vaccine and performance

Here is a presentation from Dr. Charles Hoffe
grayturner's Avatar
Here is a presentation from Dr. Charles Hoffe Originally Posted by smartguy
If you see it on the internet, it has to be trure. Right? LOL
anonsull's Avatar
The vaccine is one formula, it will affect everyone in different ways. It isn't adjusted by age, height, race, illness or anything. I wish you the best.
I gained half inch, maybe a little more from Phizer. Stay rock hard even after the first blow and can go right to round two if not too long of a break.
burkalini's Avatar
Both shots and the booster and no effect at all.
VeronicaTurbay's Avatar
I have no heard of such thing... but if makes you feel better... it's Pfizer, so if you trust them with viagra....
Y’all are Nuckin’ Futs! My performance has improved because I am way more confident and relaxed that I’m not going to die from an infectious disease - same reason I wear a condom!

Any of the ladies I’ve been with during the pandemic care to comment?