Please send good vibezz!

Thinking of you hon. Sorry you have to deal with unacceptable behavior while dealing with a loss.
So sorry to hear....hopefully peace will come for you and your loved ones.
yourdesire's Avatar
Sorry for your loss Jasmine, my SO went the day after Thanksgiving. It does make the holidays a little less cheery. While we all go sometime it sucks for those left missing that person. Good vibes for you & yours
vegasbaby7's Avatar
Sorry for your loss beautiful. Hoping karma hits hard for the aholes. Haven't met you yet but hope to some day. Until then then sending virtual hugs.
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DallasRain's Avatar
sending big hugs n luv!!
Jadec5717's Avatar
I’m so sorry for your loss! Sending love & strength ❤️❤️

queenV's Avatar
Stay strong, you are in my thoughts!