The leftwingers on here have nothing POSITIVE to say about the current state of the country...Hmm

VitaMan's Avatar
The OP gets his ass handed to him, and look what he follows up with.
You obviously live in a different universe... I loved you thread about BRANDON'S accomplishment...stimulus checks. What a failure that turned out to be just like his paying people not to work but somehow you consider that and accomplishment. The is more of your COMPLETELY nonsensical crazy shit
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
However, It was Obama/Biden who cleaned up the mess that Bush43 and Dick Cheney left behind in Jan 2008 not the other way around.

Patton was a good combat general/soldier, just as good as Gen Monty from GB and Gen Romnel (the desert fox) from Germany. He was not good with politics and that is why he was relieved of his command. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Patton was a better tactical planner than Montgomery. Patton was the only allied General the Germans feared which made him the perfect decoy for the invasion. Patton was never going to be sidelined over slapping some punk solider. he had three people who would never deny Patton a command in the western front after D Day. they were in order of power Eisenhower, George Marshall and FDR.

Eisenhower by the way was close friends with Patton. the War strained their friendship

Patton was the only allied General who both anticipated the Battle of the Bulge and planned for it. his pivot in mid battle to move in 48 hours north to counter the Germans at Bastogne ended the German's last gasp with a winter attack that if they could have cut the allied forces in two and take control of a vital port on the coast could have seriously crippled the allied invasion.