Trump & Pompeo lending aid and comfort to our enemies! Originally Posted by bambino

Dude do you think I am going to let a link to some bullshit change my mind?
Unlike you all on the radical right, I don't allow others to think for me!

There's treason afoot here!
It's here again right on my TV!
Fucking traitors!
bambino's Avatar
Right I'm the idiot, perhaps I am.
And just as Berry took those economics classes.
I was given classes to recognize treason in its various forms because of my clearences!
Your a tratior!

You can call me all the names you want but this idiot knows treason when he sees it!
And if you served in our armed forces in any capacity then you should know treason when your committing it!
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Originally Posted by Dogface78

See aid and comfort to our enemies, treason!
BTW, bullshit about Crimea, Russian propaganda!

Same old same old, just like Crimea. The press pretended that Crimea was a hostile incursion, when in reality the YUGE majority, like 90%, considered themselves Russian and were completely behind rejoining Russia. It’s all just fodder to demonize Russia, and is pretty effective on the low iq crowd. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
bambino's Avatar
See aid and comfort to our enemies, treason!
BTW, bullshit about Crimea, Russian propaganda!
Treason! Originally Posted by Dogface78
We’re buying 600,000 barrels of oil a DAY from Russia. String Joey Bribes up at Gitmo!!!!!!!!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
See aid and comfort to our enemies, treason!
BTW, bullshit about Crimea, Russian propaganda!
Treason! Originally Posted by Dogface78
Thanks for verifying that you don’t have the slightest clue what you’re talking about. Read a book ffs. Better yet, drag your dumb ass to Sevastopol and ask anyone you meet on the street what their nationality is and always has been
... Putin is Biden's enemy?? ... When did THAT start? ...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
When ones brain is fried from TDS:

Dude please, just because you have leanings towards Russia, but live in Ukraine means that you buy a fucking bus ticket and go live in Russia!
You don't carve out a piece of a sovereign nation!
Same with the shit he just pulled in the east! And once again your lending aid and comfort to our enemies!
He is attacking a sovereign nation that is an ally of ours!
When Putin pulls this shit and you speak on his behalf like his lawyer!
And Putin has made it abundantly clear that he is our enemy!
Did you even serve?
Then you should know this shit!
I shouldn't have to be schooling you on any of this shit soldier boy!

Thanks for verifying that you don’t have the slightest clue what you’re talking about. Read a book ffs. Better yet, drag your dumb ass to Sevastopol and ask anyone you meet on the street what their nationality is and always has been Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
bambino's Avatar
Dude please, just because you have leanings towards Russia, but live in Ukraine means that you buy a fucking bus ticket and go live in Russia!
You don't carve out a piece of a sovereign nation!
Same with the shit he just pulled in the east! And once again your lending aid and comfort to our enemies!
He is attacking a sovereign nation that is an ally of ours!
When Putin pulls this shit and you speak on his behalf like his lawyer!
And Putin has made it abundantly clear that he is our enemy!
Did you even serve?
Then you should know this shit!
I shouldn't have to be schooling you on any of this shit soldier boy! Originally Posted by Dogface78
No, you have the 1st amendment which protects your right to speak freely. Joey Bribes helps Putin when he strangles our energy industry but buys 600,000 barrels a day from Russia. That would be like FDR buying Messerschmitts from Hitler in WW2.
Another self serving tratior, as long as I get what I want, fuck the country right?
Just like your Mango menace!
well comrade my brain maybe fried but I know treason when I see it!
Yes just like CRT, being called a tratior makes white pasty ass tratiorious bigots uncomfortable!
Too bad!

When ones brain is fried from TDS:

Originally Posted by berryberry
No, you have the 1st amendment which protects your right to speak freely. Joey Bribes helps Putin when he strangles our energy industry but buys 600,000 barrels a day from Russia. That would be like FDR buying Messerschmitts from Hitler in WW2. Originally Posted by bambino
Sorry no, the 1st amendment only extends so far.
When it starts to aid our enemies cause and hurt our countries interests thats treason!
Like it or not!
Ask lord Haw Haw!
OH that's right you can't!
He was hung for treason!
He never bore arms against the allies!
He just like you all, just ran his mouth!
And honestly Bam, I could give shit less about oil!
We'll deal with that after we get this treason thing under control!

bambino's Avatar
Sorry no, the 1st amendment only extends so far.
When it starts to aid our enemies cause and hurt our countries interests thats treason!
Like it or not!
Ask lord Haw Haw!
OH that's right you can't!
He was hung for treason!
He never bore arms against the allies!
He just like you all, just ran his mouth!
And honestly Bam, I could give shit less about oil!
We'll deal with that after we get this treason thing under
Treason! Originally Posted by Dogface78
If you say so.
bambino's Avatar
Russian troops are now occupying Ukrainian territory.
CIA/MI6 have been occupying Ukraine since their illegitimate coup which they funded in 2014. When the people of Donbas dared question the legitimacy of the newly established puppet regime, civilians were murdered by artillery weapons of war.
Donetsk Militia subsequently proceeded to kick the living shit out of the Ukraine National Army and the Minsk Accord was settled as peace treaty.

The Minsk accord was never observed by the Ukrainian puppet government. Subsequently the people of Donetsk have declared independence from the Ukraine Puppet regime as it is the lawful right of all peoples to determine their own government.

Russia has recognized their independence and decided to move in troops in a peace keeping action based on Kosovo/Serbian legal precedent.

No treason
You know Bam, maybe you outta pack up and go to Russia, you can take a few of these other traitors with you.
You don't like it here then move!
You want to live under a strong man there are plenty to choose from.
And yes I do say so!
It is treason!
Like it or not!
You are backing a dictatorial murderous piece of shit that thinks that the use of poison is just good political discourse!
You are railing against your own country's best interest you and your buddies in here are what is know as a fith columnist, traitors within!
So go ahead deny it, just like all of those conspiracy theories that you people like to follow and link to.
Well just because you want them to be true dosent make them so!
And just because you want to act as if your doing nothing wrong, when your rethortic is actually working against your own countries best interest, and yes in a time of war!
Sorry that treason!
Just because you don't think this a war because we are not completely immersed yet as combatants!
Because there is every indication that that asshole wants to reform the old Warsaw pact!
And we would definitely be shooting then!
Will he?
I don't know?
But I know Regan isn't Putin's favorite republican!
And it is always the asshole that didn't serve, the one that dosent understand or care about what a combat troop dose, or goes through that are always so hawkish!
This was a gift from DJT to Putin, weakening NATO, eveybody remember that don't we?
Remember I called it for what it was and everybody said your FOS!
Biden should have reinserted those troops as soon as he took office but hey he had alot on his plate, but this isn't his it's all Trump!

But just think if h
Putin dose, there will be plenty of room for you and you can take all of your buddies with you!

We tried quit a few people during the cold War for treason Bam, we were at war with the Russians then and apparently nothing has changed!
Except now we have tratiors in this country working in Putin's/Russias behalf!
Putin even has his own propaganda machine in fox!
Fucking traitors!

One more thing bud, all of this horror that you all wish to see this piece of shit unleash on Ukraine, your party will pay for that when Americans remember who endorsed that suffering!
And God help you all if there dead American troops!

Dude look at the shit you wrote below!
Are you fucking kidding me?
Ukraine is a sovereign fucking nation, and an ally!
It's the same shit Hitler pulled in Czechoslovkia!
What is wrong with you?
Oh that's right I forgot your a tratior!
If they don't like it they like you can move to Russia!

Russian troops are now occupying Ukrainian territory.
CIA/MI6 have been occupying Ukraine since their illegitimate coup which they funded in 2014. When the people of Donbas dared question the legitimacy of the newly established puppet regime, civilians were murdered by artillery weapons of war.
Donetsk Militia subsequently proceeded to kick the living shit out of the Ukraine National Army and the Minsk Accord was settled as peace treaty.

The Minsk accord was never observed by the Ukrainian puppet government. Subsequently the people of Donetsk have declared independence from the Ukraine Puppet regime as it is the lawful right of all peoples to determine their own government.

Russia has recognized their independence and decided to move in troops in a peace keeping action based on Kosovo/Serbian legal precedent.

No treason Originally Posted by bambino
... Biden is about to get America into another mess.
Ya use financial sanctions against Russia, as Trump did,
to keep 'em in line... Shut off their money.
Don't let them pump oil...

... No matter - Trump will fix everything yet again
when He gets back on in 2024.

#### Salty