Ex-Army Generals Fear Insurrection or 'Civil War' in 2024

eccieuser9500's Avatar
And what if Trump, or whom ever the Republicans nominee, wins.

Is there a “War Games” planned to combat the Looney Left from their own insurrection?. Originally Posted by Jackie S

It's not an insurrection if it's what the people voted for. Sir.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
General Milley said that he is more concerned about white supremacy than winning wars and obviously getting Americans out of Afghanistan.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
General Milley said that he is more concerned about white supremacy than winning wars and obviously getting Americans out of Afghanistan. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Because we have our own fucking problems.

White supremacy is a valid issue in our military. Sir.

I'm surprised there was not a theory put forth on your part. Maybe you're working on it.

I think it's beneath you to sound so dismissive.
General Milley said that he is more concerned about white supremacy than winning wars and obviously getting Americans out of Afghanistan. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

... And we surely saw how THAT went.

Thanks, Milley. ... FAILURE -- in the 90th minute of his career.

### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Geez, just like Che Guevara!!!!!!!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Because we have our own fucking problems.

White supremacy is a valid issue in our military. Sir.

I'm surprised there was not a theory put forth on your part. Maybe you're working on it.

I think it's beneath you to sound so dismissive. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I was there in the 80s and 90s. I didn't see any white supremacy but I did see us kick some Iraqi ass pretty easily.

FYI, one of my recruit company commanders was black, one of my LCPOs was black, my CPO was Filipino, my division officer was black...ummm, I'm not sure what you're talking about and neither do you.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I was there in the 80s and 90s. I didn't see any white supremacy but I did see us kick some Iraqi ass pretty easily.

FYI, one of my recruit company commanders was black, one of my LCPOs was black, my CPO was Filipino, my division officer was black...ummm, I'm not sure what you're talking about and neither do you. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Pointed question:

When did you stop serving?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Pointed question:

When did you stop serving? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

there is no White supremacy problem in the military. you watch too much liberal bullshit media.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Pointed question:

When did you stop serving? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Lets say it was the mid 90s just keep things under wraps. I did go into the navy shortly after some rather public race riots or whatever the press called them. All I know that when I left boot camp for home, we were advised strongly to not wear our uniforms because of the libs.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The military is majority white, most of them southerners. This is the part where libs call them white supremacists and they are a problem or so they claim.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I will say this about my time in the navy. I came from a farm in the Midwest. There were only two black kids in the school system and they were brothers. We had more Vietnamese children than black children. I went to boot camp in San Diego. The first day we got to find our own rack (bunk) and people segregated themselves by race mostly with a few individuals (like myself) scattered through the cracks. The company commanders (one black and one white) came into the barracks and said "Hell NO!". Told everyone to gather their shit and they would assign bunks. Mixed everyone up real good but you know what, people still tended to gather in the corners with their own. Not necessarily race. We had the city guys over there, we had the tattoo'd former gang members over there, and the Texans over there by the door. Over two months we learned some things about each other. One CC got worn out and had to be hospitalized. The other decided to break us. Started us on a 3/4 mile run which is what we had worked up to at that point. He didn't let us stop until we got to 3 1/2 miles. It ended with me and another guy in a dead sprint to the finish line. He won but I was on his heels. He was black, from the city, and a track star. I was a farm boy who ran everywhere through plowed fields. Before we got our asses chewed out, the other guy wanted to shake my hand for keeping up.
We later had some dumbass whom everyone hated claimed that someone blew their nose on his pillow. He claimed that the hairs were short and curly, so they must belong to either a black man or a Filipino. I don't remember anyone going along with him. Then came the acid. Yep, someone smuggled in some of that stuff. Of the two or three dozen who got high, the rest of us had to keep them out of trouble and out of sight of the CCs.
We were not best friends. We were not going to take each other's parents to dinner and we were not going to date each other's sister but we didn't hate each other.
I will say on the ship that both the Filipino and black guys probably had to put up with more and stay cool about it. Not because of hate but because a lot of us didn't think about how what we said or did would be viewed. I remember one guy (a black guy) complained that only black guys had to clean things up all the time. Someone (also black) explained that most of the lower ranks were black and senior enlisted did not sweep up. And that the sweeping was done by all races in proportion to their race. We had similar problems when I was assigned to New London with women. Why did they have to do all the cleaning...turns out that they didn't do all the cleaning and of all the women in the division, only one was above an E-6. She didn't clean either.
A lot of problems seem to come from a myopic point of view from people looking to be offended. It sounds like a cop out by I had a only few friends and they were both black, white, and Hispanic...and even gay. Yes, we had gay men in the navy in those days. We knew but we said nothing unless they got caught or were assholes. There was a lot that went on that never made the light of day. We kept it in the ranks.
That one guy I knew from Mississippi. We were talking one day in New London and it came up that I was dating this woman named Justine. My friend who had recently gotten married to a local woman wanted to know her last name. I told him and he started laughing and wiping his face like he couldn't believe it. He finally said that Justine was the niece of his wife. He suggested that I call him uncle. Another funny thing is that we both had the same first name and it is not a common first name. I left NLON but ran into him again in Norfolk. I ran into him on the pier. His ship (the USS Wisconsin) was tied up next to my ship. He took me on a tour of the old battleship. One of my three best friends from the navy.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The hotel? The center of corruption? I'm shocked!

Who the fuck saw this coming? Said no-one.

[D]ump's DC hotel was the 'epicenter' of corruption where anyone looking to 'curry favor' could just walk in and 'flash cash,' says watchdog group


The report found that the General Services Administration (GSA) failed to track payments from foreign governments to the hotel, per NBC News.

Representatives of at least 22 foreign governments spent money at Trump properties, including the hotel in DC, during the early years of his presidency, the media outlet said. And there were "zero checks and balances" into whether the hotel's calculations of these payments were fair and accurate, the committee said, per NBC News.

Why do Also many Americans hate Trump so much, is it only because he won the election? Have we turned into such sore losers that we continue to fight amongst ourselves even in an electoral loss? Trump is not a nice man, personally he seems to be a bonehead. I never met the man so cannot say from experience. He made a show "The Apprentice" off of being mean to others. But as our nation's leader he did soem remarkable things for the best of our country.

The southern border was under control, gas prices much lower than today, energy self reliant, stopped sending money to our enemies - Iran. Stopped footing the bill for international organizations, breached deals that were no good for the USA. What did he do wrong as a policy?? Please be specific. All I read and see is that people do not like him but so what. He was your President and he did a lot of good.

Biden may be more likable as a person but his policies are massive failures, inflation, high gas prices, begging others to produce oil when we have the ability, supply chain problems, border crisis, international turmoil on the rise, Afghanistan, crime out of hand, talk of civil war even. Like him all you want but I would rather a mean person as my President than what we have now. Biden cannot by anyone's definition be considered a good or even mediocre President. He is only a bad President and I yet to meet any Democrats that believe otherwise. Biden has no shot at re election and the major problem is he has 3 more years of destruction. He is so bad our own military, which has no racist problems, yes i served many years and decades, is looking at what legal and Constitutional means can they use to throw him out. When can our.military step in and say "sir you are destroying our nation." And set him aside.

Let's talk about facts, tangent things we know. Oh, and the Janiary 6th incident is merely a propaganda media thing. Without camera coverage we would not have heard of the this small little incident. It is being blown up just because Democrats hare Trump. Hatred is not ever a good foundation for laws or policy making.

You want a woke nation, than I suggest look in the mirror and wake up.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... And we surely saw how THAT went.

Thanks, Milley. ... FAILURE -- in the 90th minute of his career.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
How long is an Australian football match Salty?

I assume that’s what you’re alluding to.

If so, then you’re not fooling anybody mate.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I will say this about my time in the navy. I came from a farm in the Midwest. There were only two black kids in the school system and they were brothers. We had more Vietnamese children than black children. I went to boot camp in San Diego. The first day we got to find our own rack (bunk) and people segregated themselves by race mostly with a few individuals (like myself) scattered through the cracks. The company commanders (one black and one white) came into the barracks and said "Hell NO!". Told everyone to gather their shit and they would assign bunks. Mixed everyone up real good but you know what, people still tended to gather in the corners with their own. Not necessarily race. We had the city guys over there, we had the tattoo'd former gang members over there, and the Texans over there by the door. Over two months we learned some things about each other. One CC got worn out and had to be hospitalized. The other decided to break us. Started us on a 3/4 mile run which is what we had worked up to at that point. He didn't let us stop until we got to 3 1/2 miles. It ended with me and another guy in a dead sprint to the finish line. He won but I was on his heels. He was black, from the city, and a track star. I was a farm boy who ran everywhere through plowed fields. Before we got our asses chewed out, the other guy wanted to shake my hand for keeping up.
We later had some dumbass whom everyone hated claimed that someone blew their nose on his pillow. He claimed that the hairs were short and curly, so they must belong to either a black man or a Filipino. I don't remember anyone going along with him. Then came the acid. Yep, someone smuggled in some of that stuff. Of the two or three dozen who got high, the rest of us had to keep them out of trouble and out of sight of the CCs.
We were not best friends. We were not going to take each other's parents to dinner and we were not going to date each other's sister but we didn't hate each other.
I will say on the ship that both the Filipino and black guys probably had to put up with more and stay cool about it. Not because of hate but because a lot of us didn't think about how what we said or did would be viewed. I remember one guy (a black guy) complained that only black guys had to clean things up all the time. Someone (also black) explained that most of the lower ranks were black and senior enlisted did not sweep up. And that the sweeping was done by all races in proportion to their race. We had similar problems when I was assigned to New London with women. Why did they have to do all the cleaning...turns out that they didn't do all the cleaning and of all the women in the division, only one was above an E-6. She didn't clean either.
A lot of problems seem to come from a myopic point of view from people looking to be offended. It sounds like a cop out by I had a only few friends and they were both black, white, and Hispanic...and even gay. Yes, we had gay men in the navy in those days. We knew but we said nothing unless they got caught or were assholes. There was a lot that went on that never made the light of day. We kept it in the ranks.
That one guy I knew from Mississippi. We were talking one day in New London and it came up that I was dating this woman named Justine. My friend who had recently gotten married to a local woman wanted to know her last name. I told him and he started laughing and wiping his face like he couldn't believe it. He finally said that Justine was the niece of his wife. He suggested that I call him uncle. Another funny thing is that we both had the same first name and it is not a common first name. I left NLON but ran into him again in Norfolk. I ran into him on the pier. His ship (the USS Wisconsin) was tied up next to my ship. He took me on a tour of the old battleship. One of my three best friends from the navy. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn



I remember my best good friends Travis from Tennessee and Marshall from D.C. Both whip cracking sharp. I mean that was our field. They just understood my lunacy to be harmless.

You can probably correctly assign stereo types. From Texas, I fell somewhere in the middle closer to Marshall on the melanin scale. I can't give any work details or funny stories if you've picked up on my series of avatars.

I tried to load the gif as my latest.