Encounter: First Valkyra event went Superb

Valkyra is a good provider. Treat her correctly and you'll get good service and the rest of us will also. When all this trash keeps going and they are mistreated, has a loot to do with the goods ones leaving the business
Rainbird4668's Avatar
jokacz's Avatar
Valkyra is a good provider. Treat her correctly and you'll get good service and the rest of us will also. When all this trash keeps going and they are mistreated, has a loot to do with the goods ones leaving the business Originally Posted by tit 4 tat

12InchClock's Avatar
Dr-epg's Avatar
Gentlemen let’s remember private tags.
12InchClock's Avatar
Get him doc.
Tell him not to yell at me any more.
buffalomw10's Avatar

Added private tags The Dr
12InchClock's Avatar
Originally Posted by Bigdaddy14606
Exactly. My thoughts as well.