Why we love the hobby

Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
1. Sex

2. Sex with women much younger than myself

3. Sex with women much better looking than myself

4. Sex with woman of different ethnicities, heights, shapes, sizes, etc. (i.e. variety)

5. Sex when I want it

6. Sex how I want it

7. The thrill of sex with a stranger

8. Being able to try new things sexually without feeling self-conscious or ashamed

9. Sex without any dishonesty or emotional guilt or subsequent obligation or uncertainty as to relationship status

10. The thrill of violating social/moral taboos and getting away with it

11. Sex with passion (or at least the illusion of it)

12. The feeling of affection and appreciation (or at least the illusion of it)

13. The touch of a woman/physical intimacy

14. Being in the presence and having the attention of a pretty girl

15. Drinks and conversation with some very interesting women
CenterLock's Avatar
So you're all about the drinks and conversation, huh? Yeah... those are great, too.
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
So you're all about the drinks and conversation, huh? Yeah... those are great, too. Originally Posted by CenterLock
What can I say? I'm a sensitive, compassionate, gentlemanly kinda guy.
gptxman's Avatar
I love the rush that comes from the first time with a provider, not knowing anything about her really before having the chance to explore and admire her body, figuring out how she likes DATY and how she likes CFS after.
At the risk of being serious, a few years ago I was approaching a milestone birthday and I stumbled on the old board. Locked in a loveless and sexless marriage I had become an emotional zombie, as well as an emotional coward. I was visiting SCs and AMPs to handle the physical but I had a big hole in myself. At the risk of embarrassing her my first internet provider was THE DANNIE, in fact as she will tell you I was first to call her that. Yes I am Lucky Jack Aubery. OK, you know I have crossed the line and had a few flings, don't regret a minute of it. The most important thing is that ALL my female friends are here in the hobby, some I haven't seen BCD in some time but we are still friends. THE MOST INTERESTING WOMEN IN THE WORLD ARE RIGHT HERE.
ca1962's Avatar
Why I love the hobby:
1. I get to meet lovely women in all shapes, sizes and ages and have passionate encounters.
2. I have done things that I have never done (and probably will never do) in my civilian life. I had my first (and second and third) threesome.
3. The most surprising thing about this hobby is in most cases the women are just as (if not more) passionate, fun, exciting and caring as my civilian dates.
Why I love ECCIE:
1. Without ECCIE, I never would have met Lana Warren.
2. With the reviews and Men's Room discussions, I can zero in on which provider(s) would be best for me.
3. When I don't understand and acronym, phrase or something else I read on the site, the guys in the Men's Room are always glad to help me out.
4. Even when I can't hobby, I can live vicariously through daaaaaman, with his 100+ reviews.
5. I can fantasize about and encounter with Traci Brooks, or a double with Reese/Fawn, and still think there is hope it may actually happen some day.
At the risk of being serious, a few years ago I was approaching a milestone birthday and I stumbled on the old board. Locked in a loveless and sexless marriage I had become an emotional zombie, as well as an emotional coward. I was visiting SCs and AMPs to handle the physical but I had a big hole in myself. At the risk of embarrassing her my first internet provider was THE DANNIE, in fact as she will tell you I was first to call her that. Yes I am Lucky Jack Aubery. OK, you know I have crossed the line and had a few flings, don't regret a minute of it. The most important thing is that ALL my female friends are here in the hobby, some I haven't seen BCD in some time but we are still friends. THE MOST INTERESTING WOMEN IN THE WORLD ARE RIGHT HERE. Originally Posted by LuckJack
Awwwwww, thanks! Those were the days...

...and you are one of those special people I was referring to, that have made this a great experience! Plus you keep getting hotter with time and that's never a bad thing

My Reasons:
*I just love the satisfied look on a man's face. It lets me know I've done a good job.
*I love the constant compliments! How can a lady have self esteem issues when she constantly has lovers telling her how beautiful she is?!
*I love the freedom to set my own schedule and do exactly what I want, when I want.
*I love the sex.
*I love the feeling that I'm doing something good and necessary. I know it may sound strange, but I feel like I provide something valuable and special. I feel like I have the strength and fortitude to work with my head held high in an industry of which most women are afraid or lack the solid self-love to handle.
*I love how appreciated I feel by my lovers. Originally Posted by tracibrooks
wonderful I agree!
*i love that I can be adventurous and try need things!
*the friendships I build are wonderful and I enjoy them
GiveNReceive's Avatar
For me why I love the hobby is due to meeting Traci once already and hopefully again. Other fine ladies I have met have also provided many memorable experiences.
Seeing SweetSafire's eyes! Wow, your new avatar is stunning...and those eyes!

The FREEDOM of scheduling your own work-day
Getting to boink the HOT DAD next door! Mmmm
The intense PASSION when you "click" with someone
Getting to know weird things that actually feel really good!
The Oh-so-needed make out sessions (with someone who's an awesome kisser) & the 1 on 1 ATTENTION!
The DOUBLES (I the ladieeeeeees!)
Getting to be held & caressed softly
The luxury of walking around in sexy lingerie or my bday suit all day! (the hardest decision of what to wear is the color)
The FRIENDSHIPS I have made, outide & inside the hobby
Seeing his eyes roll back in his head at that special "moment"
When someone goes the extra mile ...a card, a gift, champagne or flowers to make you smile.
Having people wonder why you are smiling so big all the time...he he he! Shhhhh...

The ability to make someone's day, week, month or year - doing something you truly enjoy
Having someone make yours!

Great thread!
Traci, you and most of the other Providers here totally "get it".

I admire the BRAVERY you girls have because it takes GUTS to do what you ladies do...considering LE or the next Ted Bundy is right around the corner...and that bravery is one of the things that turn me on about y'all...the smile on your face when I walk in...that 1st hug...you ladies have more respect and admiration from me than any lawyer, politician, athlete...hell, ANYONE...love ALL of you!
CenterLock's Avatar
The next Ted Bundy? Not dismissing the dangers... but I was just thinking about guys like us. And to do it with a smile on their face? Day after day? That takes guts.
Naomi4u's Avatar
.................and no one has mentioned money. how cute. LOL
CenterLock's Avatar
Sorry Naomi - I love the money, too.

Wait a minute.......
Naomi4u's Avatar
Sorry Naomi - I love the money, too.

Wait a minute....... Originally Posted by CenterLock