The ONE at the capitol was unorganized and Trump never said to enter or destroy anything. He even denounced the whole thing
Now the real riots that lasted for many many months were funded by dnc operatives. Never denounced. Had the future vp and others bailing out the rioters and looters. Millions in damages and many lives lost. I think this/these are rge riot/s youre talking about! Clearly
DPST indoctrinated minions are so invested in teh propaganda Lies of tehir LSM -
that they are beyond any hope of change to Truth, FACTs , and Reality.
Sad for them
shepples marching lockstep to eh jackboot , murderous marxist racist nomenklatura of eh DPST party
Getting something for 'nothing' - will be the death of millions of 'moderate' DPSTs at the hands of teh DPST Secret Police to replace local police departments - they plan nationwide
Just as they plan to confiscate elections - as does Putin in russia, and Zi in China, and Maduro in Venezuela.