How do I ask if I can lick her ass?

When I am looking to expand a menu, I usually go and see them,let them gain a comfort level with me. As I am tying my shoes, I say ""can we try licking your ass" tomorrow?

You will know immediately by her response.
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For instance :
albundy's Avatar
“Your eyes sparkle like the Nike. Can I lick your ass?”
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-29-2021, 10:40 PM
I never ask, if it looks good and smells clean I go have a taste, some don't like it but most do
CryptKicker's Avatar
If she doesn't like it you will quickly know. Sex should just flow and not be scripted,
bambino's Avatar
As a general rule in life…….It’s always better to ask for forgiveness than permission.
DallasRain's Avatar
mr op... just ask! i love it..and have a bootyful one to worship!!
mr op... just ask! i love it..and have a bootyful one to worship!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Dallas can i lick ...suck.....kiss every inch of your body😜
DallasRain's Avatar
hell yeahhh baby n spank me toooo
DallasRain's Avatar
You never ask. You just do it. You get into 69 position, start kissing her cheeks, spread them open, and from there, she'll know what you are doing, and go for the lick. 9/10 in my experience they will love it. There was 1 time she was like hey what are you doing. I respected her wishes and didn't do it, but the next week, she talked about it with a friend and her friend said let him do it. She let me do it.

The best women to do this on are the thicc women IMHO.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
As a general rule in life…….It’s always better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Originally Posted by bambino
unless you're in La Cosa Nostra, you may get lead poisoning
I have yet to sex a woman who stopped me when I licked her ass. Some may find it awkward but they just go with the flow.

Sometimes when you're going down on her, simply ask, "will it be ok if I lick your ass.
tuckahoe's Avatar
Many don't seem to want to do it. I tried it before I had much experience with escorts; I don't remember now if I asked or just did it, but she not only allowed me, but returned the favor!!! I have never had another return the favor, though many have let me lick and kiss.
Pangolier's Avatar
Sorry but I’m brand new to this. What if I like to lick the girls asses? Is there an abbreviation or some slick way I can know if a girl allows this. Just to be clear, I’m not asking for it in return. I just like to eat peach if ya know what i mean. and I’m not sure how to find out if girls allows that before schedule a time to hang? Or how do I ask?? Thanks for any help! and again be east on me I’m new Originally Posted by PineappleKastle

My suggestion would be to start by trying to initiate conventional oral sex. Most girls will not resist this except for one of three reasons:

A. They are close to their period and do not want you having an unpleasant experience

B. They have had significant sexual activity recently and their clit is too sensitive. This is less of an issue with the vagina for intercourse.

C. They are worried about STDs, whether the risk is perceived or real.

So... if she does not resist licking her labia, just try moving your tongue up or down by an inch after a few minutes and observe for a positive reaction. If not she will rather rapidly place her hand on your head and push it back, meaning no go for the future. That is the most spontaneous way to do it. Otherwise you can ask, but only after your both are completely undressed and already touching.