Please STFU with this ignorant AF energy independence bullshit

lustylad's Avatar
I warned you parrots to stfu....but nooooo, you wouldn't listen. Originally Posted by WTF

Biden was FORCED to resume issuing permits after a federal judge blocked his Executive Order pausing them!

Are you trying to give Sleepy Joe credit for being smacked down by a federal judge??

States like New Mexico, Wyoming, Alaska and North Dakota rely on royalties from fossil fuels to fund up to 2/3 of their state budgets. No wonder they all sued to block Biden's moratorium on permits!

"The administration tried in its first days in office to put a stop to new oil and gas drilling. On January 27, Biden signed an executive order that paused new permits...

But a lawsuit filed in March on behalf of 13 states led to a judgment that blocked Biden's pause.

The Biden administration is moving forward with the new leasing, and White House press secretary Jen Psaki said their hands are tied.

"We're required to comply with the injunction; it's a legal case and legal process," Psaki told reporters Monday. "But it's... not aligned with our view, the President's policies or the executive order that he signed."
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The Oil and Gas industry is like no other I have ever been involved working for. I worked for a firm that was hired to do consulting work for a big Oil company in Houston. After about six months during my 1st engagement working for this company, I just casually asked how much the company generated in revenue for the year. I knew the expenses but not the revenue. I assumed it would be around a 10-15% net margin. You know what it was? It was 1% and no I did not leave out a 0, it was one fucking percent. Net profit was around $500MM but think about that low net profit margin and the small margin of error to not easily be deep in the red.

Anyway, for people who think they have a clue about the oil and gas industry and think it is so simple to just find oil and pull it out of the ground, I highly recommend you do a little research before you talk out of your ass when you have no idea what you are talking about. I liked the movie "There Will be Blood" but that's not how it works now. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

congrats for telling us what all of us already knew. there are industries where net income margins are small. i used to work for McLane and their margins were also small .. on about 30 billion yearly revenue at the time. they are around 50 billion these days. if GE or IBM make 10 cents on the dollar manufacturing they are shitting in high cotton. it's more like a few cents.

you and tuffy aren't the only people posting here who know about slim profit margins in industries that are very labor and manufacturing intensive. you want sky high profit margins? be a software company like Microsoft where they have as high as 50% net income returns after they pay upfront for their R&D on software. after that all they have to do is stamp out a bunch of CD's. made in Taiwan! bahhahaaa

for obvious reasons oil companies can't mark up their product, oil, to sky high percents. neither can people who make washing machines. if you really want huge markups be Men's Warehouse. the markup in fashion especially suits is insane. when Men's warehouse has of those "buy one, get two free" sales you don't think they are losing money do ya? they aren't. the suit you are buying is marked up over 100% of what it cost them to make it. they are making 25/30% profit on each suit.

the purpose of any sale is twofold, first to generate income and also to reduce inventory. no one has a "sale" to lose money.
lustylad's Avatar
Anyway, for people who think they have a clue about the oil and gas industry and think it is so simple to just find oil and pull it out of the ground, I highly recommend you do a little research before you talk out of your ass when you have no idea what you are talking about. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Did Luke just beat up wtf for talking out of his ass?

Why yes, I believe he did!
LexusLover's Avatar
The Oil and Gas industry is like no other I have ever been involved working for. I worked for a firm that was hired to do consulting work for a big Oil company in Houston. After about six months during my 1st engagement working for this company, I just casually asked how much the company generated in revenue for the year. I knew the expenses but not the revenue. I assumed it would be around a 10-15% net margin. You know what it was? It was 1% and no I did not leave out a 0, it was one fucking percent. Net profit was around $500MM but think about that low net profit margin and the small margin of error to not easily be deep in the red.

Anyway, for people who think they have a clue about the oil and gas industry and think it is so simple to just find oil and pull it out of the ground, I highly recommend you do a little research before you talk out of your ass when you have no idea what you are talking about. I liked the movie "There Will be Blood" but that's not how it works now. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
"six months"!!!

You do mean the office expenses don't you?

Well, look at the "bright side" ....!

You have more experience than the POTUS & VPOTUS together.

Does either one have a driver's license?
I suspect it ain’t WTF he’s directing that to.
LexusLover's Avatar
I suspect it ain’t WTF he’s directing that to. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Don't take it personally. LM is still in the basement.

Bitten got out before LM did.
LexusLover's Avatar
congrats for telling us what all of us already knew. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That "big business" is not supposed to make a lot of profit!

In that business (O&G) they pay a lot of taxes to the state and locals ... and then there's the pump taxes the consumers pay.

"six months" putting numbers in columns and rows!!!!

And so a house builder starts a thread on international oil policy ... and a bookkeeper calls him out on his six months of experience!

Sounds like our current POTUS & VPOTUS ... circle jerking.

LM also knows more about murder trials that the housebuilder!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2022, 05:32 AM
Did Luke just beat up wtf for talking out of his ass?

Why yes, I believe he did! Originally Posted by lustylad
No, he wasn't talking about me junior.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2022, 05:56 AM
I suspect it ain’t WTF he’s directing that to. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
That God damn lustylad does not seem to know the difference between permits and land sales. Does not have a clue that oil companies are plowing more back into stock buyback and dividends instead of "drill baby drill".

And LexusLover is nothing but a fucking parrot, he doesn't know shit about how the worldwide oil industry operates....I'm suprised he hasn't brought up the Clinton's or drooled over Trump and his golden showers.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2022, 05:59 AM
Biden was FORCED to resume issuing permits after a federal judge blocked his Executive Order pausing them!

Are you trying to give Sleepy Joe credit for being smacked down by a federal judge??

States like New Mexico, Wyoming, Alaska and North Dakota rely on royalties from fossil fuels to fund up to 2/3 of their state budgets. No wonder they all sued to block Biden's moratorium on permits!

"The administration tried in its first days in office to put a stop to new oil and gas drilling. On January 27, Biden signed an executive order that paused new permits...

But a lawsuit filed in March on behalf of 13 states led to a judgment that blocked Biden's pause.

The Biden administration is moving forward with the new leasing, and White House press secretary Jen Psaki said their hands are tied.

"We're required to comply with the injunction; it's a legal case and legal process," Psaki told reporters Monday. "But it's... not aligned with our view, the President's policies or the executive order that he signed." Originally Posted by lustylad
Really???? You think those permits are related to these land leases?

Reread the thread title and just stfu
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2022, 06:13 AM
This whole charade about energy independence being some kind of security blanket for low oil prices in this country is idiotic.
The Posts in this thread by WTF indicates that he might be going off in the deep end again.

I guess it is inevitable since he realizes that the asinine policies of the politicians he supports are driving this Country right off the cliff.

I would feel the same way if one day I realized that the man I supported for the highest office on the Planet is an old, stupid, inept, senile corrupt piece of shit.

Through all of his visceral rhetoric concerning world energy needs, he can’t discount the fact that under Trump’s policies, we were energy independent. It only took Biden about 2 minutes to destroy that with his fountain pen.

It’s a shame. Much of the time WTF seems like a rather normal poster, even using common sense and logic to further his ideas. But when he gets triggered, he catches himself trying to defend the indefensible and he snaps.
... Hee Hee! ... Reckon it's surely entertaining
to see some of the liberal lads contort themselves this way
and that as they flail-about in a sad attempt to justify
Biden's idiotic idea of NOT WANTING TO DRILL.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Defending the indefensible?

Sounds like exactly what triggers each and every Trumpist on this forum.

Yet they don’t see it that way,

More personal attacks and schadenfreude in this thread than substance.

Wouldn’t it be nice if that shit came to an end?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2022, 09:17 AM
Triggered? I'm trying to make some of you Chicken Littles some money....turn off Hannity and Maddow and get a clue how the real world works. Everything revolves around energy, everything.

You poor bastards being led around by your emotions are missing out.

Jackie....we stopped exporting more than we were importing under TRUMP. Jesus, he shutdown the economy in March of 2020.