but my goodness get a brain. We have more coal than the world has petroleum reserves, use this resource. Originally Posted by durango95Time for you to use your brain
How can we use coal when oil owns the Government
Does anyone realize why unemployment is high?Good post.
Maybe it is not Obama and his plans
History has shown it is not too high taxes
The republicans have NO SOLUTIONS EITHER, they only jell at Obama for political reasons
What about job loss is NOT temporary, NOT a result of current policies
Job loss is about world economy, jobs move to India, China, Philippines
Job loss is about the electronic highway
Solutions need to be sought in a way that no one has tried yet
Shorter work week, high taxation of overtime
More vacation days, holidays
Share the problem, more people at work for less hours
The financial consequences? I'll be honest, no clue yet but its time to start thinking about it. And bury all the political shit.
These are the real problems, needing real solutions
Blaming current and past and future presidents or presidential hopefuls is totally useless
The first candidate who HAS THE GUTS to think AND act in this more constructive way will have my vote, regardless of political background
(except for Bachmann and Perry of course, but I don't think they are smart enough to come up with this kind of thinking)
Food for thought? Originally Posted by waverunner234
the thread is how to increase employment and it reverts to anti-free enterprise, spread the wealth, how bad the oil business is, the bad corporations, evil ceos, a call for government to punish people, and a denigration of what you say are "beneath you" available jobs. its as if you view all wealth creation to be some common trough to be divided by vote of a rabble of some slight 50.0001 percent democratic vote. who will create this wealth to be divided? no wonder theres no confidence with the current people in charge. what a relentless level of envious sloth!Yessss, massah!
lets say you wished to hire someone, would you hire someone with those attitudes? you, a person, a single person, who sweated and took a chance and started a business and missed paychecks so he could pay his suppliers and make sure the one employee he started with never missed a check, and now things are better and one of you dudes with this mentality and swagger comes with a "look down your nose with a sniff" attitude for a position and a hardly beneath the surface wonder of why the hell do you make so much, its not fair, sneer. you are going to hire him?
just how far from capitalism are you Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Yessss, massah! Originally Posted by Randy4Candywhat makes a slave? isn't it when you control him and take the product of his work?
what makes a slave? isn't it when you control him and take the product of his work?LOL, if you say so. Of course you said something else in the post I responded to. People can read and understand for themselves. Your tone's the haughty, high-handed one. Some might fall for the usual b.s. of you trying to hang your own attitude and motives around whomever disagrees with you, but that's a tired old trick. Folks like you aren't the victims, you're the perpetraitors (mispelling intentional).
sounds like you want to be the slave master and i want freedom
seems as though perhaps you wouldn't wish to hire, as an owner, the person you want to be as an employee, huh? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
LOL, if you say so. Of course you said something else in the post I responded to. People can read and understand for themselves. Your tone's the haughty, high-handed one. Some might fall for the usual b.s. of you trying to hang your own attitude and motives around whomever disagrees with you, but that's a tired old trick. Folks like you aren't the victims, you're the perpetraitors (mispelling intentional). Originally Posted by Randy4CandySo what else are you referring? I can take it, just say.
LOL, if you say so. Of course you said something else in the post I responded to. People can read and understand for themselves. Your tone's the haughty, high-handed one. Some might fall for the usual b.s. of you trying to hang your own attitude and motives around whomever disagrees with you, but that's a tired old trick. Folks like you aren't the victims, you're the perpetraitors (mispelling intentional). Originally Posted by Randy4CandyYou nailed him Randy.