another accomplishment by the Biden administration

bambino's Avatar
Every move they’re making is to destabilise America.

LexusLover's Avatar
Yeh, sure. This so called “infrastructure bill” is nothing more than a vote buying rampage by the lying sacks of shit Democrats. Originally Posted by Jackie S
...funded by the taxpayers, ...

.... which is why VM has no problem with it.
VitaMan's Avatar
waiting for VM to try this again .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Really on tilt. You couldn't even wait 30 minutes before posting again and begging for a reply.

Your sources:
daily beast a tabloid a libertarian publication, with a CEO named Zilvinas Silenas
washington times a conservative publication

Consider the sources.

Consider the Biden administration passed an infrastructure bill in less than a year.
The previous administration - didn't get it done in 4 years.
VitaMan's Avatar
When VM starts a thread about wasteful gumment spending as an accomplishment...that's says all you need to know about his thinking Originally Posted by bb1961

You have posted dozens of times asking for accomplishments of the Biden administration. Now one is staring you in the face, and what do you do ? You can't even admit it.

The previous administration didn't get it done. Now smoke is blowing out the ears and mouth of the ringleader.
VitaMan's Avatar
the statesman

VitaMan's Avatar
the ringleader

LexusLover's Avatar
the statesman

Originally Posted by VitaMan

LexusLover's Avatar
the ringleader

Originally Posted by VitaMan
I'll take a "leader" anytime.
bambino's Avatar
U.S. Inflation at 6.2% in October.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all items in the United States rose by 0.9% in October in comparison to the same period the year before, beating market expectations, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed in its report published on Wednesday.

On a monthly level, the figure went up by 0.9%, exceeding analysts' projections, but we are all “conspiracy theorists” and if we question economic response, we could be “domestic terrorists”.
VitaMan's Avatar
What can I say now ? I was there 4 years, and they get it done in less than a year.

VitaMan's Avatar
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 11-10-2021, 06:58 AM

couldn't afford rib eyes last month

now its chicken

millions of able bodied men not actively looking for work, that's why the unemployment rate is an artificial number

America has ever increased the socialization of both success and failure

we need to individualize things a bit more

you work and succeed and you're demonized and taxed

you don't work and you are supported

and I'm not talking about kids or the infirm or the aged

our direction is not a recipe for the long term success of the nation

but then some people don't want us to succeed
bambino's Avatar
rexdutchman's Avatar
An yet nothings gonna get fixed , except friend makin money Hmm