Nuru Massage... A risky practice ??

Umm Ms! Have several seats aren't you offering bbbj? your Reviews state you do! your more at risk of catching something then providers that dont offer bb nuru!
queenV's Avatar
Hello, I am just now seeing this thread. I haven’t seen you much on this site or meet you in person. So I do not want to assume anything about you but what I do want to say is this. Since you are on this site I am going to guess you probably do more than a massage??? So why would you make a thread knocking what other ladies do?? Do you honestly want a discussion? If you did than maybe you shouldn’t have trashed other ladies to try to make yourself look better?? Wording is key in the hobby. As you should learn before trying to start a discussion. We are all here for a reason… so why be rude an trash what other people do. Maybe you should try to build up other women first. This is just my opinion. So I hope you stay safe an less judgmental.
The times I have done Nuru massage, I’ve used female condoms, which protects just in case of a slip up.
Laurenspencer's Avatar
Hello, I am just now seeing this thread. I haven’t seen you much on this site or meet you in person. So I do not want to assume anything about you but what I do want to say is this. Since you are on this site I am going to guess you probably do more than a massage??? So why would you make a thread knocking what other ladies do?? Do you honestly want a discussion? If you did than maybe you shouldn’t have trashed other ladies to try to make yourself look better?? Wording is key in the hobby. As you should learn before trying to start a discussion. We are all here for a reason… so why be rude an trash what other people do. Maybe you should try to build up other women first. This is just my opinion. So I hope you stay safe an less judgmental. Originally Posted by queenV
Hey Ashley , love your new profile image . I am with you I was not sure why this thread was started and a bit confused . I agree anytime you engage in this hobby no matter how safe you are it’s a risk . We all ladies need to stay as safe as possible And work together . Everyone offers different activities and it’s up to us to stay safe
Hot Summer's Avatar
Hello, I am just now seeing this thread. I haven’t seen you much on this site or meet you in person. So I do not want to assume anything about you but what I do want to say is this. Since you are on this site I am going to guess you probably do more than a massage??? So why would you make a thread knocking what other ladies do?? Do you honestly want a discussion? If you did than maybe you shouldn’t have trashed other ladies to try to make yourself look better?? Wording is key in the hobby. As you should learn before trying to start a discussion. We are all here for a reason… so why be rude an trash what other people do. Maybe you should try to build up other women first. This is just my opinion. So I hope you stay safe an less judgmental. Originally Posted by queenV
I do my best to stay off of this Drama board.
But I second this comment and seeing there's only a handful of us Nuru Providers,
I felt personally attacked on the services I provide.
I'm not sure if that was the OP's intentions but that's how I feel never the less.
queenV's Avatar
I want to share on more IMPORTANT on this thread that I hope helps you in the future. I posted this before I came to Arkansas This is something I live by in the hobby and my personal life. Its so important. That is why every time I need a new lady I give them a "hoe to go" bag. To show support an let them know they have someone there for them because the hobby can be hard, so why make it harder by trashing each other There is no need to knock each other down. We get enough of that so why do it to each other. Educate yourself before you knock anyone else down or keep your uneducated opinion to yourself. I am beyond thankful for all the ladies who have educated me an taken time to help and support me. I do not always agree with them but I would never go on a thread an knock them down. That is childish. I really hope you can take from this, learn show support in your next thread.
I can not get the pic to post. We all know I hate technology. so this is what it says.
Laurenspencer's Avatar
I can vouch for the Ho to go bag Miss Ashely gave me ! Out of all the years I have met a provider sh was the only one who came with a hug hug a smile and a gift
She’s simply amazing . It’s a ways best to have good friends in the hobby it’s makes all the difference in the world . At the end of the day we ladies are all we have in this business . So let’s supper and build one another up . As Miss A said she may not agree with everyone on certain things and neither do I , but at the end of the day I will support you . ..

I think In the OP defense she is new to the board and may not realize it could offend someone .
I do my best to stay off of this Drama board.
But I second this comment and seeing there's only a handful of us Nuru Providers,
I felt personally attacked on the services I provide.
I'm not sure if that was the OP's intentions but that's how I feel never the less. Originally Posted by Hot Summer

Anything Hot Summer and Queen V offer I'm in!
I love this MEGA ( Make Eccie Great Again ) Originally Posted by Laurenspencer

Make Eccie Great Again
McDonalds And Golf Again
I can vouch for the Ho to go bag Miss Ashely gave me ! Out of all the years I have met a provider sh was the only one who came with a hug hug a smile and a gift
She’s simply amazing . It’s a ways best to have good friends in the hobby it’s makes all the difference in the world . At the end of the day we ladies are all we have in this business . So let’s supper and build one another up . As Miss A said she may not agree with everyone on certain things and neither do I , but at the end of the day I will support you . ..

I think In the OP defense she is new to the board and may not realize it could offend someone . Originally Posted by Laurenspencer
I have been told that I am naive and probably am but when I read the post, I honestly didn’t take it as a slam towards anyone. I have often wondered about it too. It would be nice to try Nuru from someone who actually does it right. Maybe I need to add that to my list of things to try out! But I know she is new as you pointed out and probably trying to learn the ropes or boundaries.
I have been told that I am naive and probably am but when I read the post, I honestly didn’t take it as a slam towards anyone. I have often wondered about it too. It would be nice to try Nuru from someone who actually does it right. Maybe I need to add that to my list of things to try out! But I know she is new as you pointed out and probably trying to learn the ropes or boundaries. Originally Posted by stiffey1
Thank you finally a voice of reason.
Laurenspencer's Avatar
I have been told that I am naive and probably am but when I read the post, I honestly didn’t take it as a slam towards anyone. I have often wondered about it too. It would be nice to try Nuru from someone who actually does it right. Maybe I need to add that to my list of things to try out! But I know she is new as you pointed out and probably trying to learn the ropes or boundaries. Originally Posted by stiffey1
Hi Stiffey , I have no clue what Nuru massage is lol I am really hoping someone will explain what it is . She is new to the business and the board and seems very sweet. I have learned and still learning to be mindful of post that could have the
potential of upsetting providers . They all work very hard and this business can be stressful at times .
eccieuser13's Avatar
Everybody's talking about Nuru. People are asking questions about it. I get asked questions about it on a weekly basis. I often get asked, "What do you think about it?" "Is it safe?" "Do you offer it?" "What does it involve?"

But me personally, I don't know how I feel about it because I don't know much about it. That's why I made the thread, so providers and men can talk about it.

I love information! I have already learned that some ladies, like Summer, wear panties during Nuru. I actually love that idea... simply because I get so TURNED ON by wearing sexy panties and lingerie. It can be so sexy actually having clothes on! Who knew? And I've learned a thick gel can be used, which seems that it would help the gliding action. (That sounds so AMAZING)

And again, I don't offer it currently, so you'll have to get it from another provider. Summer already mentioned she offers it. I'm sure she has a great Nuru.

I'm all about massage, though. It's so therapeutic. So relaxing. Great for health and wellness. I believe every hard-working man deserves a massage at least once a week! Yes, at least once a week!
Hot Summer's Avatar
It was the title of your thread that was disturbing to me, not the conversation on style of Massage we provide.
Either way I'm up for conversation on this matter anytime and I do apologize for getting my GEL panties in a wad.
but it needed to be cleared up.
That the risk we all take is the same, if we offer more than a therapeutic Massage.