the one parroting literally every WHO? off of social media? You cant even be bothered typing it just link to their 7 sentence quip

fucking unplug and present your OWN perspective rather than vomiting up everyone else's retarded tribal position for a change

motherfucker, you realize how banal and immature this perspective is? How about focus on how absolutely fucked this country is, to the point of zero hope of redemption, due to gutting of factors responsible towards sustaining a healthy GDP. Do you have ANY faith in the "democratic" process? the justice system? the education system? in health care? the forced Lincolnian Big Govt to honor state and municipal sovereignty? Just vote HARDER next time, citizen...I'm sure it will work out for you.

History has proven that a Republic simply doesn't work when its comprised of a plethora of widely diverse population. Just the same as a trial-by-jury-of-your-peers doesn't work if your "peers" are comprised of people that hate your fucking guts out of tribal allegiance.

But by all means, carry on your SUPER IMPORTANT "point and laugh", high-minded political discussion.
berryberry's Avatar
dYou cant even be bothered typing it just link to their 7 sentence quip
Originally Posted by swamptech
Guess you have reading comprehension problems. Typically when I post a link, it is to a full news story or a video clip that I talked about in my post - so people can see it themselves. You know, it's called providing facts to support one's position.

But you are off topic - the topic of this thread is the World is Laughing at Senile Biden. If you want to talk about other things you are welcome to start your own thread on the subject. But respect the topic of the thread and on the topic of THIS thread - are you familiar with Glenn Greenwald - the award winning Liberal journalist? He is one of the few honest journalists on the left out there and well just today he said in response to some BS put out by another liberal reporter that "Joe Biden can barely complete a sentence. Half the time he drifts off in the middle of his words. He's constantly bowing his head and muttering about how he'll "get in trouble" if he continues. Nobody is fucking afraid of him. Stop feeding liberal hordes this warped pablum."

That sums it up quite well
berryberry's Avatar
Well I know this was likely to happen but so sad to see

Today Senile Biden went from calling Putin a killer to saying that he trusts him. Biden caves on the world stage in front of Putin.

And the White House is out in full force with their media friends trying to complete clean-up on aisle 5 for Senile Biden's statement