
CaptainKaos's Avatar

Its been 5 hrs since the OP posted this...and
Im checking the Hooker stock market for a dip in rates!
Back to regular programming. Originally Posted by BigDeal
Hey, a guy can hope, right? You'd rather nobody say shit about this topic?
CaptainKaos's Avatar
Let's say the lady gets $800 for one session per day. Isn't that easier than 3-4 sessions at a lower rate? Originally Posted by Nero Wolfe
Of course, it is. But at some point, you price out your bread and butter.
CaptainKaos's Avatar
But, other guys will, so ..... Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Maybe...maybe not. Most dudes in here won't.
I Obviously there are gents here willing to foot the bill or they wouldn't be visiting here. Originally Posted by KCFalcon77
Probably gents in KC willing to foot the bill, but probably not the "gents" here on eccie, perennial bottom feeders who can't rub two nickels together, much less fork out $500+ for a high class escort.

Eccie has become a repository of "gents" seeking cheap, low rent unattractive, fat and surly pussy.....and then writing up the experience for all to see as another case of the "little" head controlling the "big" head.


Enjoy your day!!!!
queenV's Avatar
Thank you for posting this. Im sure you are expecting a ton of pissed off ladies. I will admit when I first read it I was not happy AT ALL but I sat back today and thought about it.
THIS IS WHAT ECCIE IS FOR...to talk, to discuss. I mean if you aren't happy express your thoughts and we should ALL be able to talk as adults NOW if it makes a difference or not?? well who knows...but ATLEAST we all can say we attempted tgo have civil conversation and see everyone's thoughts.

I mean IM nowhere perfect ( my ass is close lol) and I would like to know if I do something you do not enjoy (just don't be a dick an be rude) I would also like to be able to do the same (I will be nice and not a bitch..well I will try).
The hobby should be open and fun. As long as we can all be adults and not keyboard warriors (thats when I become a bitch)

I can only speak for myself and my donation. I feel mine is fair for gfe and all I cater too. I try to make my home feel like a safe spot for MEN and WOMEN. I have a set of questions I ask the 1st time and then I try keep asking new one's jus to keep it fresh and fun ( I hope atleast) you always have clean, fresh fluffy towels and washcloths and I have every soap possible and a claw bathtub. My apartment has codes to ge you into the building so NO ONE can randomly join us, I alos like letting you pick out which outfit and I even ask what they thinnk when I go shopping. I try to send fun and sexy pictures and videos so often (if allowed) also your drink preference. On your birthday IF we see each other often your present is a 30 min on me (literally lol). So, I feel mine is fair. I may not be a perfect 10 (insert your jokes I dare you LOL) but I want you to leave
I appreciate you chosing to spend time with me (there are so, many gorgeous KC girls) relaxed and satisfied.
It took me most of the day to come to this conclusion because I was upset at first. But thank you again for being kind and a adult about it. I don't know if it will change anything but at least it an open positive discussion

I personally appreciate it
" Long live free enterprise " . Rossignol - Marat / Sade
CaptainKaos's Avatar

Thanks for your kind words. My post was definitely meant to be a starting point for a positive discussion. When I say your in the following lines, I'm speaking to escorts in general.

Discussing money is never comfortable. However, pricing is a very important part of your business, and it's impossible to get a clear picture of where you should set your prices without some customer input. Given there are discussions about rates and service in the locker room, I thought it would make things fair to bring the discussion into the open.

You're amazing (I need to see you some time) and I don't think you're rates are high. You provide a good service. What you all don't see is how often someone provides a terrible and sometimes dangerous service but feels they can command as much or more than what you provide. We see it all the time.

How do you all set your prices and determine your service?
Queen V. Thanks so much for your courage and adult addition to the conversation. I realize full well that this is a difficult conversation for many of the ladies to address openly, and not face possible blow back, (and not in a good way) effecting future business. I think Capt raises an interesting topic that most of us obviously address in our own way, by whom we choose to see and how often, but its non the less an important conversation. I think your attempt to keep this positive has no doubt won you some future suitors so very good. I've not had the pleasure, but I'm sure we'll rectify that at some point. Carry on folks...
As a hobbyist who has seen the Queen, I can say that I agree with everything she said and that she provides a true GFE service that is on another level from what we are seeing from the average provider. In short, she is worth every penny! And I think her post is driving this conversation in a good, positive direction.
queenV's Avatar
Discussing donations is my least favorite part. I grew up in a pretty traditional Irish family and women do NOT discuss money with men. So that is something I have had to get over but yes, it is still very uncomfortable.
I will be honest I have never thought about the donation from the men's point of view, so this has helped me see. I just go off what I provide, how long I have been in the hobby and then I have had the help from several amazing women in the hobby. The women I surround myself with are all business minded AND amazing. Their here because they WANT to be not have to. They enjoy it These women have helped me build my confidence in the hobby and help me get my head on straight to succeed. So those are the main factors I have used with my donations. Now they have changed my rates few times but never so much less or more than it is now. I like run "specials" because I get times can be hard not because I'm broke. I keep a good amount in savings.
I appreciate you acknowledging why we do our donations because we as well have bills and there is a lot of upkeep for us. Some I'm sure you all don't know about and I will not give away our "hoe " secrets lol. The hoe Gods would kill me lol. We also have our hobbies. Like mine is plants and Im trying to teach myself how to refinish furniture as you can see on my twitter lol AND than the lingerie, that gotten a little out of control, but I haven't heard too many complaints lol
Just like every small business owner you have to go with the times. I ran specials over the holiday season NOT because I was breaking from shopping and so on. Because I GET IT...Im not here because I have to be Im here because I WANT to be, I don't want to take you gentleman for all your donations. I work with the guys who are kind an respectable over time who see me. Im human and I know times can be hard and you gents need your time to relax. I need that time as well lol I enjoy being in the hobby. I am more comfortable here than I was working in special education for 13 years
Im hoping that this helps you (I know MOST of you do but maybe explains it better) guys see as more human as well. I know girls don't speak up because it can be hurtful and frustrating. I dont think Ill get any backlash from speaking up. Everyone knows I will say my opinion no matter what. Even if it pisses off people on here. nI will do it anyway lol
But I am always MORE than willing to explain the providers side NOW not all girls agree with how I do it an they have their way. All I can do is explain me, I am just a goofy lady that has a high sex drive and makes inappropriate comments a lot lol and a nice ass lol ( Im pretty proud of it if you havent been able to see)
queenV's Avatar
Thank you, Falcon. I have said before we have to keep this side of our lives very private so I feel we should be a ble to have open discussions about te hobby. I know I have gone on my rants before and probably came off very bitchy, but I was probably pissed off about a comment made about me and I can be a hot head. Your desire or Dallas didnt get to me in time to cool me down lol.
BUT I am always wanting us ALL to be able to talk and have fun on the boards. Even if I am not your cup of te that does not mean we can have our own opinions and have fun. I can understand that Im not everyone type, and Im cool with it, but I would still like to joke with you on the boards and have a good time.
I am so so thankful Capt brought this up Esically how thoughtful he was with how he worded it. That is 100% why I took the time to think about it and how I wanted to respond. I think I read his post several times before and wrote out my response. I know you all see some of what we do behind the fun & games and some you don't. So, if I can help in anyway to explain for talk please let me know. YOU ALL KNOW I LOVE TO TALK lol my phone and mailbox is always open...and yes i have several dirty jokes in my head right now lol
queenV's Avatar
Thank you hun! Thats means a lot to me. This whole thread I hope outs guy an woman at ease so we can go back to our inappropate fun lol
Cherokeechief's Avatar

I have to say thanks !
Your response is very nice and well thought out. Nice to see a pleasant response to what has now become a touchy subject.

Thanks again.
queenV's Avatar
You are correct there are a variety of women on this board. There are enough for every man's preference. There is also guys on here that are rude and cruel for no reason and then there are gentleman that are kind with their words even though they do not agree or like a woman's body.
Then you see the woman who stay polite on these boards even after they are shamed for their bodies or called hookers after being brave enough to put them out for everyone to see.
So see there are a ton of different people in the hobby.
I just choose to be positive and treat others how I want to be treated. So I will leave it at that an not be rude
queenV's Avatar
Thank you Chief!