The New Victim of Cancel Culture: Science

Just like they did in 2020 Originally Posted by WTF
Yet you're the bloke complainin'.

Just sayin'

### Salty
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The left cancels the right and the right cancels the left....and neither see the hypocrisy. Originally Posted by WTF
sure if you say so.

both sides may do it, but its primarily one side who does its far more frequently. the majority of the cancel attacks are from the left.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Hopefully, the next victim of cancel culture, will be Terry McCauliffe for saying parents should not have a say in the education of THEIR children.

Virginia will be the first test as to whether Democrats are going to be held accountable for these Marxist ideas and this is about as Marxist as it gets when the government tells you that THEY own your child and will raise them in a manner they see fit.

So, if you are a parent in Virginia, consider that before you vote and the rest of us will take it into consideration when we vote in '22 Originally Posted by HedonistForever
pundits think mccauliffe will lose. reportedly, the big guns joe biden and stacey adams are going to Virginia to save his tripped up ass.
pundits think mccauliffe will lose. reportedly, the big guns joe biden and stacey adams are going to Virginia to save his tripped up ass. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
joe biden isn't going

he's far from a big gun and far from able to stump for anyone
  • oeb11
  • 10-14-2021, 06:52 AM

If America falls for that line of propaganda - America deserves what it gets from the DPST racist marxists.