Fiden criminal cabal institutes mandates utilizing teh excuse of a pandemic - in order to set teh precedent for further unilateral mandates to impose marxist tyranny in perpetuity on America.
Wuhan virus is just a tool for advancement of their marxist totalitarian DPST agenda.
Do not be fooled by the rabbit holes marxist DPSTs try to divert you to follow and fall into.
Australia is the model they follow
Australia’s insane COVID rules are a warning to the rest of the Free World
By Rich Lowry
September 7, 2021 8:34pm Updated

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The 18th-century English philosopher Jeremy Bentham came up with the idea of the panopticon, a prison designed to allow all the prisoners to be observed by one guard.
What even Bentham couldn’t conceive of, despite his creative musings about schemes of perpetual surveillance, was a society like contemporary Australia.
Once an honorable member of the Free World, Australia has lurched into a bizarre and disturbing netherworld of bureaucratic oppression in the name of public health. Australia’s lockdown mania has been so all-consuming that one assumes much of it would make Anthony Fauci blanch.
At the start of the pandemic, Australia determined to squeeze out COVID with lockdowns and travel restrictions and, as an island nation, had considerable success. It was the last of the G-20 countries to hit 1,000 total deaths.
But this created an unrealistic expectation that Australia could have COVID-zero as a goal for the duration and use targeted restrictions and surveillance (“circuit-breakers”) to maintain it.
As the pandemic has dragged on, this has become completely untenable and done violence to liberty and common sense in a great English-speaking nation.

With the Delta surge, more than half of Australians are locked down, often in response to a tiny number of cases.

The spirit of the lockdowns was perfectly captured a few months ago by the chief health officer of the state of New South Wales, who warned, “Whilst it is in human nature to engage in conversation with others, to be friendly, unfortunately this is not the time to do that.”
Ah yes, the public health threat of over-chattiness.
The Australian news media might as well be an arm of the public health bureaucracy. It produces stilted and hysterical reports about lockdown violators worthy of some dystopian future.

Unrestricted travel is a hallmark of a free society, but Australians can barely leave the country. Travel has been cut off between states, creating an arbitrary patchwork of states trying to isolate themselves from COVID cases elsewhere.
Tens of thousands of Australians have been trapped overseas, unable to come back home because of monthly limits on how many people can return.
All of this economic and social disruption and coercion hasn’t been enough to stamp out the Delta variant, which is outrunning the government controls. Federal premier Scott Morrison finally admitted the obvious the other day: “This is not a sustainable way to live in this country.”

COVID is a serious illness, and no country has gotten everything right. Australia has proved, though, that dispensing with key elements of advanced liberal society in the hopes of total victory over the virus is foolhardy and wrong.
Australia isn’t going to become a dictatorship, but this period in its national life stands as a warning for how easily core freedoms can erode in even a well-established democracy.
Twitter: @RichLowry
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