I am retired and have been working with...

Its not solely for me I'm doing this for America.

That's why it's Rated R..to be acceptable?

It will be fun you will be glued once you join & I'm not going to do what so many dating sites do without mentioning any names.

If anyone here is interested in being part of this & seriously either in joint ownership or investors..Please do not hesitate to contact me .
I'm very confident about this & if I have to do it alone I am.. it's just 5;months feels like forever & I'm interested in having development manager assigned...I'm not kidding about the site.

Its not going to be cheap.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Hopefully someone with literary skills is proofreading the content for the new site. I'm sorry Venus but if you are providing it then the site is not going to come off well.
Your so Sweet Cryptkucker!
For stating that so nicely & ROFLMAO ofcourse I'm NOT designing it !
I am providing the information & an expert is designing & providing all the content.
I would never be able to do something like this without proper educational background in_coding_&_?_ect?

That would be like me trying to build or design a home.

No I am only providing Ideas for web site that will keep members glued & I'm confident it will be fun!

Here's a photo of my developer..He's okay with me posting this..infact mentioned showing his face but I will not.
He's not a member here .
We met on Friended
TryWeakly's Avatar
DOH !!

Oh NO she didn't !
No she didn't what?
TryWeakly's Avatar
Your so Sweet Cryptkucker!
For stating that so nicely & ROFLMAO ofcourse I'm NOT designing it !
I am providing the information & an expert is designing & providing all the content.
I would never be able to do something like this without proper educational background in_coding_&_?_ect?

That would be like me trying to build or design a home.

No I am only providing Ideas for web site that will keep members glued & I'm confident it will be fun!

Here's a photo of my developer..He's okay with me posting this..infact mentioned showing his face but I will not.
He's not a member here .
We met on Friended Originally Posted by VENUSNOVA
You spelt cuck wrong, if that's REALLY what you wanted to say.
winn dixie's Avatar
I am not this Evil person ewww.you think I am .....that was an accident
That is Hilarious though..haha Cryptkicker I think they should get points for ASSuming ..?

ass..uming....greek...mmmmmmmm ...
Curious will members on your site still be allowed to post outdated pictures when they were young and hot, or will your site be strict so the members aren't catfished. Will there be a year cutoff, say like you can post a picture as long as it's not more than ten years old. Just curious....
Ahh Good point! The site is going to have several subcategories & only a small part of the site will be related to Dating. However. the area that has the dating subcategories will have the option to include photos that is strictly going to be up to the member
And of course photos do help more in getting more dates & being seem however there are some that may be interested in spending time with someone they tweak with well in an intellectual. Shared interests level where appearance is not a factor.

Those that do post photos will need to post photos that are at least within 5 years a person does not change much in 5 years unless they are children?

I am not finished with all the details
And totally appreciate your concern with the photos & validity.

Speaking of photos here is a photo of the Developer he's a Genius in this field & I'm super excited!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 02-23-2022, 10:21 PM
What was the final bid? And do you have to make a deposit first? Wait. I can’t do a deposit without inserting my virgin pee pee in the virgin hoo hoo. Hee hee!!!

Or more like hee haw? Where’s my corn stalk and corn cob? Mash liquor? Or mish?

Is there a mandatory waiting period before I get to try out the virgin hoo hoo? Or can I go in with my gun blazing hot? I’m so confused and excited at the same time. Whoops my head nurse is here and I need to get off. Originally Posted by Michael8219
I don't think it reached the $3 mark, I went in at a buck and got outbidded at $2, it may pick up once she really gets it done which will be never! She likes like and post just for kicks and attention, I'm entertained and get free laughs daily as I'm sure other do as well
Go back to Dallas..stop polluting Houston Coed with Hate & Rude comments..oh that's right your a level 2 type & it's in your fiber

NVM & oh I'm so so sorry
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
Curious will members on your site still be allowed to post outdated pictures when they were young and hot, or will your site be strict so the members aren't catfished. Will there be a year cutoff, say like you can post a picture as long as it's not more than ten years old. Just curious.... Originally Posted by Pitroom
Is it still considered catfishing if she/he thinks they look exactly the same they did ten years ago ? As mentioned above people don't change in five years.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Is it still considered catfishing if she/he thinks they look exactly the same they did ten years ago ? As mentioned above people don't change in five years. Originally Posted by MarcellusWalluz
No, that's considered delusional.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
No, that's considered delusional. Originally Posted by CryptKicker