For the guys

FatCity's Avatar
Depends on what she offers
If she offers a legitimate IN-CALL, she's saving me money on a suite AND she's the host. That counts for something in my book.

The going rate in my area is $350/hr for your basic escort. What you get for this rate is an average body, maybe some high mileage man-mades and most assuredly someone with an {staff edit-CK}.

I go $400 if she's relatively young/youthful and in above average shape. If she participates and is not just a couch cushion during the session, I'd be willing to go $500.

I have no problem with $600 - 700 if she's late 20s - mid 30s, immaculate body and not-a-fuck-up personality. Being with a competent, self-assured in her femininity woman makes all the fucking difference.

If they ask for deposits, if they can't keep up communication, if they are unsure about their own schedule, I delete. Experience tells me its a dead end
FatCity's Avatar
{staff edit-CK}.
give me a break, janny
CryptKicker's Avatar
give me a break, janny
Originally Posted by FatCity
I did- you only got a warning.....
My favorite pizza is Moretinas Caddy shack but, a large take and bake supreme is 20.50. Usually get them a couple of times a year.

Most often I go for the Monday special at the Price Rite on Waukomis which is a large take and bake supreme for $7.99. And it's HUUUGGE.
Some providers have increased their rates in this economy. They have told me they need to make more money to make up for it. The mistake they make, in my opinion, is keeping in mind that their clients are facing the same stressed wallets.
A few years ago you could get a nice hour long massage with a nice finish for $80 plus tip; FS was $120 not long ago. I think this must have changed with Backpage going down, but maybe a coincidence.
As with anything, price is dependent upon value, to an extent. While everybody would like to feel they have a high value, the customer pool may be smaller with a larger price. In my profession, I have not raised my rates in a while. The reason is I have a lot of competition and clients dont value quality like they should; it's all about price.

As I was saying elsewhere, in my profession, you see newcomers or those with "no frills" wanting to charge what veterans like me charge. I often say I compete for value, not for price. So, mistakenly, in the hobby, there are newcomers of all ages charging what they see high value providers charge. The market will eventually take care of that overpricing.
DallasRain's Avatar
i have had the same rate for over 15 years
and im comfortable with it so why change it

but i do understand why some gals raised their rates
it is expensive to do this kinda work...especially if you travel

hotels raised their prices.... gas is sky their is makeup cost/pedis & to perform our cost and much more expenses that incur with daily living

so a guy just has to find a gal who fits his budget