Well, it happened sooner than I thought.........

Little Monster's Avatar
Border situation: Bidens mess, during his debates his talking points involved accepting illegals with compassion. The Haitian situation in Del Rio is due to Biden suspending deportation of Hatians.

The border mess began in 2018 with Trump’zero tolerance" policy. That is when kids started getting separated from their parents
and even dying while in US custody. I didn't see any outrage from the right like I did over the drone strike them now did I?? Funny how conservatives only care about kids when it fits their political arguments.

Afghanistan: Biden pulled out, he's responsible. Just cuz Trump also wanted to leave does not mean Biden's execution ... or botched execution is excusable.

Uh, Trump didn't just want to leave, he made the deal with the Taliban, he ordered the Afghan government to release 5,000 Taliban fighters. That was Trump not Biden

Gas Prices: Not Bidens fault but the oil companies will blame Biden inflating our currency.

Gas prices are not Bidens fault that has been proven.


Economy: Trump did very well, then a convenient pandemic hit.

Trump inherited a strong economy and lost jobs every year he was in office. He is in fact the worst jobs president since Hoover. Other countries were hit by the pandemic and still did a much better job with their economies than Trump did. Trump chose to downplay the pandemic and it cost him

Summary: A lot of people are having sunk-cost syndrome and believe Biden is still better, it will be very hard to feel the same by the time 2024 comes. Originally Posted by Raikage
No, it's no syndrome. Biden is light years better than Trump. And after he finally cleans up all the messes Trump left it will show.
CryptKicker's Avatar

Have to love the delusions of the lost!!
Little Monster's Avatar
Facts. They are a bitch.
CryptKicker's Avatar
When the "facts" are contrived to fit the narrative it doesn't make them truthful. Let's not kid anyone that inflation and socialism are good for the majority of us. I'm not a Trumper but we cannot say what is going on now is better than when Trump was in office. It may not be any worse but what is being proposed will make us a province of Argentina.
Little Monster's Avatar
When the "facts" are contrived to fit the narrative it doesn't make them truthful. Let's not kid anyone that inflation and socialism are good for the majority of us. I'm not a Trumper but we cannot say what is going on now is better than when Trump was in office. It may not be any worse but what is being proposed will make us a province of Argentina. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
That's just it, the very things that conservatives are complaining about are the messes left behind by Trump. You are blaming Biden for not cleaning up someone else's mess fast enough. Plus it's awfully hard to clean up a mess when you have someone someone continously trying to stop you from doing so. Which is exactly what the right has done since Jan 21.

I love how you conservatives love to (falsely) cry "socialism" when you have nothing else to come back with. If you hate socialism so much then for now on only drive on the toll roads, if your house should happen to catch on fire don't bother calling the fire department find a way to put it out yourself. Do you have kids? don't send them to a public school, send them to an expensive private school. Those are all socialist entities.

Trump tried his hardest to be a dictator, used militarized police, tried to silence the media, yet I never saw you complain about that.

So yeah I will take Biden over Trump any lifetime.
CryptKicker's Avatar
No we are blaming Biden for making it worse. You absolutely cannot say that things are better now than before the pandemic. You cannot truly say things are better when the government is giving people enough money to encourage them not to work. You cannot truly say that your freedoms are more now that Biden is in control. You cannot truly say that letting a million illegal immigrants cross the border, many with Covid is truly a good thing. You cannot truly say that paying more for fewer goods or the shortages of those goods is a good thing. These are not Trump's messes no matter how many Democrats try to convince people that they are. This is all on Biden's watch and are all Biden's messes. And I love how all of you liberals still let Trump dance so freely in your head. You believe everything is either because of Trump or because of racism. Wake up before you have to ask the government for permission to pee.
Little Monster's Avatar
No we are blaming Biden for making it worse. You absolutely cannot say that things are better now than before the pandemic. You cannot truly say things are better when the government is giving people enough money to encourage them not to work. You cannot truly say that your freedoms are more now that Biden is in control. You cannot truly say that letting a million illegal immigrants cross the border, many with Covid is truly a good thing. You cannot truly say that paying more for fewer goods or the shortages of those goods is a good thing. These are not Trump's messes no matter how many Democrats try to convince people that they are. This is all on Biden's watch and are all Biden's messes. And I love how all of you liberals still let Trump dance so freely in your head. You believe everything is either because of Trump or because of racism. Wake up before you have to ask the government for permission to pee. Originally Posted by CryptKicker

I am saying that you are continuously blaming Biden for things that are not his fault. I am saying that you are blatantly making stuff up in order to fit your argument. I am saying that we do in fact have more freedom under Biden than Trump. When did I ever bring up racism? Trump did use militarized police in order to take away the right to protest, it is the Republicans who are doing their best to suppress the vote. And yes I continue to bring up Trump because if you knew how government works (which I doesn't appear that you do) you would understand that the effects of one's policies take time.

Yes these are Trumps messes whether you like it or not. It is and has been proven on every occasion. You conservatives love to deny facts and make up your own. Stop making shit up and do some actual research for a change.

Trump left a disaster period end of story. Biden's watch hasn't even reached a full year yet. If these same problems are still ongoing 2 years from then you might have a point, but as of right now we are still trying to clean up Trump's messes that is a fact get over it.

The Republicans are more worried about blocking everything, without providing any solutions of their own like always, the Republicans are more worried about controlling women, Republicans are more worried about forcing people not to wear masks.

You talk about illegals coming over here with covid, yet it's you conservatives who refuse to get vaccinated, refuse to wear masks. But yeah you're really worried about covid alright let me tell you. You sir are doing nothing but contradicting yourself with every post.
CryptKicker's Avatar
What's truly is sad is you don't only believe what you are spouting without actual facts but you are convinced of them. But I will give you this. If Biden does happen to keep control of the House and Senate in 2022 then I'll accept that you could be right. After all, if Biden's policies are truly better then people will happily keep him and his party in power.
Little Monster's Avatar
What's truly is sad is you don't only believe what you are spouting without actual facts but you are convinced of them. But I will give you this. If Biden does happen to keep control of the House and Senate in 2022 then I'll accept that you could be right. After all, if Biden's policies are truly better then people will happily keep him and his party in power. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Everything I have said sir can be backed up in writing. So yes I will belive those who have done research and know what they're talking about. Of course we all know what happens when facts get thrown in a conservatives face. The ever so faithful blanket "fake news" response quickly follows.

Where is it proven that "millions" of immigrants are crossing the border. Last I checked the border arrests have beefed up since Biden took over.

Where is it proven that the price of everything is solely Biden's fault. Last I checked when the economy goes from zero to a hundred there will be some mishaps.

Where is it proven that our freedoms are being taken away under Biden. Like I said lately it has been the Republicans who are passing the oppressive laws, most notably right here in Texas. One of which pertains to this very hobby.

And no I don't expect the Dems to keep control of the house and senate. History says otherwise and unfortunately half the country is dumb enough to believe everything that comes out of the Republicans mouths and that a president has the ability to snap his fingers and just make problems dissappear. Doesn't work that way.
CryptKicker's Avatar
And you do realize that HB1540 was sponsored by 7 Republicans and 7 Democrats and received unanimous votes every time it came up, right? Not just something conservatives pushed through... Lol

Just another example of you trying to make the facts fit your narrative.

Like where I said a million immigrants and you made it millions. Where you use sheer numbers to support your border arrest theory instead of percentage. Unless you have a Masters degree in economics as I do don't pretend you know what is driving up prices. Again I never proclaimed to be a Trumper. Yes I am slightly right of center in my political beliefs but don't lump us all together. We don't all think in lockstep. Seems that's reserved for the democrats.
Little Monster's Avatar
[QUOTE=CryptKicker;1062610280]And you do realize that HB1540 was sponsored by 7 Republicans and 7 Democrats and received unanimous votes every time it came up, right? Not just something conservatives pushed through... Lol

Just another example of you trying to make the facts fit your narrative.

Paxton & Abbott could've stopped it but they chose not to because they were more focused on passing laws to control women, and suppress the vote. But yeah, fuck anyone who supported that bill regardless of party affiliation.

Like where I said a million immigrants and you made it millions.

And you are using a vague number to fit your argument. Whe did this so called "million" immigrants cross the border?? Was it over night? Over a course of time?

Where you use sheer numbers to support your border arrest theory instead of percentage.

Fact still remains,we do not have an "open border" as you and your fellow righties are trying to make it sound. All you're doing is twisting the argument to fit your narrative.

Unless you have a Masters degree in economics as I do don't pretend you know what is driving up prices.

Obviously you didn't learn how commodities are priced now did you? Nope




Yeah I think I will listen to those who actually do know. Remind me again, how many jobs lost under trump?

Again I never proclaimed to be a Trumper. Yes I am slightly right of center in my political beliefs but don't lump us all together. We don't all think in lockstep. Seems that's reserved for the democrats.

And here you make stuff up like a true Trumper. I am not a Biden fan, didn't want to vote for him in the primaries only did so cause my guy (Yang) dropped out by the time it got to Texas. Voted for him in the general election cause well, a bum off the street would make a better president than Trump.

If the Republicans were smart they would realize that they have the best possible candidate out of both parties (Kinzinger) but they're not smart, and they would rather continue to follow the pathological liar, who wrecked the economy, mishandled the pandemic, created the mess at the border as well as Afghanistan off a cliff .
Some light reading...........

Biden breaks campaign promise of no chaos.

What happened to "Honest Joe" His promises are turning into lies.

Oh dear - Biden's approval rating hits new lows.

Biden is a disaster for America. Americans are now seeing it for themselves. He's just to old for the job. And feeble minded too. And as for blaming Biden for everything? I have 3 words - Russia,Russia,Russia.
CryptKicker's Avatar
And as of today more people have died this year from COVID than ALL of last year. I'm sure somehow that's Trump's fault as well.
Little Monster's Avatar
There was an oil spill off the coast of California the other day, I'm sure that one was Biden's fault as well
Precious_b's Avatar
Some light reading...........

Biden breaks campaign promise of no chaos.

What, you're concerned about lying NOW?!

What happened to "Honest Joe" His promises are turning into lies.

Oh dear - Biden's approval rating hits new lows.

Always fluxuations. He has a way to go to match the previous pres in consistantly batting below .500

Biden is a disaster for America. Americans are now seeing it for themselves. He's just to old for the job. And feeble minded too. And as for blaming Biden for everything? I have 3 words - Russia,Russia,Russia. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

I ain't there with everything the current admin wants to do. But he definitely wasn't compromised like the last pres. And as I said before, if it was me doing what he did, I would be in jail immediately. Always called him a liar (as I supplied proof above) but he let himself be a puppet of others since he was in someones pocket.