State Dept blocking private rescue flights from leaving Afghanistan, organizers say: 'Blood is on their hands'

His greatest one is not being Trump. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You don't even realize what you just said...he's not a leader he never has been...hell he can't even wipe HIS ASS!!
  • oeb11
  • 09-09-2021, 06:50 PM
His greatest one is not being Trump. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Such a shame - the virulent hatred of teh marxist DPSTs.

1b1 just made it clear his criteria for POTUS - 'Not Trump' - regardless of the horrors of leadership teh fiden criminal cabal commits.

All marxist DPSTs have the same blood on their hands as fiden in his murders of Americans in Afghanistan,.

1b1 - hatred - (-You exemplify it_ )is born of ignorance of truth and FACTs - ie your delusions of teh marxist DPST party narrative propaganda you promulgate on this forum - which causes Fear of reality, Truth, and Facts, and results in hatred of everything that is Special and sacred of America and its' peoples : and the Constitution, Bill of Rights, representative democracy, and principles of Equality for All Under teh Rule of Law . Concepts universally rejected by marxist DPST deluded minions such as 1b1 - even though sworn before the Bar as an attorney (putatively)!.

hatred is self-destructive - 1b1 - and it will cost You and America for following the race-baiters crt and project 1619 racist fear/hate mongering. a Path totally anathema to all the sermons and teachings of Martin Luther King Jr. Who would , and as i do - request "God Bless You"!