The Commies at Twitter are at it again

Jacuzzme's Avatar
So if a Twitter poster tweets something that is factually wrong and is an attempt to influence policy or outcomes that can affect the general population, that should be permitted in the name of freedom of speech? I'd say if it was a singular moment then sure, but the mantra of falsities from these people like MTG, Biggs or Gaetz etal, who have been documented promoting falsities, should no longer be given a platform for spouting rhetoric.
By that standard 90% of “news” outlets would be banned, or do we forget the Russian Collusion horseshit (and 1000 other fake Trump hit pieces) this quickly?
berryberry's Avatar
I find this censorship trend to be utterly jaw-dropping.

The way science advances is for medical doctors and scientists to have free & open discussions subjecting all propositions, studies and patient feedback to exhaustive "peer review". It is beyond disturbing to see non-doctors and non-scientists at places like Google/Youtube censoring such dialogue. Originally Posted by lustylad
Agreed !!! I despise any censorship. This one is particularly appalling given the way science advances.

But I find it important in other areas, including politics, to read a variety of opinions. It is why I follow certain liberal journalists. Censorship is what the commies do in China. America used to stand for freedom. The commie libtards are trying to change that
berryberry's Avatar
I thought this was a post about commies @ Twitter?

Seems you reptards get upset about others changing the thread but feel totally comfortable in doing it when it suits you. Hypocrites who change the topic from Twitter shouldn't be trusted.- or are we able to bring up any commies from anywhere?? Originally Posted by eyecu2
I also felt like talking about the commies @ Google / YouTube since the subjects are intertwined. And since I started this thread, I am allowed to do that.
berryberry's Avatar
By that standard 90% of “news” outlets would be banned, or do we forget the Russian Collusion horseshit (and 1000 other fake Trump hit pieces) this quickly? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Exactly. Only prominent conservatives get banned on Twitter. Here is one example of a prominent libtard spouting blatant lies on Twitter. She is allowed to spew this misinformation and Twitter doesn’t care - because she’s a Democrat. Watch the video
mrmxmr's Avatar
joseph Goebbels would be so proud of all you saying this is ok and finding words to justify what twitter is doing to conservatives.

not to mention also beaming and smiling and grinning with joy

chairman Mao
tokoyo rose
and many more

you libs are are in a very select group . you should be proud !
berryberry's Avatar
Twitter bans have nothing to do with misinformation, only power.

- Former US President
- Sitting GOP Congresswoman
- Expert Virologist with a dissenting opinion

Not Banned:
- The Taliban
- Communist China propagandists

It's always the Commies/Dictators/Bad guys who silence opposition.
snoopy75's Avatar
Remind me of the last time that anyone who censored anything were on the right side of history?
eyecu2's Avatar
joseph Goebbels would be so proud of all you saying this is ok and finding words to justify what twitter is doing to conservatives.
Originally Posted by mrmxmr
I guess what you meant was conservative = Liar.

So fact-checked xenophobic assholes who have been discredited get removed from a platform?- I think that's good. There's quite a difference in spreading lies vs. opinions, or are you guys still using the "alternative facts" mantra?
snoopy75's Avatar
A lot of the COVID "misinformation" is now being accepted by the mainstream as truth. I wonder if those folks will be allowed to Tweet again?
berryberry's Avatar
There's quite a difference in spreading lies vs. opinions Originally Posted by eyecu2
Again - What exactly did she post that was factually wrong? The post that got her removed was of her posting an actual CDC chart with VAERS stats. So are you saying actual CDC stats are factually wrong?

You refuse to answer

And what about Twitter banning actual expert virologists?
Or Youtube banning actual doctors, including the guy who pioneered MRNA?

What exactly did they post that was factually wrong?

As Snoopy noted - a lot of the things the CDC and Gov't admit today are true were supposedly "falsehoods" that others posted a year or two ago and got them banned on Twitter or other sites. Turns out those who spoke out a year or two ago were accurate

Censorship is the domain on communists, Nazi Germany and dictators. Anyone who supports censorship in the USA is anti-American IMO
mrmxmr's Avatar
I guess what you meant was conservative = Liar.

So fact-checked xenophobic assholes who have been discredited get removed from a platform?- I think that's good. There's quite a difference in spreading lies vs. opinions, or are you guys still using the "alternative facts" mantra? Originally Posted by eyecu2
and YOU and your ilk just like mr. goebbels, felt that he was the purveyor of the truth and what he felt wasnt appropriate for the people to see or know or even have access too. You see mr goebbels fact checked all that was to be public consumption and he decided what and who were viable in their speech and what wasnt matching with the party line . Mr. goebbels still smiling !