vaccine compliance

elghund's Avatar
sun baked plastic man ...donts rarely hits ...the like ...button ons a especially a funnels buts whens he do it be ...cause ...ta pays ...attention Originally Posted by Plastic Man
Errrr….y’all fergot to hit that there like button, Paco……

those shots are going to be the next Thalidomide tragedy, i'll bet Originally Posted by valkyra
This kind of mere speculation can result in tragedies
valkyra's Avatar
This kind of mere speculation can result in tragedies Originally Posted by keeponrisin
So can accepting things at face value.
So can accepting things at face value. Originally Posted by valkyra
There are facts that dispute your conjecture
People could take your conjecture to heart and suffer severe consequences
offshoredrilling's Avatar
There are facts that dispute your conjecture
People could take your conjecture to heart and suffer severe consequences Originally Posted by keeponrisin
and there are FACTS being hidden if they don't fit a agenda of forcing all to take.
Tell me one "vaccine" that is 100% effective and you might have a point. The flu shot is called a vaccine but people still get the flu. The vaccine for the shingles is not 100% effective but we call it a vaccine. Same with any other shot that is called a "vaccine". You are just stirring the pot. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Ever heard of the polio vaccine? I do believe it was eradicated from the US thanks to the vaccine. The covid flu shot will not stop you from getting and spreading covid. Why is it that any time someone questions the vaccine they are accused of stirring the pot or spreading mis-information? There are plenty of legitimate questions about this and the only answer seems to be "the shot's a good thing so just get it"
CryptKicker's Avatar
Ever heard of the polio vaccine? I do believe it was eradicated from the US thanks to the vaccine. The covid flu shot will not stop you from getting and spreading covid. Why is it that any time someone questions the vaccine they are accused of stirring the pot or spreading mis-information? There are plenty of legitimate questions about this and the only answer seems to be "the shot's a good thing so just get it" Originally Posted by big daddio
Even your statement about the polio vaccine is not correct. Two doses of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) are 90% effective or more against polio; three doses are 99% to 100% effective. It is not eradicated. But just like the shingles vaccine you are almost immune from it if you take the vaccine.
There are facts that dispute your conjecture
People could take your conjecture to heart and suffer severe consequences Originally Posted by keeponrisin
We all take risks in life. You don't have dominion over anyone but yourself.
Zollner's Avatar
Almost All U.S. COVID-19 Deaths Now in the Unvaccinated Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
‘Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated’: Florida Tallies 20% Of Soaring New COVID-19 Cases In U.S.
1 state Florida, accounts for 20% of new U.S. COVID cases

offshoredrilling's Avatar
‘Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated’: Florida Tallies 20% Of Soaring New COVID-19 Cases In U.S.
1 state Florida, accounts for 20% of new U.S. COVID cases

Originally Posted by Zollner
how many had c19 lived, then got it again? Not in story then that story is SHIT
offshoredrilling's Avatar
‘Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated’: Florida Tallies 20% Of Soaring New COVID-19 Cases In U.S.
1 state Florida, accounts for 20% of new U.S. COVID cases

Originally Posted by Zollner
"What's wrong with Social Darwinism?
Yet some have used the theory to justify a particular view of human social, political, or economic conditions. All such ideas have one fundamental flaw: They use a purely scientific theory for a completely unscientific purpose. In doing so they misrepresent and misappropriate Darwin's original ideas"

btw Sir,
in what Wrong way are you using that pic???
offshoredrilling's Avatar
another number we're not getting

A star NBA player, the U.S. Open golf champion and a Ugandan Olympic coach have something in common that is creating a new headache for sports organizers: they tested positive for the novel coronavirus after being vaccinated.
any bets not just sports ???? and some facts we are not being told
Even your statement about the polio vaccine is not correct. Two doses of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) are 90% effective or more against polio; three doses are 99% to 100% effective. It is not eradicated. But just like the shingles vaccine you are almost immune from it if you take the vaccine. Originally Posted by CryptKicker

You have to argue with the CDC then. On their website they state that the US has been polio free since 1979. Unlike the covid flu shot, when you get the polio vaccine you do not get polio and you do not pass on polio.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Chuckle- keep trying daddio. Look- it's no one's business if you do or do not want to take the vaccine. That's your personal choice. But NO vaccine is 100% effective and they still are called vaccines. I'm certainly no liberal Biden suck up vaccine me guy. But what gets me is that people state their opinion as fact and try to dissuade others with it. Let people decide for themselves and weigh the risks themselves with whatever facts are available. Not the BS that people like you are spewing.
valkyra's Avatar
Chuckle- keep trying daddio. Look- it's no one's business if you do or do not want to take the vaccine. That's your personal choice. But NO vaccine is 100% effective and they still are called vaccines. I'm certainly no liberal Biden suck up vaccine me guy. But what gets me is that people state their opinion as fact and try to dissuade others with it. Let people decide for themselves and weigh the risks themselves with whatever facts are available. Not the BS that people like you are spewing. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
well said