Where are the providers that don't advertise in the normal online places?

Depurefymii's Avatar
Evie Lovergirl says in her EB profile not to message her about in person meetups on Onlyfans because she says our accounts may be deleted, but she also says not to ask her what we are doing with our time together on her Tryst. Onlyfans does indeed have a rule as part of their TOS. https://onlyfans.com/terms


Also, I need to get prepaid cards because onlyfans didn't respond to my request to respond to my unsubscription request I made in March, so I still have that one subscription I wasn't using for half a year. Reading the Onlyfans posts, there seems to be a more fundamental problem happening in Pittsburgh. It looks like either an organization or financing issue.
onawbtngr546's Avatar
Holy fuck I typed in 'pittsburgh' there and need to find some eyebleach because of that first result.....
Holy fuck I typed in 'pittsburgh' there and need to find some eyebleach because of that first result..... Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
I know that people's tastes can be a thing, but she is truly a specimen. I wonder if she has any subscribers at all.
Two words .... Public Housing.
It's a freaking gold mine of opportunities.
Gabrielle's Avatar
Gabrielle, can you explain in more detail how that works? I mean, I wouldn't even be a hobbyist if I got any action while I was in school. Originally Posted by Depurefymii
Sure thing.

I have a 3 step screening process now that includes screening information, reading over my rules and expectations and a mandatory video interview to see if we would be a good match. Deposits are required for all new friends, no exceptions.

I know lots of guys here are shitting on the new screening processes and deposits...maybe y'all wanna reevaluate your "hobby" and realize all the women you want to see are not disappearing, we are just leveling up our client base.

Screening is mandatory for my safety.

Damn shame it had to come to this...been waiting over 3 years for hobbyists to support decriminalization efforts to protect y'all too. But none of y'all could spare anything, leaving hookers to fund 90% of what's happened in PA.

Now, we require screening.

ECCIE hides abuse against us, allows hobbyists to out our identity/location/phone numbers, allows false reviews to be posts and more...

Y'all didn't wanna stand up and protect your hobby...so the hookers stood up to protect our career.

If you're wondering where we all of the providers went...hint...it's not here. We went to spaces where we are appreciated and valued.

No screening, no deposit = no nookie.

I did make the rules...because I'm one of a handful of hookers who have enough balls to go against the cops for targeting both hookers and clients and work on legislation to protect our community. While guys sit on this site stirring shit to keep their stronghold on the abuse.

For folks who don't like it, please submit your complaint to St. Christopher so it can be promptly ignored.

Now...where's my naked nacho pics?
AmishGangster's Avatar
Screening is what it is, its always been varied/different for each girl and guys always hate it. None of that has really changed, there is just more bitching here because we had the luxury of green squares for so long.

Girls not being Eccie in this area is more because they all had the luxury of a female oriented site for so long, Eccie is the opposite of that. I am actually quite surprised that some business minded hookers or mongers haven’t created Indys 2.0 yet

Many girls arent working currently because they are sucking up free government money, that will end eventually.

While some may disagree with that stuff its basic facts.

However with all that being said

How exactly do deposits keep you safe?
bambino's Avatar
Screening is what it is, its always been varied/different for each girl and guys always hate it. None of that has really changed, there is just more bitching here because we had the luxury of green squares for so long.

Girls not being Eccie in this area is more because they all had the luxury of a female oriented site for so long, Eccie is the opposite of that. I am actually quite surprised that some business minded hookers or mongers haven’t created Indys 2.0 yet

Many girls arent working currently because they are sucking up free government money, that will end eventually.

While some may disagree with that stuff its basic facts.

However with all that being said

How exactly do deposits keep you safe? Originally Posted by AmishGangster
So, when are you setting up your interview?
AmishGangster's Avatar
So, when are you setting up your interview? Originally Posted by bambino
I sent a hoodrat a carton of Newports via Amazon for a deposit, but then she dropped her phone in the toilet again
Depurefymii's Avatar
Sure thing.

I have a 3 step screening process now that includes screening information, reading over my rules and expectations and a mandatory video interview to see if we would be a good match. Deposits are required for all new friends, no exceptions. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
I don't have a problem with screening information. Black Mailing me is really hard at the moment. Monitory video interview is time consuming, but doable. Mandatory deposits is problematic because I don't have a way to get my money back if I get advance fee scammed and there are pages of advance fee scammers on adultsearch and hotsearch which are advertisers on this site.

I know lots of guys here are shitting on the new screening processes and deposits...maybe y'all wanna reevaluate your "hobby" and realize all the women you want to see are not disappearing, we are just leveling up our client base. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
I am following some of you on onlyfans and it doesn't look like your client level is increasing. I see stagnancy.

Screening is mandatory for my safety. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
What is the deposit for, Your financial safety?

Damn shame it had to come to this...been waiting over 3 years for hobbyists to support decriminalization efforts to protect y'all too. But none of y'all could spare anything, leaving hookers to fund 90% of what's happened in PA. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
I don't have any political power. If I did, I wouldn't bother with escorts, I would just have a harem out in the open.

Now, we require screening. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
Do you screen as a network so if I get screened by you I am good to go for Dreamgirl or do I have to both screen and deposit separately meaning I have to carry a lot of risk noting all of the advanced fee scammers.

If you are busy or just change careers I am not even sure you have someone else to show me. Vanessa directed me to Lacey when she was busy, and she didn't have such a complicated verification process.

It is a lot of work to put in that I can lose overnight. It isn't like I can insure against it either.

ECCIE hides abuse against us, allows hobbyists to out our identity/location/phone numbers, allows false reviews to be posts and more... Originally Posted by Gabrielle
I hate fake reviews. There are rules against raveling specific locations, we call you whatever you want to be called identity wise. Phone numbers just seem to be the lowest common denominator for contact.

Y'all didn't wanna stand up and protect your hobby...so the hookers stood up to protect our career. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
I don't have any political power. Even Elected Officials that use escorts didn't have the leverage.

If you're wondering where we all of the providers went...hint...it's not here. We went to spaces where we are appreciated and valued. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
They must have all went to STEM jobs at trendy companies or unemployment because there really isn't anywhere to work where you are appreciated and valued, and the workforce is being stretched thin.

No screening, no deposit = no nookie. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
Screening and Deposit doesn't guarantee nookie. I don't have much recourse if I hit one of the hundreds of advanced fee scammers flooding the sites.

I did make the rules...because I'm one of a handful of hookers who have enough balls to go against the cops for targeting both hookers and clients and work on legislation to protect our community. While guys sit on this site stirring shit to keep their stronghold on the abuse. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
I am not in on the abuse, but I also don't have any leverage to use on the state. I am sure we can get a higher percentage of police officers to focus less on us and more on traffic tickets and scraping people off the road.

For folks who don't like it, please submit your complaint to St. Christopher so it can be promptly ignored. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
I don't know a St. Christopher.

Now...where's my naked nacho pics? Originally Posted by Gabrielle
I never promised any of those.
Depurefymii's Avatar
I sent a hoodrat a carton of Newports via Amazon for a deposit, but then she dropped her phone in the toilet again Originally Posted by AmishGangster

Amazon doesn't sell Newports.
Gabrielle's Avatar
How exactly do deposits keep you safe? Originally Posted by AmishGangster
• if you cancel, I'm only out ½ the hotel cost...you are out the other ½.

Post FOSTA/SESTA there has been new hotel training and targeting by the anti-trafficking movement. I will only see one person at a time at a hotel room. It's basic risk assessment.

• if you kill me, the person who has access to my cash app (my lawyer on retainer) will get it to the appropriate folks to find you. It's basic risk assessment. (Also I'm gonna need a new lawyer on retainer soon, mines gonna be a judge OMG recommendations anyone?).

• cops rarely send deposits, due to some legalities I'm not going to outline for the cops on here who haven't figured it all out.

Howdy Mr. Officers. Did y'all catch the show the other week, where the cops called the cops on me becuase they didn't like the words coming out of my mouth? Fun times, boys.

• deposits pay for my gas money to get to you, in case you don't answer the door

• deposits ensure you're not going to rape me, stealth me or otherwise harm me...cash app, with a warrant, can be traced. They are a bank.

• when deposits are made, the % of cancellations go WAY down. I've had 2 cancellations and 1 NC/NC in the year since I insisted on deposits for all new friends.

Some of y'all on here are whining about losing $50 or $100 bucks...if you can't afford to risk your deposit, find a more reliable investment. It is that simple. If you think A will take your deposit, you are not hiring a provider becuase A is a con artist. Pick investment B. safer, more reliable, less risky and a provider not thief.

Eventually the con artists will search for a new gig if y'all stop hiring con artists and theives and blaming providers.

NOT ONE DEPOSIT HAVE I TAKEN...nor has any of the other women who have left this toxic cesspool of a site.

Nobody's here because we don't like the way we are treated here.
AmishGangster's Avatar
Amazon doesn't sell Newports. Originally Posted by Depurefymii
They do, you just have to know the super secret password.

And St. Christopher (The Patron Saint of Pussy) is (or perhaps was) the owner of Eccie, I haven’t spoken with them in a couple years. But they were once gracious enough to grant me a Christmas wish
AmishGangster's Avatar
Those are all very fair points Gabrielle. Unfortunately those exact reasons also make them problematic for guys.

I don’t want to be traceable. I don’t want to know your real name, nor you to know mine. Serenity just posted on Twitter today that she called her bank regarding a cashapp issue and was told the name of who sent her last funds. That wasn’t the police investigating a rape or murder or a lawyer and didn’t require a warrant. Just a phone call, thats very problematic.

I am sure you have never stolen a deposit or anything else from a monger, you have a great rep. But so did Jesse and many others. That does not mean in any way that you will go all Jesse some day but it does happen often enough.

Then there is the legitimacy issue. I know you are legit, and Dreamgirl and many others. But thats because we have been around for some time now, guys mongering that were never on Indys or ASPD dont know that, let alone know about the random girls they see ads for wherever they are finding them.

Its all semantics anyway. We each assign our own risk vs reward to each potential meeting anyway
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
I don't have a problem with screening information. Black Mailing me is really hard at the moment. Monitory video interview is time consuming, but doable. Mandatory deposits is problematic because I don't have a way to get my money back if I get advance fee scammed and there are pages of advance fee scammers on adultsearch and hotsearch which are advertisers on this site.

I am following some of you on onlyfans and it doesn't look like your client level is increasing. I see stagnancy.

What is the deposit for, Your financial safety?

I don't have any political power. If I did, I wouldn't bother with escorts, I would just have a harem out in the open.

Do you screen as a network so if I get screened by you I am good to go for Dreamgirl or do I have to both screen and deposit separately meaning I have to carry a lot of risk noting all of the advanced fee scammers.

If you are busy or just change careers I am not even sure you have someone else to show me. Vanessa directed me to Lacey when she was busy, and she didn't have such a complicated verification process.

It is a lot of work to put in that I can lose overnight. It isn't like I can insure against it either.

I hate fake reviews. There are rules against raveling specific locations, we call you whatever you want to be called identity wise. Phone numbers just seem to be the lowest common denominator for contact.

I don't have any political power. Even Elected Officials that use escorts didn't have the leverage.

They must have all went to STEM jobs at trendy companies or unemployment because there really isn't anywhere to work where you are appreciated and valued, and the workforce is being stretched thin.

Screening and Deposit doesn't guarantee nookie. I don't have much recourse if I hit one of the hundreds of advanced fee scammers flooding the sites.

I am not in on the abuse, but I also don't have any leverage to use on the state. I am sure we can get a higher percentage of police officers to focus less on us and more on traffic tickets and scraping people off the road.

I don't know a St. Christopher.

I never promised any of those. Originally Posted by Depurefymii
Kindly leave me out of this weirdo rant. As you well know, I’ve already declined meeting you and I don’t use references. You can easily make your point without using providers names.

Thanks! Carry on
Depurefymii's Avatar
Kindly leave me out of this weirdo rant. As you well know, I’ve already declined meeting you and I don’t use references.

Thanks! Carry on Originally Posted by Dreamgurrl

Thanks! Carry on