The reason people don't want to get the Vaccine

Let them believe what they wish. Trump said he had everything to do with getting it made so quick and distributed at lightning speed. If they don't want to listen to there Fuhrer that is there problem. I got mine that is all I am worried about. That way there will be more democrats to vote next time.
bambino's Avatar
I would tell a Covid joke but 99% of you wouldn’t get it.
AmishGangster's Avatar
Let them believe what they wish. Trump said he had everything to do with getting it made so quick and distributed at lightning speed. If they don't want to listen to there Fuhrer that is there problem. I got mine that is all I am worried about. That way there will be more democrats to vote next time. Originally Posted by bypass
Scores of dead Democraps vote in every election
Fortunately a vast majority of adults don’t agree with some of you and Nicki Minaj…lol).
The numbers are deceptive because very few under 18 have gotten it.
Who’s “bat shit crazy”?
It’s the right thing to do, but do what blows your dress up.
Scores of dead Democraps vote in every election Originally Posted by AmishGangster
I find that comment hilarious. How many of your people, how many experts, how many times have they counted the votes, looked at the paper and they haven't proved a thing. Actually most of the fraudulent votes were committed by republicans. I am beginning to think TRUMP DID LOSE. I hope you guys don't die before you realize he LOST.

In case you guys don't know, when they send in the ballots, they check them with a list and signature and mark them off. Both democrats and republicans have checked and rechecked this numerous times. Even one of your hero's Lindsey Graham confirmed this after they killed the five on January 6th. That and the rioters that hurt all the guards and tried to kill Mike Pence for not lying for Trump.

They have the same list when you walk in to vote. If you are not on there or if your signature doesn't match you can't vote. Don't you guys watch the main stream news. Its been on there for months. They checked and rechecked the roster numerous times to see if it coincides. If someone sent in a dead persons vote they would see it. To bad the losers want to believe a lie. I feel bad.

I see why most of you guys that believe they sent in dead peoples ballots and after they checked and rechecked by both parties and they didn't find anything you just WANT to live a lie.

I see why Trump years ago when asked if he would run for president what party would he run under. He said if he did he would run he would run as a republican because they believe anything.
bambino's Avatar

The FDA is gonna use blow darts to vax black folks!!!
The funny part of that video is people here will actually believe that.
bambino's Avatar
The funny part of that video is people here will actually believe that. Originally Posted by bypass
It’s real. Taylor works for the FDA. Or should I say “did”.
AmishGangster's Avatar
Bypass, I only noticed you existed this week and I already know you are a full blown drinking the KoolAid libtard.

Where did I say that Biden lost to Trump? He didn’t, Hillary lost to Trump. Those are basic facts.

Dead Democraps voting in every election is also a basic fact. As is Democrap falsifying mail in ballots. Its been happening for decades. Why is it not more publicized? 2 main reasons. #1 the media are overwhelmingly libtards and #2 most sane people realize that truly exposing election fraud would have dire consequences for our country. I need only point at the assault on the capital and the looting, oops I mean “peaceful protests” the libtards throw every time things don’t go their way these days. It also doesn’t matter as much as some people think. Even with all the media bias toward the left they can still only manage to win roughly half the elections. America is basically divided into 4 parts, 25% libtard, 25% righty, 25% moderate/independent and 25% who don't give a fuck. Realistically whoever wins only makes roughly 33% of the country happy, 33% pissed and the remainder dont give a fuck. Understanding this is key to personal happiness.

Do I think Biden is a senile puppet fuckwad? Of course. I also think Trump is a pompous fuck who has no ability to control his stupidity. I also think Obama is a 2 faced muslim socialist fucktard, but at least he knew enough to try to hide his issues. Had he been dumb enough to face Mecca on his prayer rug everyday you wouldnt have Obamacare, or DACA or anything else. America would have treated him like the left treats Trump. W has the IQ of a grapefruit, Billy Bob Clinton is a rapist. Presidents come and go,

Really smart people don’t stress that much about who wins what because they know the policies of either party can easily be bypassed most of the time and its rare that the checks and balances of our 2 party system result in dynamic change. Yeah you libtards got Obamacare and lax immigration policy but conservatives likely have the Supreme Court for a generation, I’ll take that trade every time.
Believe what you want. You will get no argument from me. We all have an opinion.
chizzy's Avatar
Bypass, I only noticed you existed this week and I already know you are a full blown drinking the KoolAid libtard.

Where did I say that Biden lost to Trump? He didn’t, Hillary lost to Trump. Those are basic facts.

Dead Democraps voting in every election is also a basic fact. As is Democrap falsifying mail in ballots. Its been happening for decades. Why is it not more publicized? 2 main reasons. #1 the media are overwhelmingly libtards and #2 most sane people realize that truly exposing election fraud would have dire consequences for our country. I need only point at the assault on the capital and the looting, oops I mean “peaceful protests” the libtards throw every time things don’t go their way these days. It also doesn’t matter as much as some people think. Even with all the media bias toward the left they can still only manage to win roughly half the elections. America is basically divided into 4 parts, 25% libtard, 25% righty, 25% moderate/independent and 25% who don't give a fuck. Realistically whoever wins only makes roughly 33% of the country happy, 33% pissed and the remainder dont give a fuck. Understanding this is key to personal happiness.

Do I think Biden is a senile puppet fuckwad? Of course. I also think Trump is a pompous fuck who has no ability to control his stupidity. I also think Obama is a 2 faced muslim socialist fucktard, but at least he knew enough to try to hide his issues. Had he been dumb enough to face Mecca on his prayer rug everyday you wouldnt have Obamacare, or DACA or anything else. America would have treated him like the left treats Trump. W has the IQ of a grapefruit, Billy Bob Clinton is a rapist. Presidents come and go,

Really smart people don’t stress that much about who wins what because they know the policies of either party can easily be bypassed most of the time and its rare that the checks and balances of our 2 party system result in dynamic change. Yeah you libtards got Obamacare and lax immigration policy but conservatives likely have the Supreme Court for a generation, I’ll take that trade every time. Originally Posted by AmishGangster
I have it on good authority, biden and the democrats are working to put a new tax on horse and buggies my friend.... now they have gone too far
I have it on good authority, biden and the democrats are working to put a new tax on horse and buggies my friend.... now they have gone too far Originally Posted by chizzy
I'm slow, it took me about five minutes. LOL
AmishGangster's Avatar
I have it on good authority, biden and the democrats are working to put a new tax on horse and buggies my friend.... now they have gone too far Originally Posted by chizzy
What the actual fuck? Its hard enough being Amish during the hooker video interview era. Now I have to convince my horse to identify as a cow
bambino's Avatar
What the actual fuck? Its hard enough being Amish during the hooker video interview era. Now I have to convince my horse to identify as a cow Originally Posted by AmishGangster
I remember when Jessi wore the Chic Fi La cow suit to a Halloween GTG. Eat more chicken. True story. She did fill out the cow suit nicely. The Ho 250 union thing.
bambino's Avatar
Bypass, I only noticed you existed this week and I already know you are a full blown drinking the KoolAid libtard.

Where did I say that Biden lost to Trump? He didn’t, Hillary lost to Trump. Those are basic facts.

Dead Democraps voting in every election is also a basic fact. As is Democrap falsifying mail in ballots. Its been happening for decades. Why is it not more publicized? 2 main reasons. #1 the media are overwhelmingly libtards and #2 most sane people realize that truly exposing election fraud would have dire consequences for our country. I need only point at the assault on the capital and the looting, oops I mean “peaceful protests” the libtards throw every time things don’t go their way these days. It also doesn’t matter as much as some people think. Even with all the media bias toward the left they can still only manage to win roughly half the elections. America is basically divided into 4 parts, 25% libtard, 25% righty, 25% moderate/independent and 25% who don't give a fuck. Realistically whoever wins only makes roughly 33% of the country happy, 33% pissed and the remainder dont give a fuck. Understanding this is key to personal happiness.

Do I think Biden is a senile puppet fuckwad? Of course. I also think Trump is a pompous fuck who has no ability to control his stupidity. I also think Obama is a 2 faced muslim socialist fucktard, but at least he knew enough to try to hide his issues. Had he been dumb enough to face Mecca on his prayer rug everyday you wouldnt have Obamacare, or DACA or anything else. America would have treated him like the left treats Trump. W has the IQ of a grapefruit, Billy Bob Clinton is a rapist. Presidents come and go,

Really smart people don’t stress that much about who wins what because they know the policies of either party can easily be bypassed most of the time and its rare that the checks and balances of our 2 party system result in dynamic change. Yeah you libtards got Obamacare and lax immigration policy but conservatives likely have the Supreme Court for a generation, I’ll take that trade every time. Originally Posted by AmishGangster
You should be easier on Trump. The country was in better shape than it’s been in a generations. Don’t expose your naïveté. Even tho you’re an inbred Amish guy.