Financial deplatforming will be the next phase of online censorship

eyecu2's Avatar
SALTY- Canadians like their country and the social systems in place for the most part. They enjoy healthcare and lower medical Rx prices and generally are happier ppl than most Americans. You or anyone insinuating that a great awakening has or is happening for the entire country is just a fallacy that isn't true. I'm sure there's a few besides the truckers and this convoy who think that masks and vaccinations are bad. But the reality is the majority of Canadians are behind a mandatory mask or vaccination effort - unlike America or this has become such a political football, they see it as a health issue. They have not politicized that nearly as it has been done here despite their truck rally / blockade. Generally I find my friends in Canada to be much more accepting versus conspiracy oriented folks. If you could cite something that would be contrary to that as a reply that would be awesome but I doubt that you will be able to find that. At least not from a Canadian publication, but perhaps by a bright Bart or some other right wing organization, you may find something manufactured to support this. When civilians decide to take control of a city or a country's operation, from a duly elected government, and create a hostile environment by blockade that cost millions or billions of dollars, what did they think was going to happen?
berryberry's Avatar
This is why when conservatives regain control, every libtard who supported this fascist regime has their bank account frozen and their funds seized. That is the only way the idiotic libtards will learn. It's time to turn the tables and stop playing nice.

While the majority of American voters disapprove of Trudeau's handling of the protestors in Ottawa and beyond, the story is different just looking at the libtards.

Looking at Democrat likely voters alone, 65 percent said they favored Trudeau’s crackdown on the protestors, and 17 percent said they disapproved.

Republicans, on the other hand, more strongly disproved of Trudeau's heavy-handed tactics, with 87 percent saying the disapprove and just 8 percent approving.

Of those who do not affiliate with a party, 74 percent said they disapproved of Trudeau's actions, while 21 percent approved.
berryberry's Avatar
I remind you this article is from Matt Taibbi - a very LIBERAL writer

Seizing funds of people connected "directly or indirectly" to protests is a big leap forward in the progression of the authoritarian madness infecting Western democracies:

When Boring People Turn Dangerous: Canada's Insane Power Grab

The Canadian government's decision to freeze bank accounts in the trucker protests is a mad leap toward bureaucratic dystopia
... A simple question for Eye-CU...

Do YOU believe that most Canadians actually want to see
Trudeau and government leaders FREEZE banking accountes
of people?

I surely DON'T believe that people want the government
to have such power.

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
... A simple question for Eye-CU...

Do YOU believe that most Canadians actually want to see
Trudeau and government leaders FREEZE banking accountes
of people?

I surely DON'T believe that people want the government
to have such power.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I am not a supporter of Frozen bank accounts, however funds that are provided for illegal activities are fair game for any government. But they should not have control over the entire contributing account, only the monies that were donated for the cause, if it was deemed illegal. Seizing the entire account- That seems more than a bit too far. My subscription to rubmaps is off the US mainland due to laws- I don't think the govt should be able to freeze my account or credit card for that. I guess if you're worried about that happening you could just get a prepaid credit/debit card. Who is gonna know?
berryberry's Avatar
I am not a supporter of Frozen bank accounts, however funds that are provided for illegal activities are fair game for any government. But they should not have control over the entire contributing account, only the monies that were donated for the cause, if it was deemed illegal. That seems more than a bit too far Originally Posted by eyecu2
There were NO illegal activities. Peaceful protests are not illegal
berryberry's Avatar
And it begins in the USA

Democrat Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ) calls for confiscating protester's property and giving that property to entities approved of by Democrats, who control the entire federal government.
eyecu2's Avatar
There were NO illegal activities. Peaceful protests are not illegal Originally Posted by berryberry
A blockade is not a peaceful protest. Keeping goods and parts away from other manufacturers and causing financial damages is not a peaceful protest. Occupying a city for 3 weeks is not a peaceful protest. Forcing others to lose their rights, so you can exercise your own rights or perceived rights is not a peaceful protest.
... So a peaceful protest can be the Truckers ALL sitting home
for a week or two. ... That's NOT doing blockades.

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
A blockade is not a peaceful protest. Keeping goods and parts away from other manufacturers and causing financial damages is not a peaceful protest. Occupying a city for 3 weeks is not a peaceful protest. Forcing others to lose their rights, so you can exercise your own rights or perceived rights is not a peaceful protest. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Just because some people were inconvenienced and some goods delayed a few days does not make a protest not peaceful.

There was no violence. No one looted any trucks, burned down any buildings, etc. like BLM. The Freedom Truckers did it the right way. PEACEFUL. No VIOLENCE.

You may have not liked the protestors message but this was the epitome of a Peaceful Protest. As the libtards own AOC says - "The whole point of protesting is to make people uncomfortable. To those who complain that protest demands make others uncomfortable, that’s the point.”
berryberry's Avatar
The SAME systems Canada used to crack down on political dissent are ALREADY in place here in America. Former PayPal executive David Sacks
tells me: "You have all the ingredients that Justin Trudeau was able to seize on. All you're really lacking is the emergency."
berryberry's Avatar
'There are no warrants for my arrest, there are no charges, I haven't been convicted of anything... yet all my bank accounts with my name on them have been frozen.'

Canadian protester & organiser Tom Marazzo on being punished for being connected to the 'Freedom convoy' protest.
eyecu2's Avatar
Just because some people were inconvenienced and some goods delayed a few days does not make a protest not peaceful.

There was no violence. No one looted any trucks, burned down any buildings, etc. like BLM. The Freedom Truckers did it the right way. PEACEFUL. No VIOLENCE.

You may have not liked the protestors message but this was the epitome of a Peaceful Protest.” Originally Posted by berryberry
I'm actually fine with the trucker's message that they didn't like being told they had to get a vaccine if they didn't want to. But most large cities require any kind of protest to have an application and notification for the protest. A defined time for the protest to occur, and for it to conclude.

Despite your constant attempt to deflect, and what-about-isms, the comment here was not about BLM, but financial de-platforming and calling this a peaceful protest.

Would having those horns honking for hours on end be considered peaceful? Blocking a city, or a bridge is illegal, yet you think that's peaceful? Why do you think police officers are often called officer of the Peace? It's to ensure that laws are obeyed, and that things are peaceful. Peaceful includes sound, hence there are also sound ordinances. The truckers came with their mission, but then by breaking laws and not being peaceful by the statements above, we're first asked to disperse and then forced to disperse. I don't think the truckers were being violent, but Canadians are not programmed typically to be that way - they leave that to Americans. Nonetheless, you have asserted that people have just been inconvenienced and that there's no real losses, but that's just not true. There are a lot of manufacturers called jit or just in time, and they rely on those orders and being able to fulfill those orders where a 3-week gap could cause a company to shut down. Many goods and services are dependent upon day-to-day transactions, and the shelf life of some goods are certainly less than 3 weeks. You always try to minimize when laws are broken by your mantra of conservative ideology, AKA Fox News, but the sad fact of the matter is that's sadly pathetic,

You people on the right are blinded by anything it might attach itself to the word freedom, that you immediately side with it based on its phonics, not its intentions, and certainly not it's consequences. And I would add that some things that start out with good intention and innocence, quickly turn negative when they are gas-lit to the point of hyper reaction -ala January 6th is a great example, followed by this convoy.
berryberry's Avatar
I'm actually fine with the trucker's message that they didn't like being told they had to get a vaccine if they didn't want to. But most large cities require any kind of protest to have an application and notification for the protest. A defined time for the protest to occur, and for it to conclude.

Despite your constant attempt to deflect, and what-about-isms, the comment here was not about BLM, but financial de-platforming and calling this a peaceful protest.

Would having those horns honking for hours on end be considered peaceful? Blocking a city, or a bridge is illegal, yet you think that's peaceful? Why do you think police officers are often called officer of the Peace? It's to ensure that laws are obeyed, and that things are peaceful. Peaceful includes sound, hence there are also sound ordinances. The truckers came with their mission, but then by breaking laws and not being peaceful by the statements above, we're first asked to disperse and then forced to disperse. I don't think the truckers were being violent, but Canadians are not programmed typically to be that way - they leave that to Americans. Nonetheless, you have asserted that people have just been inconvenienced and that there's no real losses, but that's just not true. There are a lot of manufacturers called jit or just in time, and they rely on those orders and being able to fulfill those orders where a 3-week gap could cause a company to shut down. Many goods and services are dependent upon day-to-day transactions, and the shelf life of some goods are certainly less than 3 weeks. You always try to minimize when laws are broken by your mantra of conservative ideology, AKA Fox News, but the sad fact of the matter is that's sadly pathetic,

You people on the right are blinded by anything it might attach itself to the word freedom, that you immediately side with it based on its phonics, not its intentions, and certainly not it's consequences. And I would add that some things that start out with good intention and innocence, quickly turn negative when they are gas-lit to the point of hyper reaction -ala January 6th is a great example, followed by this convoy. Originally Posted by eyecu2
You are wrong again as usual. It was a peaceful protest. You even admit there was no violence. Honking does not make it not peaceful. Noisy yes but still peaceful as peaceful in this connotation means non-violent. And once there was a court injunction against honking for 10 days, the Truckers dutifully complied.

And yes, no matter how much misinformation you keep trying to put out, there were no real economic losses, just some goods delayed a handful of days. And for those you say operate with Just In Time inventory, you do realize that not every border crossing was blocked and that there are other ways than driving a truck over a bridge to get goods from Canada to the US.

You and your fellow lefties just hate the fact that hard working blue collar people stood up for their rights, against the government and fought for freedom. Liberals suck at the tit of government so much that you guys worship government when fellow libtards are in charge and think they can do no wrong. That really is pathetic