dear sir - Please cease the needless name-calling
Please do not act as a member of teh Democrat-Progressive-socialist-totalitarian party! Originally Posted by oeb11
Here is a tidbit. Likely it will interest someone. Key words: marxist, socialist, DPST, sad, professional help, DPST againAnd this has nothing to do with lowered expectation that the liberal rag wopo is trying to spin because of the failed ideology of liberalism.
The Federal Agency for Civic Education (FACE, German Bundeszentrale fur politische Bildung (bpb)) is a German federal government agency responsible for promoting civic education. It is subordinated to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community. Thomas Kruger has served as President of the agency since 2000. The modern agency was established in West Germany in 1952 by the Adenauer government to counteract communism during the Cold War, but it has its roots in earlier government agencies dating back to the First World War. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Your reply is nonsense. This thread is what is nonsense. Pissant, piSSant, PiSsAnt. Jason Pissant. Originally Posted by VitaManThe thread came from a libtard rag...they're PISSANT simps just like you!!
... Ya know... when constant insults and
bad ways begin to lead everybody off-topic...
... Maybe that's the proper time for me
to do some current events.
"Current Events" for "America backers" in Afghanistan:
Thanks, Joe... "Mission Acomplished"...
### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again