Anybody Else Feel Price Points Are Too High?

cmore197474's Avatar
I get those points but for me it's just not the same experience. Thus the reason I stated to each his own. Not sure why that's so hard to understand. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Because you said in your own quote THAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND why people use amps.. so why did you say that if you DO UNDERSTAND.. and why post at all if your going to say to each their own. Just respect peoples choices
those things are the reasons why people like them. Regardless if you agree with their opinion.
cmore197474's Avatar
And then add to the fact that what you get in an amp isnt normally whats advertised.
Guys bitch about providers using old pics...yet see the young cute asian pix only to get something entirely different in most cases Originally Posted by BigDeal
The difference is though one knows and expects that at an amp going in. Not so with a provider. And the same guys bitching about one are not necessarily the same guys going to amps. As i said i don't use amps but your point is apples to oranges
AMPs are great for what they are. You know the price going in. You pick the time and date. The time stated is the time you get. It's a consumer centric business model. The only downside really is the language barrier.

Compared to their provider counterparts: You may not know the price or there might be upselling. The time and date is fluid if it happens at all. The time stated may not be the time allowed. The menu listed may not be the available. Its a business centric model. Of course there are upsides, but it shouldn't be a mystery why AMP exist and will continue to exist.
AMPs are great for what they are. You know the price going in. You pick the time and date. The time stated is the time you get. It's a consumer centric business model. The only downside really is the language barrier.

Compared to their provider counterparts: You may not know the price or there might be upselling. The time and date is fluid if it happens at all. The time stated may not be the time allowed. The menu listed may not be the available. Its a business centric model. Of course there are upsides, but it shouldn't be a mystery why AMP exist and will continue to exist. Originally Posted by Passerby
I disagree amps use upsell all the time.
So do you really know the price point going in?

Very few reputable and verified providers upsell.
Not saying it doesn't happen but in my case rarely have I ever had a provider upsell me.
FiddleSticks's Avatar
Everyone should just stick with the Roto-Asian.
$160/hr is waaaaaay more reasonable than $350+/hr that all these girls think is the new normal.
I disagree amps use upsell all the time.
So do you really know the price point going in?
Originally Posted by BigDeal

Maybe I'm doing something wrong but no one has ever tried to sell me anything; pay at the door, tip on my way out. Easy peasy. I guess if I asked for something extra, but then, yea, I might as well go to a provider.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I used to be a more frequent customer of several of the studio options around town, and this is no insult to them because we are so lucky in this area to have several amazing providers, but at the $200+ price point when I'm bouncing decisions between my brain and my smaller more irrational brain, I'm more likely so say nah, or simply opt for the AMP that's not quite as fun but still satisfying for a bill.

$120-150 was such a sweet spot IMHO. And again this is not to insult the incredible talent in this area, I've just heard rumor that business has slowed down, and I wonder if that's why.

This take is in regards to HE providers with no FS. I'm curious if I'm the only one holding back due to $$$. Originally Posted by BigLefty05

A very good comment. Has the price of seeing a lady gone up more than prices in general. The answer is yes. For those who actually study finance it is a question that requires some thought. Kinda like buying a piece of property with a loan from the bank. When the price goes up due to inflation, you get to pay off the loan with cheaper dollars. But when you sell it for a higher price you get paid with dollars that are worth less

Have you really come out ahead if you got paid twice as much as you bought the property for, but the dollars are worth half as much?

There is a term called "The present value of a dollar". The term used to be published weekly in the Wall Street Journal, but I haven't used it for about 10 years.

If the price of gasoline rises at a faster rate than the price of a loaf of bread, are you getting a bad deal on gasoline or just a better deal on bread. There are people who spend their lives looking at this kind of thing, but I kinda got tired of this type of thing and moved on with other things.

But I think we can all agree that the price of pussy has increased faster than many other things that we purchase. The price of pussy has taken the greater increase than other things because it is driven by emotion. After all is said and done, when one girl raises her prices all the other girls want to raise theirs too. Is all pussy the same: we can all agree that no one would believe that.
If it is not the same, then why is there not a wider range in prices?
" A dollar today is worth only 30% of a dollar in 1980 Updated: November 10, 2021.
$100 in 1980 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $335.67 today, an increase of $235.67 over 41 years. The dollar had an average inflation rate of 3.00% per year between 1980 and today,"
I hunted up a year spread for the present value of the dollar.
I picked 1980 because that was when I first got started in the hobby, maybe about 3 years earlier. Anyway, quality pussy could be purchased for about $50 in 1980. I saw one nice lady for $10, but I think she was needing sex more than me. $100 was for high price escorts.

What do you think now? If you are you paying higher than $350 for a first class high price visit, are you getting screwed: less than $200 for an average visit. Is the visit really worth more than anything else you purchase?

Y'all have got it wrong. It isn't about the net present value of a dollar or inflationary pussy. The proposition is basically this:

1. Pussy that takes more effort to get, whether that is dates or having to listen to the mouth that is attached to the pussy.

2. Jack it

3. $ Pussy

4. Something else - AMPs probably fit in here

When you push the price of $ pussy above what the market will bear, 1, 2 & 4 become better propositions. Then the ladies with $ pussy begin to wonder why the dollars aren't coming in like they used to. The answer, at least for some of you, is your proposition is weak. Your customers are going to 1, 2, & 4 and not you. Then the tendency is to push the price of $ pussy up more, and that doesn't help you because the proposition for your customers only gets worse.
KatiforYou's Avatar
It’s simple supply vs demand in Kansas City.

Providers aren’t dropping their rates because there’s no reason to. If and when we can’t make it work with what we’re charging then and only then donations will drop. But for now, nobody here seems to be hurting and so donations will probably stay the same for the foreseeable future.
And to be fair, the Kansas City providers are really good at what we do
While it seems that a provider HE and a parlor HE would be the same thing it's absolutely not! You're comparing apples to oranges with this, sorry to say! Originally Posted by Emmie
What Emmie said.

Although there is some overlap, the two are fundamentally different experiences.

I don't go to providers expecting a massage, although that can be an included activity.

If I go to an AMP the expectation is that I will mainly get a massage with possible extras, but not always.

I will say that with few exceptions, Amps have given the full hour paid for, or at least close to it.

I have run into many escorts that charge by activity rather then time. Once you pop you're done. Many rotasians seem to work on this model as well.

For me much of the appeal is having the company and attention of a charming lady for a period of time therefore, a .6 + tip hour massage makes the most sense. As opposed to risking 5-600 for a lady that has very attractive pics but, who knows what you actually get. The encounter reports are full of stories of clients that spent a significant some for service they themselves described as unsatisfying but hey, they were hot.
JRLawrence's Avatar
It’s simple supply vs demand in Kansas City.

Providers aren’t dropping their rates because there’s no reason to. If and when we can’t make it work with what we’re charging then and only then donations will drop. But for now, nobody here seems to be hurting and so donations will probably stay the same for the foreseeable future.
And to be fair, the Kansas City providers are really good at what we do Originally Posted by KatiforYou
Very true. "Supply vs. demand" is a totally different subject then the "Present Value of the Dollar". Both of these studies have an effect on prices.

"Supply and Demand" have a much shorter effect than the long term effect of the "Present Value of the Dollar".

The thing that I can not figure out about the hobby is the many of the prices charged seem to be about the same: that is most of the ladies seem to have move up together. What use to be $200 just a few years ago are now $300, a $100 increase: wow 50% more. We are sure that most wages have not seen that type of increase.

Of course, we see adds that ask for $1000+ per hour (I am sure they just have a few dates) and we have seen a few that are $100 (is too low the prediction of a problem?).

But, are there fewer ladies to choose from - I don't think so, but I can not prove it. I have observed that there a lot of ladies getting into and then quickly out or the hobby. They tend to charge more; are they just trying to make a little money on the side?

I talked to a young lady a couple of months ago; it turned out that she had never been in the hobby and wanted $450 for an hour. When it was obvious she didn't know what she was doing I just excused myself and left. The unknown just wasn't worth the risk, the price didn't matter - low or high.

Katy, you have a good point: "Providers aren’t dropping their rates because there’s no reason to. If and when we can’t make it work with what we’re charging then and only then donations will drop."

JR...Its KATI not Katy

Speaking of Kati
I do agree with what she is saying.
Dallas providers typically charge less because of the amt of competition.

And supply and demand plays a part.

Just a slight comparison to the auto market.
You arent seeing discounts on new cars because inventory is low and what they do have in most cases now is selling before it arrives.
So manufacturers say why discount when I dont have much of it and demand is high
I just like when a provider moves to tryst their price jumps $50-$100 more than their previous ads on a different platform. I understand price increases but to go from $250 an hour to $350+ with the same menu is a little much.

On another note, why do most providers not put their rate on their ad then complain you wasted their time with “verifying” yourself when they give you an absurd rate and you pass…
I just like when a provider moves to tryst their price jumps $50-$100 more than their previous ads on a different platform. I understand price increases but to go from $250 an hour to $350+ with the same menu is a little much.

On another note, why do most providers not put their rate on their ad then complain you wasted their time with “verifying” yourself when they give you an absurd rate and you pass… Originally Posted by Woodchuck1911
They cant put their rate at eccie at least but I know on others they can.
I also believe some sites show up more online possibly to the general public who are less experienced with the hobby and havent learned lessons.
Not 100% of this just a thought
I agree but the majority of platforms donations can be written but they choose not to list it.