Sorry, Liberal Media, Kaiser Poll Shows It's Not Republicans Who Are COVID Vaccine Resisters

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Yea I guess California is where all the "TRUMPERS" are congregating LOL.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
California has had the strictest measures and has a huge population of democrat voters and continues to be one of the hardest being hit by COVID.

Care to guess why?
  • oeb11
  • 07-22-2021, 08:28 AM c


BWAHAHAHA Originally Posted by matchingmole

nonsense reply.
  • oeb11
  • 07-22-2021, 08:40 AM
This is some ignorant drivel. What the fuck are you talking about. The rise of COVID is everywhere and most prevalent in states with Republican gov that voted Trump by a vast majority. The folks getting sick are the unvaccinated including about 90% of hospitalizations.

Why do you think that all of a sudden Scalise, Mcineny, Hannity etc are now telling people to get vaccinated? Originally Posted by 1blackman1

1b1 - demeaning, insulting , and inappropriate name-calling does nothing to further intellectual debate.

you can be better than that - or are you just laying 'victim"/????
those who give no respect - get no respect!

If You wish to make blanket statements - 1b1 -please back them up with valid references.

Search functions - even kindergarteners can use them.

Attached are a couple of references All are welcome to read.

There is a recent rise in Covid - and a majority is the Delta variant.

It is teh Fascist DPST's who denied Trump's contribution of Operation Warp Speed - and politicized masks and shots as a symbol of Fascist DPST compliance adn obedience.
That is contrary to Good public health concerns - yet is remains the fascist DPST party highest priority - to ensure 'obedience' uber Alles.

you post is factual in some ways - but fails to show the total picture.

References - 1b1 - Please Read them. Thank you.
California has had the strictest measures and has a huge population of democrat voters and continues to be one of the hardest being hit by COVID.

Care to guess why? Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Because it has 34 million people and some very dense population centers.
  • oeb11
  • 07-22-2021, 09:10 AM
And a corrupt, incompetent marxist state governement which cares not about Peoples, but its racially divisive ideology Uber alles!

Recall Newsome!!!
JoeExotica's Avatar
Not all Republican voters fall in line with Trump. Some of us are vaccinated and doing our part. Let natural selection take care of the rest that are unwilling to believe in science at this point.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
This is some ignorant drivel. What the fuck are you talking about. The rise of COVID is everywhere and most prevalent in states with Republican gov that voted Trump by a vast majority. The folks getting sick are the unvaccinated including about 90% of hospitalizations.

Why do you think that all of a sudden Scalise, Mcineny, Hannity etc are now telling people to get vaccinated? Originally Posted by 1blackman1
it was going down in NY

then in some county's started up again

mmmm right after a shipment of Biden's illegals

Biden trying to kill his real voters it looks like in NY
rexdutchman's Avatar
Kali and open borders ( I guess they all get masks and vaccines when they Illegally cross) SMH
Largest increases in Bama, Texas and Florida. They all have something in common and it’s not “open borders” or whatever Fox and Newsmax are trying to portray as the reason for Covid upticks. Also, I’m sure the good ole boys that are finding themselves in the hospital begging for a vaccine aren’t Mexicans or Central Americans. They are good ole Republicans realizing they were lied to.
matchingmole's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Largest increases in Bama, Texas and Florida. They all have something in common and it’s not “open borders” or whatever Fox and Newsmax are trying to portray as the reason for Covid upticks. Also, I’m sure the good ole boys that are finding themselves in the hospital begging for a vaccine aren’t Mexicans or Central Americans. They are good ole Republicans realizing they were lied to. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
It was GOP Texans that flew to DC for that super spreader ????
Chung Tran's Avatar
It was GOP Texans that flew to DC for that super spreader ???? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Are you asking, or saying? Are you abusing the quotation marks?

No, it was vaccinated Democrats. And?

You made the point against the thread topic.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Are you asking, or saying? Are you abusing the quotation marks?

No, it was vaccinated Democrats. And?

You made the point against the thread topic. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
ops DEM's that had shots got C19, but but but they say can't happen

so if don't work for DEM's, could be why many taint taken
matchingmole's Avatar
nonsense reply. Originally Posted by oeb11

because it proved you wrong