Biden secures safe passage of Americans.

No you are a DPST, except I have other words for that acronym. Ends in Traitor.
bambino's Avatar
No you are a DPST, except I have other words for that acronym. Ends in Traitor. Originally Posted by royamcr
You are. Be careful what you post.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
No you are a DPST, except I have other words for that acronym. Ends in Traitor. Originally Posted by royamcr
The only traitors are in the new United States of China administration.
LexusLover's Avatar
Bullshit, Biden pulled this off insuring safe exit. Originally Posted by royamcr
He sure did ....

.. the other 200 +/- won't be leaving!

Are you still trying to justify your vote for him?
  • oeb11
  • 09-10-2021, 05:51 AM
Igor is a DPST. Originally Posted by royamcr

Cease your insulting name-calling 'r' - it will catch up to your with a trip to teh band one day.

Keep One's friends close

Keep One's Enemies closer - 'r'

Poor deluded DPST souls!
One must Know the Lies of teh marxist DPST party - they are on Xinn - dictated by your CCP Leader - Comrade Xi!
Knowledge of Xinn Lies is necessary to bring Facts, Truth , and Light - to the American Peoples

and cast out teh horrors of the marxist totalitarian Liars.

such first grade nonsense - qualifies as the height of intellectual endeavor - among teh teachers Unions educated.

Thank u - 'r'
  • oeb11
  • 09-10-2021, 05:53 AM
No you are a DPST, except I have other words for that acronym. Ends in Traitor. Originally Posted by royamcr

Desperation for an insulting response - among those DPST marxists who cannot develop/post anything remotely resembling an intellectual response.

  • oeb11
  • 09-10-2021, 05:55 AM
He sure did ....

.. the other 200 +/- won't be leaving!

Are you still trying to justify your vote for him? Originally Posted by LexusLover

marxist DPST hate our military - and rejoice in teh deaths they caused of American men and women whose purpose was to protect the marxists devoted to the downfall of America. .
The marxist DPSTs all have blood on their hands

and rejoice in teh red flag of China on their hands and wrapped around their heads and eyes and ears.
LexusLover's Avatar
marxist DPST hate our military - and rejoice in teh deaths they caused of American men and women whose purpose was to protect the marxists devoted to the downfall of America. .
The marxist DPSTs all have blood on their hands

and rejoice in teh red flag of China on their hands and wrapped around their heads and eyes and ears. Originally Posted by oeb11
Apparently, they also rejoice over killing "Their Allies" the innocent Afghans trying to get into the airport! Similarly, they are killing a lot of folks trying to sneak into the country from the South .... after all ... what's a few 100 when millions get in ... they don't need all of them to vote in 2022 ... because now they've brought in voters from Afghanistan.
rexdutchman's Avatar
No the state dept just let the rescue ops continue ( after stopping )